Monday, January 25, 2010

Tricia turns 26

The ladies on our way to "Zumanity" it was quite the show!

We were sitting in the truck trying to distract Tricia while the boys were trying to find their way to New York New York! PICTURE TIME!

Me and my baby at Cheesecake Factory, DELICIOUS!

The Carter's! Happy birthday bestie I hope you had a great weekend! I loved spending it with you!

We stayed at Tahiti Village in a way nice Suite! We actually went with Matt and Tricia Carter and Megan and Brandon England! I realize now that I didn't take many pictures but I know between the ones I get from Meg and Trish I will add more images to this! Thanks for such a memorable weekend full of lots of food, shopping, and fun! Can't wait to do it again!

I finally met a real live celebrity! Chanc and I were in Vegas for a fun weekend getaway and as we we were walking down the "cat-walk" inside the Fashion Show mall this guy was dressed like a total freak and I turn to Chanc and like totally mocking the freaky dude I said "Who the hell does he think he is?! Redfoo from LMFAO?!" All of the sudden Chanc says "No really Kayleigh that really is the dude from LMFAO not kidding!" So all in all I am pretty proud to say I made fun of a celebrity! I freakin rock!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


January~On January 24th Chanc and I were spending the day in St. George shopping and having some time together! While at dinner I got a phone call from my mom that would change the family forever! She didn't have much information but all we knew was my aunt Joleen was rushed to the hospital, Joleen had called 911 saying she was having a panic attack and coughing up blood. Once she got to the hospital she went into cardiac arrest, it took them so long to recover her, and that her brain just went too long without oxygen, and so the tissue started to die. We all sat in the ICU waiting room for four days while more family was traveling to St. George and we sat there together crying, reminiscing, and being there for each other in absolute shock! Every time the Doctor came in to talk to us the news got progressively worse! On Wednesday the 28th my cousin Brittany was legally in charge of making the decision to take her off life support, along with her brother and sister Kevin and Natalie also her husband Jeramy! I know I would never have the strength to do what they had to do in that short time! And I know Joleen Munson will forever be in our hearts!

February~ As many of you know if I could I would be a beach bum for life! I love to spend time laying out and I am always telling Chanc that its time to go on another vacation! In February we went on a cruise on the Royal Caribbean! We drove to Los Angeles and boarded for a fun seven day cruise! We went to Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, and then back to LA! We always have the time of our lives and eat ourselves silly! We love going to all the comedy and late night shows! We soaked up alot of sun and just enjoyed each others company!

March~ I cannot believe that I am 23 although that doesn't seem old to me it's just crazy how time flies! I still have my High School job and feel like I should have a curfew, so to be blessed with what I have is more than I can ever ask for! Chanc and our good friends Mike and Kristen planned an amazing suprise birthday party for me! Chanc took me to ninja and I pretty much pouted the whole car ride there that all our friends are to busy for us so when I walked in to see about 12 of our friends waiting for me I was blown away! Kristen did alot of work and alot of planning to get it all together for dinner and also at her house! We played Rock Band and just played all night long! Chanc got me a really cute DQ ice cream cake that was bright pink of course!

April~ Well April is kind of a blank page for me! I know we spent alot of time in Mesquite gambling and laying out with our freaking awesome friends Sharon and Aaron! But I do however remember starting out April with a text from my dad saying that he had an accident in the Chemistry lab and he got some burns and was going to the ER I was freaking out! I flew out of bed and started to get dressed when I realized it was APRIL FOOLS DAY! O my gosh I was so mad that I got pranked! But hilarious at the same time!

May~ Chanc bought tickets to the Taylor Swift Fearless Concert! It was such a great show and Taylor Swift is by far my favorite artist right now! She is amazing live and her whole band and set was just crazy! Kelly Pickler was the opener for her show and she rocked as well! It was so fun to watch two friends sing and perform together! I actually got to hug and touch Taylor Swift! She was walking down on the floor and just happened to notice me freaking out and gave me a hug!

