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Showing posts with label Stamping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stamping. Show all posts

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Essie Boxer Shorts with Stamping

I apologize for not posting regularly lately. I promise to fix that.
Today I've got on Essie Boxer Shorts. Periwinkles have a special place in my heart. They're the perfect color. This one changes it's color depending on the lighting. In some lights it leans much more purple and in others it looks very blue.

The application was a struggle. I mean, I wanted to rip out my hair by the time I was done. I had to re-do my index finger three times and it bubbled like crazy (Pro-tip: If your polish has bubbles in it, put a drop or two of thinner on your nails and the bubbles should disappear). I should have thinned it a bit before I put it on but I didn't and that way my mistake. I thinned it after finishing my nails and then when I re-did my index finger the formula was much better, two easy coats.

Then I stamped with A-England Tristam. The image comes from the new Bundle Monster plates (BM-302). Look at how cute it is! Its got chicks, snails, and trees on it. It makes me so happy to look at!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Essie Mesmerized + Stamping

You know I have a thing for blue polishes. So of course when I was in Target the other day I had to take Essie Mesmerized home with me. It was the only one left and it looked so sad and lonely. How could I say no? 

These two first pictures aren't very color accurate (the last picture is fairly accurate). It's been so humid outside lately that I can't even take my camera outside without the lens fogging up. No bueno. 

Then I noticed my new Bundle Monster plates on the table next to me so I decided to do a quick stamping. The image is from BM-315 and I used Sephora Moody Woman to stamp.

This stamping is subtle in real life. Moody Woman is a duochrome and in certain angles, the image almost disappears.
You can see a bit of the color shift in these pictures.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Essie Sand Tropez + Stamping

Not much chatter today. I just wanted to show you what I wore on my nails the other day.

Essie Sand Tropez stamped with Finger Paints Black Expressionism. The image is from Cheeky Jumbo plate B.

Here's Sand Tropez by itself. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

BarryM Coral with Stamping

I recently did a swap with a friend and she sent me my first BarryM polishes. I've had my eye on a few of these for a while now but never bought them. Now that I've tried a few of them though, I think I'm going to have to make an order soon to get some more! 

Today I'm wearing Coral (how creative haha).
This could have been a one coater but I did two coats because the color was a bit brighter with a second coat. Formula was perfect. 

And since I haven't stamped in a while, I decided to do a bit of a contrasting look with another BarryM. I used Cobalt Blue for the stamping. I really like the contrast between the two colors. 

For Reference:
1 coat Nail Magic
2 coats BarryM Coral
Stamping with BarryM Cobalt Blue from Cheeky XL Plate B
1 coat NYC Grand Central Station

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Purple Tone-On-Tone Stamping

 Ever have one of those days where it seems like every piece of cat hair and fuzz makes its way onto your nails while you're painting them? Well this was one of those days. By some miracle my nails turned out fairly decent.

I used Essie Nice is Nice for my base color and then I stamped over it with China Glaze Magnetix Drawn to You to hide some of the mistakes that I made while painting. Image is from Cheeky XL Plate D.
Magnetic polishes are great for stamping since most of them are one coaters. Drawn to You had a really great shimmer to it when the light hit it and I tried to capture some of that in the pictures.
The formula of Nice is Nice wasn't as good as I remember with previous uses but that might have just been user error since I had previously really liked this polish. It's still my favorite pastel purple regardless.

For reference:
1 Coat Nail Magic
3 Coats Essie Nice is Nice
Stamping with China Glaze Magnetix Drawn to You (Cheeky Plate D)
1 Coat NYC Grand Central Station

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Black and White Stamping

I just received my Cheeky plates in the mail yesterday (I bought the three pack from Amazon) and I couldn't wait to try them out. I've really been enjoying stamping lately. I love nail art but I'm not always that great at free-hand drawings.
The colors I used were Sally Hansen CSM Lavender Cloud with Finger Paints Black Expressionist over it. The design comes from Cheeky plate B.
I like the design, it looks a bit like an optical illusion on my nails.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jessica Iridescent Eye + Stamping

I just got my bottle of Jessica Iridescent Eye in the mail this week and I put it on right away. I love it! The application is wonderful. I think it's just as good, if not better, than Chanel Peridot (I'll have a comparison post between the two polishes later).

I've been practicing my stamping and I'm finally starting to get the hang of it. I still need more practice and macro is less than forgiving when it comes to taking pictures but I hope you enjoy them anyways! I used my Bundle Monster plates for this design (BM 21) and Finger Paints Black Expressionism.