On a side note I think Brody yelled at my plant when I wasn't home! They always say talk to your plant but I think Brody took it to far! I am not blaming him I'm just saying!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Poor little guy!
I have always wanted a plant but moving from rental to rental I didn't see the point of taking it with us so I waited until we moved in to our new home! I took my dad to Home Depot and he helped me pick out the pot, soil, and vitamin sticks for the plant and I was home to grow my own little guy! I put him in his own little pot and talked to him the whole time! Brody hated him from the word "Go" he barked at him and kept a close watch on him for weeks to come! I watered him when he looked thirsty and gave him a couple extra vitamin sticks when he started turning brown! Chanc just kept saying "Hun your plant is dying" I would say NOOOOO! Finally I convinced him to take my little plant to the plant doctor! Needless to say he was dead! Sad Sad Sad! There was no life left in this little guy! Chanc just ripped him out of his little pot and off his rock and put him out in the cold :( so sad! I didn't even get to say goodbye! I don't get how Brody is still living if I can't even keep a plant alive! Maybe Chanc helps out with him more than I know!

On a side note I think Brody yelled at my plant when I wasn't home! They always say talk to your plant but I think Brody took it to far! I am not blaming him I'm just saying!
On a side note I think Brody yelled at my plant when I wasn't home! They always say talk to your plant but I think Brody took it to far! I am not blaming him I'm just saying!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Day 20 - someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
Ummm DUH! Chanc and Kayleigh is the answer here!
I think what we have is right! I think marrying your best friend is the most amazing thing in the world! I think marrying a man who loves the way you look with no make up, a pony tail, and sweats is perfect!
I love when Chanc smiles! I love to hear him laugh when we are watching a movie! I love how hard he works each and everyday to provide for us! I love how slow and cautious he drives even though we are late everytime we go anywhere! I love knowing all of his favorite foods and when I cook them for him he is like a kid on Christmas!
I don't mean to get all mushy and be one of those blogs that you get grossed out by so sorry the next blog will be not as lovey dovey!
I think what we have is right! I think marrying your best friend is the most amazing thing in the world! I think marrying a man who loves the way you look with no make up, a pony tail, and sweats is perfect!
I love when Chanc smiles! I love to hear him laugh when we are watching a movie! I love how hard he works each and everyday to provide for us! I love how slow and cautious he drives even though we are late everytime we go anywhere! I love knowing all of his favorite foods and when I cook them for him he is like a kid on Christmas!
I don't mean to get all mushy and be one of those blogs that you get grossed out by so sorry the next blog will be not as lovey dovey!
Day 19 - nicknames and why you have them
I (kayleigh) have never really had a nick name! Through out the years nick names come and go but none have ever really stuck! It's kind of hard to come up with a nickname that goes with Kayleigh though so I don't blame ya for not being creative friends and coming up with one! My mom has a nickname for me but I won't post it! Thats just awkward!
Chanc- Chank, Chank the Tank, Jim or John (inside joke)
Chanc- Chank, Chank the Tank, Jim or John (inside joke)
Day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have
I'm not much for setting goals! I feel like as long as I am working to become a better person that is good enough! I love my job and how life is going right now so I can't complain! Chanc has been home at a good time lately and we have been cooking dinner a lot more and spending much needed time together! Sometimes I just look at Chanc and realize how lucky I am and how much he loves me for all my crazy ways! But if I had to pick a goal it would be to go to Hawaii next year!!!!!
I dream that one day Brody will actually talk to me! I know he understands me but can you just imagine if one day he said "Mom" or "I love you" that would be so cool! A little freaky but man I love that little guy!
Plans you ask? No idea haha as of right now the plan is to just keep on truckin! We love our new house! Chanc put up Christmas lights so I am happy as can be! Getting excited for Christmas! I love giving people presents! Chanc always tries to put me on a budget of what I can spend on people but I usually break the rules and get what I want but he is always so patient with me and says "Well just remember this for next year and we will do better right?" Sure I will wink wink :)
I dream that one day Brody will actually talk to me! I know he understands me but can you just imagine if one day he said "Mom" or "I love you" that would be so cool! A little freaky but man I love that little guy!
