Showing posts with label holographic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holographic. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A post about why I am a liar

I promised more posts and didn't deliver. I have no excuses - I have been lazy. That is all. 
Me too, Sylvester!
So no more empty promises - here are some pretty pictures.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Paint It Blue! - Final Days and Auction (!!!!)

Welcome to all the new followers - I hope you like what you see and stick around after the giveaway!

The last few days of the blue month (aka April) were exciting for a couple of reasons:
1) I kind of happened to discover how awesome layering toppers can be and 2) the auction!

So let's start with the pretty fingers first:
added water drops for the wet look

Friday, March 1, 2013

Going Down Under: Femme Fatale Cosmetics

Today I have the last of my posts in the series, but by no means am I don featuring Aussie polishes!
There are many more to show you and I will be returning to the series soon.
For now - please enjoy these beautiful creations by Sophie!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Showing my 'stache - Black

Today I will show you some of the BLACK section of my 'stache.
Although usually my motto says: "Black is boring!" - it's good to break the rules once in a while.
Besides, these black polishes are anything but boring. See for yourself!
Also, I need your help - see question at the end of the post.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Where in the World - Day 5 Poland

Horray! A country I have been to and a place I visited - Szczecin! It's a lovely city on the Oder River and is close to the Baltic Sea. I welcomed 2004 NY there while visiting family friends. That evening we went to listen to a classical music concert, so I thought I would recreate the new  Philharmonic building:
Doesn't it remind you of an iceberg or maybe an icicle, or a crystal?
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