Showing posts with label Cynthia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cynthia. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

Glad for Cache

An easy find out by Utah Lake (note the GPS )
So about one week before I took my daughter off to school, I was up late one night watching KBYU and the annual fund raising drive.  I was sort of depressed because I was wondering what the heck I was going to do with myself with my youngest cub leaving the den.  Just as I was about to go to bed some really handsome geeky guy came on to KBYU tv to help with the fund raising drive.  The show this man was from was a show called Treasure Trackers.  It told about a world wide game called "Geocaching"  or others describe it as "high-tech-hide and seek".  I was intrigued.  I had known about Geocaching from watching an episode of my favorite crime drama ,"Law and Order: Criminal Intent"  episode Unblinking Eye.  (In fact, I am watching the episode as I write this.)  But, I didn't really pay attention to it then.  But the documentary on
KBYU was right what I needed at the time to soothe me during the sadness of my empty nest depression.

It showed a bunch of people from all walks of life who hunted with their GPS systems for caches that were hidden all over the world.  Caches that are hidden in plain sight! But- camouflaged from everyday folks.  Well what do you know, a game I can play anywhere in the world for free?  I am a really good seeker of things; I just seem have a gift for finding things.  Just ask my mom, I always used to know where she hid her crap.  So as I went to the website and I began to do my homework.  

  • First, I registered for free on the website.  
  • Second, I typed in my zip code
  • Third, I dropped my jaw at the sheer amount of caches just on the west side of  Provo.
  • Fourth, I went to get my first cache at the Walkers just around the corner from our house.

It has all been so much fun since that first cache.  I bought myself a really great GPS unit dedicated to geocaching.  All I have to do is log on to the website and then I download the caches I want to seek out.  Since August 10,  2011 I have found  over 40 caches and have hidden 13 of my own in various places all around the city.  This is an activity that I plan to stick with for many years. Some of the benefits are exercise, good company*my daughter Jordan loves it*, and learning so much about the areas I visit.  I cannot think of a better family activity.  I only wish I knew about this activity when we lived overseas.  I could have really logged some great caches then.  I guess I will just have to start over and go back to revisit those places again!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Time is Statistics Time!

So Malaina has this nasty Biomedical Statistics test.  Ugh.  One of her goals is to go to the library to study.  It is supposed to help her with her concentration.  So off we go to the fabulous Pasadena Public Library. Built in 1927,  and designed by a famous Southern California architect named Myron Hunt, the interior is original complete with the cork flooring and oak furniture, and paneling.

 I really like the above photo.  Can you tell how busy I am?  I am actually taking up a seriously in demand electric plug and playing Cafe World and watching The Godfather at the same time.  And of course you cannot help but notice my beautiful man, Jon Bon Jovi, watching over me, keeping me safe from the lunatics who haunt the library on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

Malaina is pretty busy on her Mac checking her FB status.  But seriously she is working on her real job, Statistics.  Ugh.

Tomorrow off to historic Old Town Pasadena...........

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why do you think I am Glad????

(If you click on the above link, you will go to a really cool blog.  I think you might be interested in navigating yourself to this spot when you find yourself in Los Angeles.)

I didn't want to bother the other diners at the diner by using a flash here, so hence the grainy photos.  When this burger came to the table, I almost sent it back.  I had no idea how I would get my mouth around it, but I tasted an onion ring and kept the plate close by.  I have discovered that my mouth is plenty big enough to handle this burger.  (And as my friends know, plenty big enough to handle most any situation.)

I am glad because the food here was so yum, and affordable.

This is some sort of weird dessert that Malaina ordered.  When I go out to dinner, I always order a dessert that is different from my companion diner, then I can eat different desserts.

I ordered this homemade strawerry pop-tartI HAVE to find the recipe and create it at home,  it was delish!!! The chef nailed the icing, sprinkles and then topped it off with dehydrated strawberries

So Malaina's good friend Lisa knows L.A. like the back of her hand.  Every single neighborhood and just about every single restaurant, or diner, so thanks Lisa for carting us around!!!