June~ My husband is getting old! On June 14th Chanc turned 25 years old! We went to California for a little weekend getaway and Chanc got tickets to an Angels-Dodgers game! It was the first professional baseball game I have ever been to and we loved it! We ate alot of junk food and just acted like total crazy fans! It was fun to watch the rivalry between the fans! Once the beer got flowing some of the fans got a little out of hand and we enjoyed watching all of them yell at each other! Kobe Bryant was at the game as well so it was fun to watch all the crowd scream and cheer when they would put him on the big screen, I also thought the rally monkey was the funniest thing ever! We didn't pay to go to Disneyland however we did go to downtown Disney and watched the fireworks and did a little window shopping! We ate some great mexican food and I think I convinced Chanc to take me back there one day and actually go to Disney Land!

July~ The Munson family gets together once a month to celebrate birthdays from that month, we also get together for Easter, 4th of July, and almost every other holiday my grandma invites everyone to her house for dinner if they have no where else to go. We also do one big family reunion and this year we got to go to my Aunt Lanette and Steve Bulloch's property up on Cedar Mountain! It was beautiful up there! We put up our tents and played card games and cooked alot of great food! There was also a couple of 4-wheelers up there and I spent alot of time taking turns with the little kids driving them around! I love to spend time with my amazing family and am so thankful for everything they do for me! Chanc was to busy with work to make it up the mountain and we all missed him dearly!

August~ I had such an awesome opportunity of being in one of my best friend Tricia Chesnik's wedding! We cheered together in High School for one year and we also use to work out at Golds together! We saw each other once a month at girls night but once wedding plans were in full force we spent a ton of time together! We had a fun girls trip to Vegas to try on dresses also to pick out shoes and jewelry! I think Tricia was my twin seperated at birth! We do everything alike and love all the same things! Shopping with her is like the best ever because we wear the same clothes and shoes and both love KVZ purses! Her wedding was August 8th, she married Matt Carter at the Villa Gardens in St. George! It was beautiful and she worked her butt off for such an amazing day! We had a blast and danced the night away! I love to watch Matt take care of Tricia and love the crap right out of her! Thanks again Matt and Tricia for letting me share your day with you!

September~ Every September 11th I spend most of my day thinking about my dad! I still remember every second of that horrible day! I can't even imagine what it felt like to be one of the families that lost their loved ones! My dad was a flight attendant at the time and I paniced up until the split second that my dad called me! I am so lucky to have him in my life and am so thankful to have him living in Cedar right now! He is attending SUU and going into the nursing program! We go out to lunch at least twice a month and just enjoy talking about everything! I am one lucky girl to have my parents be able to be so close and spend time with both of them!

October~ In October we went with another couple to Cancun Mexico for our two year anniversary! It was so beautiful and I can't wait to go back! We stayed at the Cancun Palace and acted like total tourists! We went to Tulum and Chichen Itza! The couple we went with was such a blast! Bridget use to work with me at Winger's until she married Derrik and moved away! Chanc and Derrik act like two total retards together! It was the perfect mix and we spent everyday and night with them! We made so many amazing memories!

November~ Thanksgiving this year was with the Munsons! We spent the day eating ALOT and then we had to watch all the football games! It was a surreal feeling that my Aunt Joleen wasn't there! She was in Charge of the pies every year because she made the best pies ever! The rest of the family pulled together and made a whole table full of pie but it seemed as though dessert didn't sound as appetizing this year, this was one of those times that will never be the same!

December~ Christmas this year I have already blogged about but I will sum it up once more! We got everything we could ever dream of and got to spend quality time with the ones we love the most! Every year my mom has a Christmas morning that I will never forget and that I will cherish forever! She always makes the house look so nice, buys everyone matching pajamas, and knows exactly what to get us! My mom is one of the most amazing people I have ever met! She has struggled through much and pulled through on top! She loves her kids with all of her heart and she would do anything for any one of us! I hope one day I can be a mom just like her!