Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Visit with Santa Claus..
The Foresee Family Singers
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Cruise with me baby!!!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
A Lil' Bitta Dazzle for the Holidays!
Now that I look at the front door in this picture, there sure is a lotta stuff going on here! O well!
These are two of my girl friends!
They were sweet to pose in front of the door with me!
Ignore the sweaters, they were for one of those Christmas parties when you wear apparel that is maybe not so favorable to yourself, but could be a possible gem for another person! (Ugly Sweater Party!)
It is snowing!
Lovey's tree
My Christmas Village.
The bottom shelf is often redecorated by lil miss! I sometimes find Barbie and friends mingling with the Dicken's Village Crew!
The Christmas Tree
The stockings hung on the by the chimney with care!
Cocka doodle Christmas Tree! Love some chickens!
Kitchen chandelier
Do you go big on decorating for the holidays?
Hope you are having a happy holiday!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Christmas Pics, Part 1
And, we're done.
Tomorrow, we will have another photo shoot. Hope it has better results!
Merry Christmas from the Foresee's!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Look Out, Lil' Red in the Kitchen!!
We still have a lot of fun things to make. I got a ginger bread house, so many fun desert ideas to do from that Pinterest thingy (are any of you pinners?), and then the crafts! Lawdy, we are fixin' to be busy up in here!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
O My Gosh, You Can Eat These.....
Yes, marshmallows. Who knew they could look so good. I could eat these all day long!!
Found these sweet treats on the Karaspartyideas.blogspot.com
I found this picture of holy delectibleness on her blog too! Don't you wish she was inviting you over for a Christmas party?? Call me Kara, you bring the sweets, and I will just come and eat!
I found this from a site, Hoosier Homeade.
I love you with all of your salt, but you have totally stepped it up a notch by adding a lil' bit'a chocolate, some emmeees, and sprinkles.
Found these sweet treats at coldtoescoztclothes.tumblr.com
I heart treats. I heart Christmas treats. Who am I kidding, I heart me some icing!!!
Kids, guess what we are having for dinner????