Plans you ask? No idea haha as of right now the plan is to just keep on truckin! We love our new house! Chanc put up Christmas lights so I am happy as can be! Getting excited for Christmas! I love giving people presents! Chanc always tries to put me on a budget of what I can spend on people but I usually break the rules and get what I want but he is always so patient with me and says "Well just remember this for next year and we will do better right?" Sure I will wink wink :)
Day 17 - someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
She is beautiful
Gorgeous hair
Bangin body
Amazing voice
Pretty teeth
Man I could go on and on! I love Carrie Underwood and I would do anything to be her for a day!
She is beautiful
Gorgeous hair
Bangin body
Amazing voice
Pretty teeth
Man I could go on and on! I love Carrie Underwood and I would do anything to be her for a day!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Day 16 - Another picture of yourself
Day 15 - a picture of you and your family
Family is very important to me! So I am going to start it off with my favorite family portrait! I love our little family and we are not planning on adding to it anytime soon but thanks for asking!
I see my close family like once a week and my entire family almost once a month! This is a trip I took to Disneyland a couple of years ago with my brothers Denny and Gavin and my Mom and Dad! It was so much fun! We are crazy crazy people!

This is a picture of my side of the family at our wedding! Trust me it has only gotten BIGGER! Way way bigger haha!

Chanc's family is more scattered all over so its hard to get them all together so these are the only ones I could find! This is from the day we got engaged! It was an amazing day! Chanc and I have a love for our families that is incredible so when we got engaged a lot of them were there to experience it with us! It is a day I will never forget and I have plenty of pictures and video that I look back on often!

And last but not least my awesome sister and little Kai! I think Neil and Chanc were taking the pictures so it was just of Shalon, Kai, and I! I wish I got to see these guys more often but you know how busy life is :( we do text and she visits me at Winger's and sends me fun pictures so I guess that is good enough!!!
This is a picture of my side of the family at our wedding! Trust me it has only gotten BIGGER! Way way bigger haha!
Chanc's family is more scattered all over so its hard to get them all together so these are the only ones I could find! This is from the day we got engaged! It was an amazing day! Chanc and I have a love for our families that is incredible so when we got engaged a lot of them were there to experience it with us! It is a day I will never forget and I have plenty of pictures and video that I look back on often!
And last but not least my awesome sister and little Kai! I think Neil and Chanc were taking the pictures so it was just of Shalon, Kai, and I! I wish I got to see these guys more often but you know how busy life is :( we do text and she visits me at Winger's and sends me fun pictures so I guess that is good enough!!!
Day 14 - put your ipod on shuffle, first 10 songs that play
Well since this is my blog i can blog about whatever I want right?! So I am changing this one to my top 10 songs right now! Ta-Da I am the boss!
1. Taylor Swift Better Than Revenge
2. Will-I-Am Big and Chunky
3. Rihanna and Eminem Love the way you lie part 2
4. Kenny Chesney You had me from Hello
5. Miranda Lambert The house that Built me
6. Katy Perry Teenage Dream
7. Justin Beiber Baby (hee hee)
8. Taylor Swift Back to December
9. Rascal Flatts The day before You
10. And I know if it was up to Chanc he would insert a Pearl Jam song here :)
1. Taylor Swift Better Than Revenge
2. Will-I-Am Big and Chunky
3. Rihanna and Eminem Love the way you lie part 2
4. Kenny Chesney You had me from Hello
5. Miranda Lambert The house that Built me
6. Katy Perry Teenage Dream
7. Justin Beiber Baby (hee hee)
8. Taylor Swift Back to December
9. Rascal Flatts The day before You
10. And I know if it was up to Chanc he would insert a Pearl Jam song here :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Day #13 A letter to someone who has hurt you recently!
My letter to someone who has hurt me recently is to Kim Kardasian and Kris Jenner so please read the next blog below and that will count as my letter :)
Moving on the day #14 man this is fun!
Moving on the day #14 man this is fun!
Important Announcement!
Hello friends I am blogging early this morning to tell you one thing! I would first like to start off by telling you how big of a shock this was to me! I almost threw up my golden grahams just barely thinking about it!
Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner are the new faces of SHAPE UPS!!! I am soooooo angry! How dare they do this to me?! I know I have blogged about my feelings towards shape-ups before but I just can't get it out of my mind! Chanc was watching the George Lopez show two nights ago while I was peacefully sleeping on the couch and Kris Jenner was the guest on his show well she made the big announcement! Chanc said he was going to wake me up and have me watch it but he didn't want to ruin my day and he knew that it would give me nightmares haha! So he recorded it for me so he wouldn't have to be the one to tell me! Last night as we were eating dinner he said "Kayleigh, I have something to show you but it might upset you" I was so confused so then he turned on the recording of Kris Jenner and told me to brace myself for some big announcement! When those words came out of her mouth that they would be the new shape up spokespeople (is that a word) my jaw dropped and Chanc just started laughing so hard! Needless to say I had to have a piece of chocolate cake to calm me down! As you can tell I am still not over it today! Why Kim WHY?!?!?!
Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner are the new faces of SHAPE UPS!!! I am soooooo angry! How dare they do this to me?! I know I have blogged about my feelings towards shape-ups before but I just can't get it out of my mind! Chanc was watching the George Lopez show two nights ago while I was peacefully sleeping on the couch and Kris Jenner was the guest on his show well she made the big announcement! Chanc said he was going to wake me up and have me watch it but he didn't want to ruin my day and he knew that it would give me nightmares haha! So he recorded it for me so he wouldn't have to be the one to tell me! Last night as we were eating dinner he said "Kayleigh, I have something to show you but it might upset you" I was so confused so then he turned on the recording of Kris Jenner and told me to brace myself for some big announcement! When those words came out of her mouth that they would be the new shape up spokespeople (is that a word) my jaw dropped and Chanc just started laughing so hard! Needless to say I had to have a piece of chocolate cake to calm me down! As you can tell I am still not over it today! Why Kim WHY?!?!?!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Day # 12 How I found out about blogger and why I made one
Well everyone knows that part of getting married means that you have to start a blog right?! So I guess it was only a matter of time once Chanc and I said "I do" that I had to start blogging about anything and everything! One of my girl friends Kristi has always been into blogging and she always told me to start one and she taught me a lot about how to work them and now here I am totally obsessed and so glad I blog because it give me something fun to do and to look forward to one day to look back and read!
The End!
The End!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Day #11 Another Picture of Friends!
Day #10 Songs we listen to when we're happy, sad, bored, hyper and mad!
Well the song we can't get enough of lately is called "Big and Chunky" Will-I-am sings it! And yes it is from Madagascar 2! I first heard it while prepping for a new dance for my zumba class but now Chanc has it on his phone and we sing it all the time, and occasionally dance :)
Sad songs are just to sad so I try not to listen to them!
I am always pretty energetic but I love to listen to anything with a good beat to dance to! Hyper music= Zumba CD's for sure! It is sad to admit but there are many times I catch myself singing out loud to some random zumba music needless to say I have no idea what they are actually saying in most of those songs because I don't speak Beto's language! I love to sing Waka Waka it gets me pretty hyped up! I even sing it to my class and of course they stare at me like I'm CRAZY!
Mad is easy! Taylor Swift! Her new CD is awesome and man alive she has a way with words for sure! I love all of her new songs if you want to hear one of my Fav's it's called Better than Revenge! Google it!
Sad songs are just to sad so I try not to listen to them!
I am always pretty energetic but I love to listen to anything with a good beat to dance to! Hyper music= Zumba CD's for sure! It is sad to admit but there are many times I catch myself singing out loud to some random zumba music needless to say I have no idea what they are actually saying in most of those songs because I don't speak Beto's language! I love to sing Waka Waka it gets me pretty hyped up! I even sing it to my class and of course they stare at me like I'm CRAZY!
Mad is easy! Taylor Swift! Her new CD is awesome and man alive she has a way with words for sure! I love all of her new songs if you want to hear one of my Fav's it's called Better than Revenge! Google it!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Day #9 Something we are proud of in the last month!