Go to this restaurant if you:
  • don't mind a handsome/grungy tattooed, slightly stoned waiter.
  • a dark dingy homely street.
  • like good food.
  • want to hear scary people fighting with each other.
  • appreciate street musicians.  (We talked to a guy who played drums Miles Davis.)
  • enjoy a noisy, fun, interesting, vintage diner!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Glad for Fair Oaks Soda Fountain

If you don't want to put on 5 pounds, DO NOT READ THIS POST!!!!

As luck would have it, I happened into the charming little burg of South Pasadena.  It is just off the Gold Line Mission stop of the L.A. Metro system.  A town lost in the era of the early 20th century.  So lost that there is still a compound pharmacy and a real soda fountain in the town. Can anyone tell me if there is another place like this left in America?

A soda fountain with bar stools, girls in skirts and pumps, girls with bobbie socks, and a charming vintage tiled floor,

..and Soda Jerks behind the counter.

The city of South Pasadena is smart to keep its nearly 100 year old landmark intact.

I am smart to eat there.  My tuna on rye and my chocolate soda certainly filled me up to the brim of my throat.

This nice lady let me grab this photo of the banana split she was just about to share with her husband of 33 years.  She told me that they had moved away, but when they were in town, this was the first place they came.  I know I will be hitting this spot next week before I leave town.

The End, Fini, Fin, Adios.  until next week.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gladly Home Alone

Dave and I are having more and more chances to practice being empty- nester's.  We are sitting here watching the Stanley Cup Hockey Final.  Or rather, Dave is watching the final and running out between periods to water or clip a hedge, and I am playing on the computer.  Christina has gone off to a concert with her boyfriend, Jordan is at school then off with her boyfriend,  Malaina is permanently (sob) off in L.A. finding a cure for Alzheimer's.  My husband and I have so much to talk aboot (deliberate Canadian accent).  

  • Did you know that the Vancouver Canuck Goalee a man named Roberto Luongo, pictured above has broken the "Goalee Union"?  Apparently he gave negative commentary about the Boston Bruin goalee Tim Thomas.  A big no-no
  • Then in the very next game, the above goalee was yanked from the game because he sucked.
  • Then tonight  is game 7 so we shall see who wins the most important game of the Spring/Summer.
  • I have found out that all four of our sprinkler valves to the sprinkler system are working now!
  • But most importantly, he told me tonight that when he saw my picture in my most recent post, his heart went flitter/flutter, and he said he thinks I am still beautiful.  WOW!  I think I am going to like this empty nest business:)))
See?  Dave and I have communicated so well tonight that we have revitalized our marriage with just a few nice words and a hockey game.  Yipee!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Hair Matters

My hair had gotten so long that I was ready to cut it myself. My hairdresser is popular, she is always booked a few weeks out. I was calling, and emailing for a mercy appointment, but it wasn't going to happen.

Finally the day came. Everyone was coming home with pretty hair cuts and color except me

Here is Malaina at a guitar ensemble performance. Note the pretty hair.

Now just look at the new colors of these two lovelies.

I especially like the fire engine red of this sunset photo of Jordan.

Christina looks great as a brunette with blond tips. Just a fabulous cut and color.

Jordan is outraged that I took a picture of her en deshabille' at the Courtyard in St. George last weekend.

And here is the magician, my friend and hairdresser Suzanne Benson Saleem.
You can reach her at the Haven Salon here :
359 W 100 S Provo, UT 84601

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Eyelids are so Sad

My mother commented on my sad eyes in some of the last photos I posted. Thanks Mom! It is settled, my 2010 surgery is going to be eyelid surgery!!!!

Eyelid surgery

My father has such saggy eyelids that his vision is impeded by 70% and insurance is going to cover the cost.

I will be tucking money away, and investigating surgeons here in my area. I would like to know what your opinions about cosmetic surgery are. Vote at my poll or leave a comment here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

So it was Opera Night

Svetlana (also known as Malaina), Jordan and Me have season tickets to the Salt Lake Symphony and Opera.

