Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend

The weekend was suppose to be quiet. A time to get some things done around the house and to just hangout with the kids. Well, we ended up at two birthdays (including Malaika's), three BBQ's and a little bit of messing around. I'm telling you this has been one busy May, and it's still not over - phew. Maybe a little slowing down is in order for the coming weekend.

Pictures from BBQ #3

Messing Around

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Our Vacations

Check out more pictures from Jamaica by clicking here
One Love and Aloha -
We've been back for a week and I have finally found the time to journal the moments we spent with family and each other.
Jamaica was wonderful. We spent the Easter weekend on the go. But the first thing we had to take care of was getting ourselves some fish and festival. So we headed to Ft Clarence Beach and it was YUMMY!
On Sunday we had a wonderful lunch prepared by many and hosted by the Lindo household. Before diving into some delicious food we had the children blessed. Douglas did a beautiful job in leading us through prayer and words to guide us. Then he had three generations (beginning with the youngest) Courtney, Tracey and Auntie Marie give their personal wishes to Malaika and Liam. It was a special evening. Easter Monday we found ourselves all together again but this time we headed to a place that holds alot off meaning for us all. We headed up to Holywell (The Blue Mountain Range) for a picnic and hike.
For the most part the rest of our time was spent in the country at Silver Sands. For Tim his days would go something like this: Eat, swim, eat, boogie board, repeat. Liam hit the Caribbean Sea for the first time.
Leaving the kids in Jamaica was hard but we knew that they were in the best hands. As we've told everyone that was involved - they are all blessings and every parent should have the opportunity to "take off". Our support system made that possible.

Enjoy more of Hawaii by clicking here

When we arrived on Maui we were pampered by Baxter. We spent our first week at the Four Seasons Hotel in Wailea and during that week we played beach volleyball, woke up at 2am to watch the sunrise at the top of Mount Haleakala (10,025 ft) and then biked down, did a little outrigging, snorkeling and kayaking.

After our time in Wailea we headed to the remote town of Hana for one night. Winding roads (some parts just as bad as Jamaica) 50+ bridges, too many waterfalls to count and apparently something like 600 corners and turns.

Our last four days in Hawaii we took it really easy at a lovely condo at the Mahana. From our room we watched the whales (the last for the season), saw the outrigging crews racing by, the dedicated locals hit the waves to surf and the tourist burning their backs as they looked very hard for that sea turtle. We also took some time to learn how to surf (even though I did feel a little like fresh bate waiting for a wave).

I have to admit that I was ready to come back home. We enjoyed our time away but there is nothing like the smell and feel of your own bed. Plus, we missed Malaika and Liam in a BIG way.

Monday, April 06, 2009

We're Off

It's vacation time and this year we are certainly blessed. We're hitting Jamaica for two weeks with the kids. Then Tim and I head back to Seattle for 4 days and then to Hawaii for another 11 days. Crazy I know, I cannot believe I'm leaving my pickney dem in Jamaica for an extra two weeks, without ME!

We just couldn't pass up this opportunity. Tim won this trip through Baxter (3-time trip winner). His first win we took for our honeymoon and the second we couldn't go on due to me being a week away from delivering Malaika.

Our families have been wonderful to help out with the kids and all of the logistics. Will post pictures and stories when we return.

Aloha, Irie, One Love

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Being Consistent

I'm sure many of you remember me doing the 100 day project with Malaika. Well, I have had some good intentions to do it with Liam as well. The problem is I take pictures three days in a row and miss the next 5. I'm not being consistent and that just will not work. I'm hoping I can get into it before he turns 1. I'm sure I will.

He's growing like a weed. Liam is currently 11 lbs 10oz. He continues to smile every time his sister puts her face in his and he's pretty much sleeping through the night. It's so much fun listening to his sounds as he relaxes in his swing. He's a mellow fellow.

Malaika is also growing fast, well that's what her pants indicate. She's certainly starting to test us more and more as she gets closer to her second birthday. This is where Tim and I realize how much we have to be on the same page and be consistent (my word for the day). We just set up a big girl bed in her room so that we can start working on the transition. Our goal, not that it always works the way we want it to, is to have her sleeping in the bed before we head to Jamaica is April. Wish us luck.

Enjoy the pictures I've posted. They're random shots from Christmas to now. I'm also planning on getting some video up in the next week or so.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Year Gone By

I know, I know, I haven't posted a thing for nearly two months - forgive me please. It's been a crazy time with a new baby in the house, guests that were wonderful, the holidays approaching, difficulty trying to upload pictures onto the blog and possibly a little writers block.