Well it wasn't in the last month but I recently got a job at a Doctor's office and I love it! The hardest part of my day now is trying to remember what color of scrubs I am suppose to be putting on that morning! I am still working at Winger's and teaching Zumba but the moral of this story is that I am proud of getting a new job and so thankful!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Day #8 Goals for the Month
My goals for the month are:
Keep my belly full
Do lots of Laundry
Clean a lot
Avoid Wal-Mart
Watch some shows on my DVR so I have room for new shows
Spend some fun time with Chanc
And last but not least play lots with Mr. Brody J
Keep my belly full
Do lots of Laundry
Clean a lot
Avoid Wal-Mart
Watch some shows on my DVR so I have room for new shows
Spend some fun time with Chanc
And last but not least play lots with Mr. Brody J
Monday, November 15, 2010
Day #7 People that have had the biggest impact on our lives!
The people that have the biggest influence on our lives is super easy Chanc will have a say in this one as well because I know exactly who he would say!
Chanc's grandma Inge not only one of his best friends but also a great cook!
Day #6 Who is my Superhero and Why?
My superhero:
That's easy! Cancer survivors!
My Mom and Dad are my hero's without a doubt! They have both fought cancer and won! They are truly the real hero's out there! They have never once complained when it comes to check ups and visits and the thought that they have won such a terrible battle makes me so proud to say that they are my parents! I cannot imagine my life without them and I thank God everyday that they are still such a big part of my life! I am so lucky!
Also one of my best friends from High School is a survivor! She is one of the most amazing people I know and she truly is the perfect example of a survivor! She is an amazing mother and wife and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of her and her family's life! They are some seriously awesome people!
Because of its many forms and how common it has become, there is not doubt in my mind that everyone in the world knows at least one person who has been affected by cancer. I hope that one day we find a cure for this terrible disease so we no longer have to see our loved ones suffer!
PS I know this is the "Jensen blog" but pretty much this only consists of Kayleigh's hero list! I am sure Chanc has one too!
Also one of my best friends from High School is a survivor! She is one of the most amazing people I know and she truly is the perfect example of a survivor! She is an amazing mother and wife and I am so thankful that I got to be a part of her and her family's life! They are some seriously awesome people!
Because of its many forms and how common it has become, there is not doubt in my mind that everyone in the world knows at least one person who has been affected by cancer. I hope that one day we find a cure for this terrible disease so we no longer have to see our loved ones suffer!
PS I know this is the "Jensen blog" but pretty much this only consists of Kayleigh's hero list! I am sure Chanc has one too!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Day #5 A picture of where we have been
A place where we have been to Is a hard one because I have so many I would like to put here but I won't so here is two really fun ones!
Well anywhere Beach-E is like paradise to me so this is a picture of Tulum and also the view at our hotel in Cancun! So amazing! I miss you Cancun Palace! A place where we have been to Is a hard one because I have so many I would like to put here but I won't so here is two really fun ones!
Day #4 Habits we wish we didn't have.
A habit I wish I didn't have hmmm there are so many!
I wish I didn't chew my nails
I wish I wasn't so obsessed with cleaning
I wish I wasn't addicted to shopping
I wish Chanc and I could spend more time together
I wish I didn't chew my nails
I wish I wasn't so obsessed with cleaning
I wish I wasn't addicted to shopping
I wish Chanc and I could spend more time together
Day #3 A picture of us with friends!
Sorry for picture overload on this one but I have some good friend pictures and I want to put them all :)
Never a dull moment with Aaron and Sharon! Waiting for fireworks at the Utah Summer Games!
Never a dull moment with Aaron and Sharon! Waiting for fireworks at the Utah Summer Games!
Some of the girls on Cherish's last day! Sad!
Halloween 2010
Supercross! We had a total blast screaming at all the riders!
Cancun 2009 the is one of the best vacations we have ever gone on! Bridget and Derrik were a total blast and we talk about this trip all the time!
I got to be a bridesmaid for one of my bestie's wedding! It was beautiful and I was so lucky to be able to be part of it!
This is easily one of my favorite pictures EVER! Everytime I look at this picture I laugh SO hard! Needless to say I am not good at tubing! But I think I kept Matt and Tricia pretty entertained! Such a fun lake trip!
Midnight 5k with my girlies!
Olive Garden! Yummmy!
