Kids…. It’s TOUGH out THERE! I know this isn’t news to you, but it‘s just high time I said it! We are barraged with BAD NEWS and stress daily. At times, I would like to pull the curtains, build higher fences, and never pay attention to anything outside of these four walls for a very long time!
As a full-time artist and family caretaker I struggle with how I can “make a difference” through my art and daily life. Our family income is barely above the water line of poverty (LOL…sad but true), and my time is spent trying to create art and take care of those around me. This can no longer be an excuse! I must do better to be more aware of opportunities to make a difference….no matter how small!
I know my Whimsies bring smiles to the savaged hearts, and small moments of peace and hope to many. If you, or someone you know, needs a little reminder that you are thinking of them and that they matter, please leave a note here or on FACEBOOK, and I will contact you. I will send a little of my “heART” in your behalf or to you. I will do as many as I can each Friday, and hopefully, if we all think about a way that each of us can lift the wings of someone you know, or even a stranger, our World will be much brighter. Pay it Forward FRIDAYS… Lift the Wings of Another!!!