Last night was Macbeth (also known as "Guilt will Kill Ya") Those of you who have never read Shakespeare's Macbeth, well in a nut shell it is a power-trip by Lady and Lord Macbeth to take the Scottish throne. Guilt eats them alive and they go insane with guilt and eventually die. Utah Opera did a really good job of Verdi's Macbeth. The tenor who played McDuff was very weak sounding however. The costuming was really clever, and I told the girls they should go as "wenches" for Halloween.
We Glad girls always, always go out to eat on Symphony night. We like to try new restaurants that we have never gone to before. Tonight was Thai Lotus, 212 E 500 S. SLC, UT. Well, I always order everything HOT, as in spicy HOT, and at Thai Lotus, they burned all my taste buds down to little nubs. I was sweating, and in lots of pain, but the food was awesome. We had Som Tam (green papaya salad) their version was missing the dried shrimps, too bad. Then we had Ginger Beef, umm.., Then came the Pad Thai, and the Green Curry Chicken. All were very, excellent. I love Thailand and the beautiful men dancers; all the best female dancers are men impersonating women. The most beautiful woman Dave ever saw was a man dressed as a Thai dancer.
I am the second most beautiful woman he ever saw.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cafe Rio Review

I can only recall doing one restaurant review before on this blog. I think it is time for another. But it is a bummer because Cafe Rio is paranoid of knockoffs or "corporate espionage" so they don't allow video or photography inside (and y'all knows I loves me some photography!). Jordan and I went to dinner after my physical therapy session. ( an aside)We are so funny... I made Jordan go with me because there is a good looking therapist at the office, I wanted her to flirt with him. Jordan is masterful at the art of flirting.

"Hi, I'm Jordan, this is my mother Cindy. What's your name? You look familiar, did you go to Provo? Oh really? Viewmont? My grandparents live directly across the street from the Viewmont tennis courts! How did you end up living here in Springville? Oh, you are on your last year at BYU, me too, only I go to UVU. What does this contraption plug into? Where did you serve your mission? Oh, wow, that's great..."
And on it goes. We actually had him blush once or twice.
He could not take his eyes off her.

So, we go into Cafe Rio at the Plum Tree Shopping center on the diagonal, and we walk in @ 6:00, and miracle of miracles, there is zero line! We both order the salad, mine grilled steak, her's grilled chicken. They have this really nice ranch, tomatillo, avocado, lime dressing that goes with it too. The salad comes with a large thick tortilla and melted cheese as a base. Then, beans, (pinto or black), rice, lettuce, pico, guacamole, cotilla cheese and a wedge of lime and then really good corn tortilla strips. Basically an unrolled huge burrito.

  • The food 9 out of 10. It was good value for money, very good. The salad was$ 7.95
  • Service. It would be 10/10 but the men would not stop staring at Jordan, and then making sucking noises at her while she was eating her food. 5/10
  • Cleanliness 9/10.
  • Overall 7/10... I'll be back.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Look for the Purple Purse

This is not the most flattering angle of me I must admit. But everything must be documented in my journey towards a happy foot.
I am getting some stimuli and heat before beginning the exercises.

I went to Nordstrom, and I was bad, very, very, bad. I have a new Makowsky handbag, in stylish lavender. I am crazy about it. The only way Dave can stop me from spending is to kick the crutches out from under me, and even then I can crawl.

Did anyone see last week's issue of Time? (click on the photo or here to read the article)

Shock of the year....did you know the family is under attack?!!? Once again, LDS faithful are in "the know" before the rest of the world. It is a very right of center article, and it is about Time (no pun intended).

Here is the gist...
  • Marriage is a covenant between man and wife (it should be more sacred)
  • A father in the home is essential. (even left wingers agree on this )
  • Affairs can damage children for a lifetime....duh


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Two imaginary images

Two amazing sights were before my very eyes this past week. No, it was not the spectacular fireworks at BYU, (only so so ). I want to KICK myself for not having my usually present camera around my neck. So dear friends, I will use the power of words to describe what my eyes have beheld. I must admit I looked on the Internet for substitute photos, but nothing could compare to what I saw.

