Since we have been married, Aron and I wake up and have Christmas at our home, then drive over to my parents house (it's only 6 minutes down the road, 8 if ya hit all the lights). We arrive at 9ish and settle in for breakfast/ brunch. It's good y'all, like "make ya jump back Loretta good" (FYI, that means it is good eatin' ... my MamMaw used to sat that about food when it was de-lish)! Daddy n' nem had cooked up breakfast steaks, biscuits and gravy, ambrosia, egg hashbrown with sausage casserole, bacon, did I mention the biscuits were made from scratch (Mossy style), I think I even ate apple pie outta the skillet. It kinda makes me tired and my stomach kinda hurt just thinking about it all. Food is my love language.
After we dine, then we have our family Christmas and open gifts. This takes a looooooong time, because only 1 person opens at a time, this way everyone can see what you got! There are even bathroom breaks and coca cola breaks (okay, I'm the only one that takes that). Anyway, 14 people + time to watch 1 person open 1 gift atta time = a very long morning which turned into many hours and left us with no Christmas lunch (I ain't hatin' just simply statin'). So enjoy the happy pictures... There are a lot (I'm kinda like the paparazzi)!
Next up, Christmas dinner with LeAnne, Aidan, and Annalee! Did I mention we have dinner in our pajamas? I love Christmas with family!