Showing posts with label water marble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water marble. Show all posts

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Where in the World - Day 16 Finland

Next stop on the journey around the world - Finland.
I chose to represent the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis).
 How could I not be inspired by this? 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Going Down Under: Mode Cosmetics

I am so excited to share this brand with you today!
 It was one of my very first nail polish purchases - and I still use it!
I have chosen 6 polishes to share)) If you'd like to see all the posts using this brand - select the label.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The kitten and the Helmer

Today I will show you the "before and after" of my storage system.
If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen a preview already.
A very thorough inspection
In case you don't know, the Helmer is "kitten-approved" (or rather "kitten-proof") storage solution.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Shoe-spiration Series - Part Two

These are my Loriblu platform peeptoes - an explosion of colour and print! 

The picture doesn't do them justice really, because in real life they are glossy and sparkly in addition to having every colour and print imaginable.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am seeing spots

For my first manicure post I decided to show a mani that I did recently using 10 (!) different colours. This was a design inspired by an Aboriginal dot painting I found:

The difference in the colours is very subtle, I guess this would be considered a monochrome manicure. Here is my take on it:

Manicure inspired by dot painting
(P.S. please excuse the nasty scratch)
To achieve this look I started by creating a watermarble using China Glaze Sea Spray, Secret Peri-wink-le and Flyin' High. Once the design was dry to the touch I added some dots using dotting tools of various sizes. Please leave comment if you'd like to know the polishes I used for this, there were too many to remember right now, but I think I wrote them down somewhere *wink*.

So there you have it - my own take on artwork. I hope you too will be inspired by these beautiful paintings.
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