Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is what we have been up to!

My life has me going a million different ways and I am LOVING it! Chanc and I finally decided that its time to do something for us and we are so excited! It has been a blast picking out the plan and the location and just seeing Chanc and I putting all of our visions together to build an amazing home! I know its not much but it means the world to me!

I have to admit it has been A LOT of stress but not the ways I thought it would be, picking out colors, tile, carpet, appliances, and so on was a breeze! I knew just what I wanted and everyday it just got better and better! I have a collection of samples that I have worked very hard for haha! Is there such a thing as a sample hoard? Because if so I am doing a great job! I am well on my way to claiming that title!!! Chanc makes fun of me because every picture I send him of a certain object I'm picking between I have my carpet, floor tile, cabinet, and paint sample in the same picture! When people see me struggling as I walk in to the store with all my samples I think they are scared of what I will do next! I think it has helped a lot with the whole vision of seeing what it will all look like together!

People always said "O good luck building a house is so hard on your marriage" and I still haven't experienced that! Chanc and I have such similar taste and we love all of the same stuff so its been so fun just watching our dream come true! I will keep updating pictures but once it gets closer to being done I probably won't post much but I would love to take anyone on a tour inside if they would like! I have become quite the tour guide!

Thanks to Blaine, who is Chanc's step dad, he has put so much love and devotion in to this house! He is actually our contractor and has literally made this all happen over night! He has been a dream to work with and I truly appreciate all the time he has taken out of his life to do this for us! It means the world to us!

My mom and dad have been there through every nail and every decision I have made! I call them for a sounding board or for advice! I have taken them both through the house numerous times and I know that my dad has stopped by there several times when he is alone I think he is pretty excited as well! I love to see how proud they are of us its such a great feeling to know that we are on the right track!

Friday, May 21, 2010


I have seriously struggled at blogging lately! I haven't had much to talk about or write about because life is just so crazy I feel like I have nothing to post but at the same time I feel like I have tons to post! So for now I will give you no details but I will say that I love you all and thanks for checking up on us! I feel like my life is flying by and I can't even catch a breath but here are some things I do know-

I love my life

I am totally obsessed with cooking dinner for Chanc! I love the feeling that he can just come home and eat and then we can spend the rest of the night together in our sweats! I also love Chanc he is truly my best friend and the best husband a girl could ask for! He knows just how to love me and he is also great at shopping for me! What can I say I am one lucky girl!

I watch a lot of tv! It seems like I am always catching up on my DVR! I do not care who wins American Idol I fell in love with NO ONE so good luck to them both!

I am so so so busy I feel like I never have time to clean! Which is huge for me.... I usually clean EVERY SINGLE DAY but lately I am lucky to even get a shower in! I have been rockin the ponytail A TON!

I am at the gym A LOT I love zumba, I love sweating, and I love my new tennis shoes

I still HATE shape ups I see them more and more and they make me want to cry!

I cannot wait to see Sex and the City 2 it is going to be amazing! I love just going with the girls and having a great time! Thanks for picking us up last time Chanc LOVES!

I am still a Twilight fan and I am constantly talking about how excited I am for the movie to come out! Breaking Dawn will be just a great movie for everyone not just silly High School love!

I hate having storage! I wish I could rent a dumpster and fill it up with all of those boxes in my closet! There is no need for it all but we can't seem to let it all go!

The end!!!! Sorry such a random post but I thought I had to write about something so people don't forget about us! Love you all and will post again soon!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Brody J

I know I know I am totally obsessed with my dog! It's a sick obsession and I know that you have probably seen a lot of these photos, but as I sit here cuddling him and loving him more than ever I thought I would upload some pictures to remind you all of how adorable and perfect my son is! Go ahead and call me psycho but who knew Chanc and I would fall in love with such a hairy little rat! Best Christmas present ever!