If you are not the least bit interested in potty training, pee, poop, sticker charts, and a princess toilets, then maybe you should check out the blog another day (this will not be reading material for ya)!
What a week! Two weeks ago, I stated that I would begin the potty training with Sophia. I was a little nervous about it, but I figured the girl is 3, and it is time. I had a lot of information from girlfriends who had recently done this with their children and it looks like they all survived and their kids are doing what they need to! So, 2 Monday's ago, I put Red in panties and every 20 minutes would drag her to the potty. She would sit and whine and nothing would come of it! I know! I even showed her a sparkly chart that I had created and glittery stickers to put on whenever she mastered the task, then I showed her all of my M&Ms and Skittles, and NOTHING! She wanted nothing to do with my dazzle me chart and handfuls of sweets. Like any defeated mother would do I took my handful of sweets and ate them while rethinking my game plan. During this rethinking time I cleaned up 3 accidents (which happened to be moments after we left the potty after our 20 minute intervals)! Geez! So, I went and got out our trusty size 6 Pampers and put them back on Red... she could have cared less.
So, after a recent post I had done on how I was going to potty train the tot, a friend sent me an email telling me about this super genius mother who had written an ebook about, 3 Day Potty Training. Umm, yes please! 3 days and she will be going to the bathroom, okay, now we are talking. I read the book, a little skeptical, but I read it. My friend had read it and it worked with her children and she had given it to her friends and not 1 of them had not been successful! So, either I try the technique and have Red potty trained or not try the technique and Red not be potty trained. So, I try.
So, I read Lora Jensen's words of wisdom and the whole time, I was like DUH! She says that if your child is 22 months of age, they are ready and this will work! Hello, Red is 36 months!
Last Monday, Red and I said goodbye to her diapers and hello big girl panties!
I will not lie. There were accidents. In fact, the whole first day there were accidents. In fact, every hour there was something, but I just stayed positive, kept reminding Sophia to tell me when she had to go (so much that she told me many times, I KNOW!!) After a sappy phone call to my momma after the end of day 1, oh, woe is me! She will go to college in diapers.....
Red ran into the room and said she had to teetee in the potty!!!
Well, she did! We cheered, there was dancing, I even teared up (I'm a sucker), there were glittery stickers, and Skittles, and the Hungry Hungry Hippo game. It was bliss.
Ten minutes later.... she pooped in her panties... but I just clung to that 1 success!
Day 2, no lie, it was hard. The first part of the day, there was a lot of soap and blotting on my carpet. Late that afternoon, the girl finally got it! After her nap (which she slept in her panties) she woke up we tee-teed, and then the rest of the day was good! There was even poop!
Day 3, we left the house for 1 hour, and she did not go in her panties! I had the potty in the car and that worked for her! Yes, there was probably 2 accidents, but she was getting it!
So, in 3 days, girlfriend had it figured out.
We still have about 2-3 accidents in the day, but that is okay, she is still learning her body and figuring this all out. I could not totally throw out the diapers (like the technique says to do), she sleeps in one at night, but it is pretty dry in the mornings.
So, would I tell my friends to read this?
Did it work for us?
Will you have to totally devote yourself to your child for three days?
Yes, I thought I already did that, but this is constant time with the child. No checking emails, talking on the phone, cooking, laundry. Just sitting with your child, playing, reading, talking, coloring, the whole day and night (never left her side)!
Side note: we did go to church on Sunday, I was told by Sophia's teacher that she was not in fact ready for panties at church! She went through 3 panties and 3 outfits, in fact she came home in some sad put together outfit that had been given to the nursery and another child's diaper! I really thought that she would be able to do the potty thing at church! It's a tot size pot, and being able to see that her friends do the same thing would help, but sadly it did not! We are still working on this, but I am positive that when college comes along we will be out of the Pampers! Yes!
3 Day Potty Training by Lora Jensen! Read it! Live it! Love it!!
If you try it let me know if it worked for you!