Sorry for picture overload on this one but I have some good friend pictures and I want to put them all :)
Bente Bradford 1935 ~ 2010Our beautiful and dearly loved Mother, Grandmother, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Neighbor, and Friend to so many passed away on November 1st, 2010. Bente touched everyone that she knew in such a positive and caring way.Bente was born in Odense, Denmark on September 27th, 1935 to a wonderful loving family. Bente was one of three children, survived by her elder sister Inge Jensen and younger brother Henning Kristiansen. Bente's parents were father Johannes Kristiansen and mother Anna Kristiansen. Her free spirit and love for life brought her to the United States at the age of 21 where she made her home in Sandy, Utah. She was able to share her life with many of her very close Danish and local friends who also reside in the Utah area. In 1965, she met her life-long husband, David P. Bradford, with whom she shared her life with for 45 wonderful years until her passing. In 1972, she gave birth to her only child, David "Scott" Bradford. In 2007 she became a grandmother to Benton Paul Bradford and later Berkeley Jean Bradford in 2009. Bente's dedication to being the very best wife, mother and grandmother to her family was a true joy of her life. Bente also had a love of children where she served as the librarian at Midvalley Elementary for many years. She also shared her joy with children as a Sunday school primary teacher. Bente had a beautiful voice and love of music which included her singing in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. She was such a happy and bright person who would often be singing around the house. Her personality, sense of humor and positive attitude brought joy to so many and she will be sadly missed. Bente is survived by her son Scott Bradford, husband David Bradford, sister Inge Jensen, brother Henning Kristiansen, and grandchildren Benton and Berkeley Bradford.
Bente will forever be in our hearts! We are going to miss her so much! Thank you Bente for always being such a happy and loving person and you will not be forgotten!
Friday, November 12, 2010
I promise I will continue on with my 30 days but life has been so hectic lately for now I will just leave you all with a little story!
Chanc: Picks up Brody to carry him in to bed
Kayleigh: "How come you never pick me up like that and carry me to bed?"
Chanc: "Because you never let me"
Kayleigh: "No, like that, like I'm as light as a feather"
Chanc: "Because you're not light as a feather you are more like the whole duck!"
O the things husbands say in the middle of the night! Priceless!
Chanc: Picks up Brody to carry him in to bed
Kayleigh: "How come you never pick me up like that and carry me to bed?"
Chanc: "Because you never let me"
Kayleigh: "No, like that, like I'm as light as a feather"
Chanc: "Because you're not light as a feather you are more like the whole duck!"
O the things husbands say in the middle of the night! Priceless!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day #2 The meaning behind our blog name
The meaning behind my blog is obvious! Its Chanc and Kayleigh's blog! Well in all reality it is just my blog (Kayleigh) but I know Chanc reads it so does that count?! Anyways thanks to all who read it and comment! I love you all!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day #1 A picture of us and 15 interesting facts!
1. Chanc and I have known each other since I was 13
2. I love Uggs
3. I love to cook for Chanc
4. If I don't get to clean everyday I literally almost cry
5. Chanc would eat a whole field of asparagus if I would let him
6. Chanc is my personal shopper! I go to the dressing room and he brings me things!
7. I married my best friend! And it is the best feeling in the world
8. My little brother aka ring bearer lost his tux on our wedding day!
9. I LOVE chocolate and Chanc loves gummy sugar stuff and we cannot agree on any treat
10. As a couple we are obsessed with Meteorite men, Pawn stars, American pickers! Must I say more?!
11. We buy our dog Brody a new toy EVERY TIME we leave town! The most recent one? A horse named Zenyatta!
12. Brody kisses us on the lips :s
13. I am obsessed with ZUMBA and I do it everyday in the living room or in my car!
14. I think about re-decorating my house at least once a week!
15. Chanc can make me laugh no matter how mad or sad I am! He has a way of loving me more than words can explain!
THE END! I did it day #1
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Looks like Fun!
So I stole this from Aysia but it looks like fun! I will probably not do it daily because I struggle at blogging so maybe some days I will do more than one so I can keep up!