This is probably my favourite time of year. I sit back and think about the traditions that I had as a child growing up and remember the people most important to me. I think about the beauty of the mountains, the smell of the pine trees, the feel of the crisp air and most importantly the chatter of family.

I see Daddy rubbing his mustache, I hear Uncle Donald talking to someone - possibly himself, I watch as Mummy and Auntie Norma get the house organized and I smile as Auntie Marie plays with the kids - myself, my sisters (Lisa and Tracey) and my cousins (Rachele and Elizabeth). Every year for as long as I could remember our parents would pack us all up rent a house for one week and take us to Greenwich, a part of the Blue Mountain Range. No phone, no TV just honest to goodness time to spend with each other.

We played board games, read books, went on hikes in the mountains, played tennis, made up games that would seem impossible to recreate today, ate some great food and had some of the best talks around a fire place anyone could ask for. The presents were piled high in the living room and Santa always knew where to find us. We always heard our parents say "Wow the end of another year" but what a great time for us to always look forward to.

Although I miss that time in my life and I miss having Christmas in Jamaica it is my turn to say "another year gone by". It is my children that have reminded me that it is now my turn to give them their traditions and their memories.

Liam - What a wonderful addition to our family. At 6 weeks 4 days old he is already over 9lbs and growing like a weed. He's waking up only once in the night, making the sweetest cooing sounds, smiling and just an absolute joy to his big sister.

Malaika - Our little sweetheart is just that, sweet as can be. Our 19 month old gives the best hugs, loves to dance and play the air guitar and is little miss independent. She loves to swim and just graduated into the next level. She enjoys preschool and loves to hang out with her best bud Matty. Talk about a little chatter, she's also singing her favorite songs.

Phillipa - Is getting more and more creative to entertain the kids. She loves being at home but admits that a little "ME" time is wonderful. She hasn't picked up her camera much but promises to do more in 2009.

Tim - Is still working for Baxter Medical. He's had a rough year of sports in the NW as all of the teams have done poorly. He's had to turn to UW women's volleyball and cross country. Tim proudly became an Obama delegate at our first caucus and since then found himself to be a news junkie.

We continue to pray and think about you all and wish that we could be closer to many of you. From our family to yours we would like to wish you all nuff love and blessings - Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 10, 2008

It's a Boy

We are pleased to announce that Liam Edward Joseph Dugaw was brought into this world on November 6th, 2008 at 10:14am. He weighed in at 8lbs 6oz, 20" in length with a head circumfrence of 13.75 cm.

We are all enjoying this time as a family of four. Malaika is doing really well and adjusting to the little guy being a part of her world. We have a lot more to learn and look forward to introducing you all to our sweet boy.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Swim Lesson


On the Prowl

Malaika had two days of dress up. On Thursday not only did she get to wear her costume to school but she also got to show off her daddy. On Friday we met up with our PEPS buddies and later that evening we went hunting for candy around our neighbourhood. It was a busy evening for our little lioness.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Grapeview Cabin

We had the opportunity, two weeks ago, to head out of town to a friends cabin. Although the weather wasn't the best we really had a wonderful time relaxing. We did get to watch a lot of the Olympics, yeah Jamaica, I finally finshed the book I started reading in May (Before the Legend - The Rise of Bob Marley) and we did have a chance to go on two really nice boat rides.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ask and You Shall Receive

Pictures Galore! It's been a fun August week for us in Seattle. The first set of pictures were taken on Sunday (10th) at our PEPS family BBQ. The second set were taken on Monday (11th) at my friends Moira and Fiona's house and the third set of pictures were taken at the beach club on Mercer Island. We were hanging out with the Penny family. Enjoy! Malaika at the Park with PEPS friends

Monday, August 11, 2008

Chillin at Home

Random Pictures
Everyone has been asking for updated pictures of Malaika. My sister Lisa put it the best way, she said she has no interest in reading my blog, just seeing pictures...thanks sis. Well, today you will be getting some random shots of the entire family.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mini Vacation to Bend, OR

We took a mini vacation this past week to Portland and Bend, OR. Tim had some work to do in both locations and decided he wanted to have the family with him. Let me start out by saying that this trip certainly had it's highs and lows. The first low is that even though I took my still camera and video camera I didn't take one picture.

Wednesday was an easy trip to Vancouver, WA. Tim went to his meeting while Malaika and I hung out at a play area in the mall. After picking Tim up from the hospital we headed to our hotel in Portland for the night. Malaika had traveled so well however, she did end up with a fever that night and was just worn out.

