Showing posts with label October. Show all posts
Showing posts with label October. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

Zheleznitza in October

Just a few shots from our walk and picnic on Vitosha above the village of Zheleznitza. The woods are just marvelous at this time of the year, but this is probably the last picnic for this calender year - the days are getting shorter and the weather is a bit crisp for staying at one place for a long time:

And I also cast on a sock. The yarn is a remnant from this cardigan, knitted and unraveled a few times already. But I do want to make something of it, I hope it will be enough for a pair of short socks. I should have probably chosen a toes-up pattern, but as I'm new at socks, I settled for these beginner's socks: P/HOP Socks.