My second knitting project this year is a hat for Gaby. As in that Bulgarian saying about having the button, so the only thing left is to make the coat, I had the white pompom (bought to round up an online order, you know how these things go :), so I had to make the hat.
A few year ago I made a white sweater for Gaby and I had quite a significant amount of sequin yarn left. I have also lots of white Italian bobbins of merino yarn, bought with the intent of dyeing it one day. And I have a very clear step-by-step instructions for the C.C. Copycat Beanie on my blog. All I had to do was take out the yarn, combine a few strands to get the right thickness and follow my own instructions. Easy peasy lemon sqeezy.
Although the fact, that I have the description of the hat was one of the main factors for choosing that design, it was not the major one - I simply adore the pattern and in my mind it has the best balance between slouchy, beanie-volume and visual interest. And it is so easy to knit!Pattern: C.C. CopyCat beanie
Yarn: three threads, merino, polyester, sequins
Needle: 4.5 mm, 5 mm
Time to knit: 5 days
A while ago I bought a collection of leather "Handmade" labels and I have plenty of white ones, but all white can be sometimes too much white, so in the end I chose a brown label for interest.
And I also made a simple cozy lining for the hat out of a piece of double-knit white fabric I had in my leftovers bag - Gaby prefers her hats to have a warm lining.
I used the opportunity that Gaby is visiting for Christmas to take a picture not only of the hat, but also of the jeans and the pink hoodie I made for her earlier this year. I'm really happy that she appreciates and wears the clothes I make for her.