Image one:

Dave and I ran up to Cabela's Outdoor Sports store in Highland. We were browsing and window shopping when I heard the guttural cries of an older handicapped child wanting attention. My eyes were drawn toward the sound by reflex, not to be nosy , but just because that is what happens right? The child was sitting in a shopping cart and he was fine, but it was the mother who drew my attention. My eyes started at her flip-flop clad feet and slowly rose to her unadorned tree trunk-sized thighs (two of my thighs equals one of hers). She was not wearing any shorts! She had just come from the swimming pool, and was only in her swimsuit and a short shirt! She was Amazonian in height, about 6 foot, and weighed about 280. She did not seem to notice the gaping jawed people who were drawn to her like I was , by an innocent child's cries, and her amazing lack of propriety~ Right on lady.

Image two:

Everyone knows I got my orange cast off. Well at my doctor's office there is a cast room where two patients at a time are treated at any given time. It so happens that the same lady was present at both of my times in that room, 6 weeks apart. The first time I met her was when I had my 2 week post op cast removed and my permanent cast put on. Once they took that cast off I was scratching and sending Tiny to the sink for wet paper towels and soap and water to clean off my foot. This lady was just getting her 6 week cast off and getting ready to have another 6 week permanent walking cast put on. She just sat there! She didn't try to scratch her leg or her foot, she didn't try to sneak off to the bathroom to give her self a pedicure or anything! They just sat there staring at me like I was some sort of freak for wanting to clean off the dead gunk on my foot. Her toes were white and cracked, yes cracked with dead skin.

Six weeks pass and it is once again time for me to get a new cast. I am expecting an
un- removable walking cast. I was prepared. I took a basin, to soak my foot, I took a towel, razor, clippers, pumice stone, callus blade, lotion, because I could not bear to think about another 6 weeks with no pedicure. I knew there would be time between cast removal and cast application for me to go to the bathroom and do a pedi.

So, who should be on the opposite table from me? Yes, this same lady 12 weeks post op getting her cast off. The technician put a large drop cloth on the floor beneath her feet which were dangling off the table. He threw the cast in the garbage can and Oh MY GOSH, you should have seen it, 100 running naked men could not pull my eyes away from the sight of her leg. She had not be washing her toes daily like I had. Her toes and foot were manila envelope yellow from thick dead skin. Her toenails were curled around her toes. Her, leg was caked with cracking orange skin. She had not been removing the dead skin like I had been. I was able to get my hand pretty far down my cast because of the loss of muscle tone, so I was keeping what I could reach of my leg pretty clean. The technician, wants her to walk to the x-ray machine in the other room, but before he does that, he grabs some paper towels and brushes her foot off and the skin begins to drop off onto the drop cloth and makes a similar sound of hail hitting the roof of your car.

Oh gee, the words above don't do the image justice, but it was fun to journal it just the same. I think I might look into become a cast technician.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Cast on.. Cast off..Cast on?

It has been 6 weeks since major foot reconstruction. I was such a good patient and was really good about staying off my foot for the entire time that my surgeon said I could have a surprise...

(ooh gross), No pedi's for 6 weeks!! Yikes

I think my right foot is one size smaller than my left.

  • I took a great bath! I soaked and removed lots of gross "yuck" off my foot.
  • I "Mom cleaned" (my friend Sue's words), the bathroom today. It was the best thing I have done for 6 weeks. I might go in and clean it tomorrow too.
  • I went downstairs for the first time in 6 weeks and did a load of laundry. (I can't carry it up yet, but) it was fun. The family kept it very orderly in there.
  • I cooked an egg sandwich. UMMm good.
  • I went to DILLARD's...Lancome' week. And yes... I bought a new pair of Teva's. And earrings.
  • I went out to Quizno's for dinner with Jordan.
  • I took movies back on my own two feet and two crutches to AdreAnn across the street.
  • I dead-headed some coreopsis flowers.
Okay, I had a great day. Christina felt well enough to go with the youth to the open house of the Oquirrh Mountian Temple. She said it was really beautiful and they had a nice turn out!

