I think my right foot is one size smaller than my left.
- I took a great bath! I soaked and removed lots of gross "yuck" off my foot.
- I "Mom cleaned" (my friend Sue's words), the bathroom today. It was the best thing I have done for 6 weeks. I might go in and clean it tomorrow too.
- I went downstairs for the first time in 6 weeks and did a load of laundry. (I can't carry it up yet, but) it was fun. The family kept it very orderly in there.
- I cooked an egg sandwich. UMMm good.
- I went to DILLARD's...Lancome' week. And yes... I bought a new pair of Teva's. And earrings.
- I went out to Quizno's for dinner with Jordan.
- I took movies back on my own two feet and two crutches to AdreAnn across the street.
- I dead-headed some coreopsis flowers.
Now, I will post tomorrow about the lady who got her cast off the same time I did. It is a story that must go down in the annals of history!
Would it be gross if I said that I just wanted to peel that dead skin off on your ankle? Okay, yeah, that's gross. :)
Glad you got to take a bath and you have some freedom now.
But the orange was so you! :)
I'm glad that you can start resuming parts of your life again.
Ha! yes Cari the skin would be tempting. I will blog about the lady I met today. Then we'll discuss.
and Sarah, I LOVED the orange cast. I am trying to think of a way to dye this one or paint it.
You could always hot glue some more pom poms on it. :)
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