
Showing posts with label TOU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TOU. Show all posts

Friday, December 30, 2011

TOU - Updated 12/30/2011

I've updated my TOU effective as of today, December 30, 2011.  Basically, everything that was allowed previously is still allowed.  I've added a few new "you may" notes and tried to condense them a bit.  All the specifics are noted below.  I'll now be allowing commercial/for-profit use as well.  I've been approached a few times asking if my drawn images were allowed to be used as clipart in others' scrapkits.  I'd never been able to figure out how to allow free and licensed use, but after seeing a few different blogs where others did just that, I thought I'd give it a go myself and see how it works out.

If you have any questions or need anything clarified, please email me, and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Capricious Scraps TOU
Updated 27 December 2011

My terms of use are divided into 2 basic sections. 
     •  The first is personal/non-profit use.
     •  The second is commercial/for-profit use.


You may use my scraps & elements posted here on my blog for any non-profit use you'd like, whether for yourself or to share with others.  Basically, if you're making something to give away, feel free to use the items I've created & posted here to share however you'd like.

For non-profit uses when making a final item (tag, email stationery, card) for yourself or others, providing credit to me is optional (although it's always appreciated).  You may simply say "Scraps by Amy" or "Capricious Scraps," with or without the © symbol.

For non-profit uses when using one of my items to make a new scrap item you're giving away or some other sort of resource file, there is a credit requirement.  Please provide credit to me for the items used in your own TOU or credit file and provide a link back to my blog.


You may also use my posted scraps & elements from my blog for any for-profit use you'd like as well.  If you'd like to use them commercially to make money in some way, a license may be purchased via PayPal for $2.00 per item you'd like to use, or an unlimited use license covering all items on my blog (current & future) is available for a flat $20.00.  Again, you may use all my items commercially in any way you'd like unless otherwise noted.  If anything is off-limits for commercial uses, it will be noted in the downloaded zip file's individual TOU file.

In for-profit uses, there is a credit requirement.  Please include a credit for items used in your own TOU or credit file and provide a link back to my blog.

So, all in all, everything is allowed.  That includes making signature tags for yourself or others, email stats, desktop wallpapers, blog layouts, new scrap items like cluster frames, using my drawn images as clipart in scrapkits of your own, etc.  That's just a short list of ideas off the top of my head.  If you have an idea of how to use my items that isn't specifically spelled out and you'd like clarification, please email me at capriciousdream [at] gmail [dot] com.

Just don't claim my files as your own.  Take them, do something with them, make them unique & different, then share them, and let folks know where you snagged the original files.

If you're interested in commercial use, please contact me by email at capriciousdream [at] gmail [dot] com.  Thanks!