Now, I will post tomorrow about the lady who got her cast off the same time I did. It is a story that must go down in the annals of history!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Crap Storm at the Not So Glad Home

Let me get one thing straight. I ADORE my family. I ADORE being a wife and mother. I generally even really like myself most of the time too. But friends, this week was so terrible that I was wishing I knew how to use Dave's hand gun on myself. Okay, not really, don't call the cops or the bishop or the state hospital, I wasn't considering suicide, but man what a week.

Two Friday's ago Jordan and Tiny had Gum Grafts. Oral surgery that, for Jordan's case was quite serious and precarious, but for Jordan it was a snap. She had very little pain, and was back to work full time on Tuesday.

But, for my poor Christina, her pain was never under control. (at the ER) The surgeon gave her Forinol. This was a drug I had never heard of and when I read the pharmacy drug information sheet, I noticed that it was usually used for chronic headaches. (Later in the week my Pediatrician had NEVER heard of it either).I thought this was a strange choice of pain medication, but I really put my faith in this surgeon. We called him the next day and said she was in such pain, he said he didn't feel comfortable prescribing Lortabs to her. So we proceeded as directed adding Tylenol and Motrin alternately. By Monday morning she was vomiting, and her bowels were completely stopped. (I stopped the Forinol on WED.) Thursday night we spent the entire night in the ER. They pumped her full of morphine, took an xray and some blood and sent us home. The ER doc did say the xray showed that she was full of gas and good luck working that out. I had her at the Pediatricians by noon Friday.
He took one look at her and got our story straight and sent her right to the hospital.

He said he can't count how many times he has had to clean up messes left by surgeons who just send kids home with pain meds and that's it. He didn't even want to talk to the surgeon. We got her there and they pushed IV fluids and poor thing was so dehydrated that she didn't start to urinate until the second bag was nearly gone, almost 10 hours later.
The Good Boyfriend

IN THE MEAN-TIME.....Thursday night while we are at the ER with Tiny, a 6'1" white male PERVERT was snooping through my 21 year old Malaina's dorm room apartment up at the University of Utah. Her dorm has a kitchen-living area and 4 private bedrooms. Her roommate closest to the entrance woke up startled to see a man sniffing her dirty laundry. She let out a scream and the man groped her and stole her underwear and bras, then ran out. The girls have no idea how many hours the man was there. Malaina was freaked out. She sleeps with earplugs and an eye mask and is a very heavy sleeper, could he have gone through her bedroom, did he touch her? Those are the questions she is asking herself. She is very distraught. So Several hours later, after fingerprints, detective interviews, locksmiths etc. she is a wreck. She packs up her bags to come home on Trax. Jordan picks her up in Sandy and takes her to dinner and a movie, then to top it put a nail in the Gaddis coffin 'o crap.....

Jordan gets the mother of all Migraine headaches in the movie and they have to leave. ( When she gets a migraine it is Really bad and evil) Thank heaven Malaina can drive a stickshift and she takes her home. Jordan calls me in tears to check on her sister and I say :"Get thee to bed!!! Two percocets go now!" It was so bad that she woke up at 10:30 that night and was still sick and had to take two more tylenol pm's.

So let's recap Friday:
  • Mother on crutches
  • Sick Child in the hospital
  • Distraught victim adult daughter, barely holding herself together.
  • Drastically ill third daughter, with no one to care for her.
  • Husband who is ready to wire my jaw shut. (poor ain't easy living with 4 women including one freaked out wife and mother)
Here I am clucking over my chick

Sunday afternoon, I am still worried about Tiny, she has a low grade fever, and is not sleeping well. She is able to eat, but is too weak to walk and try to keep her bowels moving. I stay home with her while Dave takes Malaina back to the "U". The University is moving them to a new building and apartment, and is going to provide counseling. I hope she can get through the week. I think she may opt. to stay and Grandma and Grandpa's house. Jordan is better and is the least of my worries, except that she has a boyfriend she really likes.... but that is a whole other story.

Dave and Cindy still have the energy to race to the car at the end of a rotten day.
