1. I love a good t.v. show. Last week, I mentioned The Hatfields and the McCoys... well, I loved it. Next week, I am anxiously awaiting the "new" Dallas.
Did you ever watch this?
Will you be watching??
2. Nap times at our home used to be a time where I would shower, do some laundry, get a jump start on dinner.... NOT ANYMORE! Over the past few months, I have been on a reading frenzy! I love to read, but since having children, I lost the energy and focus it would take to even read a book. So happy that I have got it back, but the problem now is that my nightstand is flooded with books! It is looking a little library-ish on my side of the bed! My brothers sweet girlfriend has even let me borrow her NOOK and I am reading as many Janet Evanovich books as possible before she comes to my house to confiscate it! So, have you read anything that is in the pile to be read or something that should be in the pile? Please let me know!
3. Red neck Riviera here we come!
I am so ready for vacation! I even started writing out my "to pack list"! Now if I can just figure out how we will all ride in the car, comfortably, for 13.5 hours! Y'all, start praying for us now!! That long in the car with Red and Baby Bear!!! OYE!
4. What happened to my baby??
It seems like she was just born yesterday, and now.. (sniffle sniffle) she is going to be 3! How did this happen? My baby is a big girl!!
With the birthday approaching, I am getting ready to start planning! I am thinking Strawberry Shortcake or a Disney princess party (Rapunzel).
5. Not such an insane week. It seems like I have fallen off of the "insane train", have no fear, I will be jumping back on the "insane train" tomorrow. Sometimes, ya just feel like working out, and then sometimes you just feel like baking a strawberry cake with vanilla icing and sprinkles and eating that for a few days. I am not proud of myself, but honestly, I am a fabulous baker and I needed to feed my family! Ha!