30 Days of Me
Day 1 - recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2 - the meaning behind your blog name
Day 3 - a picture of you and your friends
Day 4 - a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 5 - a picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 6 - favorite superhero and why
Day 7 - a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
Day 8 - short term goals for the month and why
Day 9 - something you're proud of in the last few days
Day 10 - songs you listen to when you're happy,sad, bored, hyped and mad
Day 11 - another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - how you found out about blogger and why you have one
Day 13 - a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - put your ipod on shuffle, first 10 songs that play
Day 15 - a picture of you and your family
Day 16 - another picture of yourself
Day 17 - someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - nicknames and why you have them
Day 20 - someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
Day 21 - a picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - what makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - something you crave a lot of
Day 24 - a letter to your parents
Day 25 - what I would find in your bag
Day 26 - what do you think about your friends
Day 27 - why you are doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - a picture of you from last year and now, and how you've changed since then
Day 29 - in the past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - your favorite song
30 Days of Me
Day 1 - recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2 - the meaning behind your blog name
Day 3 - a picture of you and your friends
Day 4 - a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 5 - a picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 6 - favorite superhero and why
Day 7 - a picture of someone/something that has had the biggest impact on you
Day 8 - short term goals for the month and why
Day 9 - something you're proud of in the last few days
Day 10 - songs you listen to when you're happy,sad, bored, hyped and mad
Day 11 - another picture of you and your friends
Day 12 - how you found out about blogger and why you have one
Day 13 - a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14 - put your ipod on shuffle, first 10 songs that play
Day 15 - a picture of you and your family
Day 16 - another picture of yourself
Day 17 - someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18 - plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19 - nicknames and why you have them
Day 20 - someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
Day 21 - a picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22 - what makes you different from everyone else
Day 23 - something you crave a lot of
Day 24 - a letter to your parents
Day 25 - what I would find in your bag
Day 26 - what do you think about your friends
Day 27 - why you are doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28 - a picture of you from last year and now, and how you've changed since then
Day 29 - in the past month, what have you learned
Day 30 - your favorite song
Pumpkin Carving!
Halloween 2010
I told all of you that I would get a full body shot of Napoleon and here it is!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Year after year Chanc and I have been at odds about Halloween! He hates dressing up and he hates the Holiday! I on the other hand have always loved dressing up and going out to all the fun parties! So somehow I convinced him to dress up this year and he chose Napoleon Dynamite! It started with just the wig and glasses and then he ordered the t-shirt and Moon boots all on his own! So proud! Anyways as the day arrived to go to Syd and Dj's Halloween party Chanc wasn't so sure about actually committing and dressing up! Well by the time he got his shirt tucked in tight and his boots on he was Stoked! It was so much fun! He even admitted to me the next day that he actually might like dressing up for Halloween HECK YA!!!!! It was like music to my ears! Anyways here is a picture of the two of us! I am strawberry shortcake and my sexy little hubby did a great Napoleon face wouldn't you agree?! The only sad part is as I was looking through all of our pictures his boots aren't in any of them! But have no fear I will get a better shot of him on Halloween!
Chanc and I decided last minute on Friday to buy tickets and go to Tuacahn and see Thriller! It was fun but really cold! Of course Chanc came back from intermission with a Pretzel with Cheese and a Hot Cocoa! Awe I am lucky! He knows just how to make me happy haha! Anyways it was kind of disappointing to me this year! They did a weird twilight dance that made no sense, a Micheal Jackson dance with the most bizarre ending and to be honest the girls weren't that great this year! O well I am so glad we went because over all it was a great time! Chanc even laughed and said a couple times how much he liked some of the dances so I would say overall its a success!

This was the only shot we got from the night! We were running late of course and I was so bundled up I couldn't really get to the camera!
This was the only shot we got from the night! We were running late of course and I was so bundled up I couldn't really get to the camera!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ray's Day! Happy 50!!!
He had no idea! I told him that we were just having the whole family meet up at wingers for dinner! He drove to wingers and was so confused when there was no ones car there except mine! Chanc walked over to him and told him to put on the blind fold and get in the car! Chanc took a back way to our house and zigged and zagged to confuse him! Tons of my family and his friends were waiting impatiently outside my house for him to arrive!
The Grimm Reeper even made an appearance! This is Susan his boss and really good friend! She was a hit at the party and I was so so so glad that she stopped by!
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