Thursday morning Tim headed to his meeting in Salem, OR while Malaika, who was feeling much better, and I took a really nice walk along the Willamette River (Portland waterfront). Later that morning we headed to Salem to pick up Tim and head out to Bend. On our way to Bend we stopped at Suttle Lake for a swim...beautiful! On arrival to Bend we headed to our hotel and what we thought was a suite ended up being a very small room. This was not going to work but of course they didn't have anything else available. Well, that night Malaika decided that she wasn't going to be able to sleep well and she woke up around 2am for about three hours. You know what that one got any sleep that night. Believe me the idea of packing up and driving 5 hours to Seattle was VERY tempting.

On Friday Tim had a fair he had to attend in the morning, poor guy he was dragging, while Malaika and I slept in and then took a nice walk around Bend. When daddy returned we went for a swim and then while daddy took a little nap Malaika and I went into the Old Mill District and spent about 2 hours at Working Wonders - their Children's Museum. Friday night was probably her best night sleep. Even though she woke up for a bottle (which never happens) she went right back down.

Saturday we went for a fun family outing to Elk Lake near Mt. Bachelor. What a beautiful location. The water was cold, the sun was hot and we just had a lovely time. That night Malaika was thinking the she needed to wake up again, this time for about 2hours. What the *@#% was going on!

On Sunday we decided that we really wanted to go floating down the Deschutes River. If you are ever in Bend I think everyone should take advantage of this really relaxing and fun adventure. We had brunch, took naps and then headed out on the river. There was live music being played in the amphitheater as we floated by, lots of people watching and a great way to just chat as a family and show Malaika some really cool things. It was another rough night of sleep but we knew home was just a day away.

Although our weekend ended up being a little stressful we did enjoy our days together. We arrived home around 6:30pm on Monday evening and that night Malaika was right back into her regular routine, she slept through the night. I guess there's something to be said about your own bed or in her case - crib.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2008 Graduations

Michelle Pillers
Claire Marie Dugaw

(you can see more pics from her graduation here)
Congratulations to Claire and Michelle on their 2008 graduation from High School. Claire will be attending University of Arizona and Michelle will be attending Southern Methodist University.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

We Love You "Donzie"

Donald Shaw Campbell
Auntie Norma, Rachele, Elizabeth, Julian and Ron.
We are thinking of you all during this time, we love you all!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Taking Advantage Of The Sun

Playing in the sand
Chillin with daddy
On the deck
I love to swing

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quick Trip

Our final night in Miami

Malaika and I had a wonderful time in Miami this weekend. Thanks to my cousin Mari we had the opportunity to celebrate my cousin Rachele's up coming nuptials. It was a girls weekend - we got to see Elizabeth (she just moved to Trinidad and is now engaged - yeah!), we got to see my mummy (thanks to Mari - again), we got to meet Harrison (she's my little cousins baby girl - 2 months older than Malaika) and we got to have lots of fun with family and friends.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Ring In The New

More pictures from Eugene
Happy New Year everyone! Well it's time to say goodbye to 2007 and what a fantastic year it has been for us. From the birth of Malaika to spending some quality time with family and friends.

This New Years we headed down to Eugene, OR to see Dianne and Amanda (Tim's sister and her partner). We had such a wonderful time with the Aunties - playing the piano, singing, doing a little Tai Chi (that was me, not Tim) everyone pitching in to make a delicious dinner and playing with Galatea the kitty.

Malaika is waving hello and goodbye and we're working on her clapping. While sitting up she's making every attempt to get into the crawling position OR she holds on to something to try to stand. She's an eager little one. We do look forward to 2008 and all it has to offer. All the best to you all - one love!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"
(The Jamaican Version)

Breadfruits roasting on an open fire
Mongrels nipping at your toes
Dancehall songs, being sung by a choir
'An we dress up in we bashment clothes

Everybody knows,
When gungo cook an sorrel flow
Yu dun know seh season brite
Gal an bwoy wid them starlight a glow
Dem nah go waan fe sleep tonite

Dem know seh joyride deh pon the way
With music, rockin' rockin thru de day
'An all the chicken dem a try fi spy
Fi see is which one a dem is gwine to fry

'An so, we want to big up everyone
All kidz from one to 92
Althou money dun
Have 'hole heap a fun

Irie Chrismus, Irie Chrismus . to you.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fun Trip to Jamaica

We had a blast and we've realized that our trips to Jamaica never seem to get old. We spent our first couple of nights in Kingston and then moved onto Negril for a fun 4 days of jumping the cliffs, parasailing, Malaika having her first dip in the Caribbean Sea and just having good clean fun with family.

We then continued onto Ocho Rios for a family reunion that was cut short by Hurricane Dean. However, this did not spoil our fun as we enjoyed spending time with everyone in Kingston - very few of us got off the island before the hurricane hit. Our week ended with Daniel's 9th birhtday party. (Click on the highlights to see more pictures).