Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Instagram Digest Vol. 1

Hi lovelies!
Here is a bit of an update from IG -
a few products that I had reviewed for the BornPrettyStore back in March.

First I received these lovely water decals for review.
You may remember I do love to use them - very simple and easy!
If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial, please have a look at this post I did for Cathy
at More Nail Polish last year.
 For the base colour I used one of my favorite neutrals - ORLY Decades of Dysfunction
The water decals very very high quality and easy to use - I loved this delicate pattern!
You can find a selection here.

Next up, I received a special gradient sponge that I used to create this St Patrick's day design:
 I used a combination of KIKO greens and topped using a lovely glitter topper by Penelope Luz
(available from Color4Nails)
The sponge has a little handle (like on a stamper), which I found handy,
and it comes with 5 refills - amazing value for money!

Feel free to use my code NTH10 to get a discount on your purchase.

I hope you enjoyed this tiny review and please stay tuned for more to come!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Fun with Foils and Studs

I was contacted by KKCentreHK recently (flattered!!!!) to review some products.
I chose the foil and the round studs from the array of products, which promptly arrived! 
The foils came with the special glue 

(although the brush is a bit too long for the bottle and bends - application is not a problem).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

#RandomJuneMani - what it is and how to join

I had a few requests on IG to explain what the #RandomJuneMani is all about.
Here is a little post outlining the basic principal.
And I can't take the credit for "inventing" this - the idea was suggested
by one of the members of the June No Buy group (Hi Erica!)

The idea is that if you're stuck for inspiration, or need a distraction to stop you shopping,
this will help to challenge and inspire you!

You have to start by assigning a number to each polish in your stash - it doesn't matter how big or
small your collection is - you can still do this.
Here is a snapshot from my list in Excel format
The next step is to use the Random Number Generator to draw a number
(Min is always 1 and Max is the amount of polishes in your collection)
This is what is looks like
Once you have a number, match it to a polish in your stash:
 And that's it - that's the polish to use!
I chose to draw 2-3 numbers at a time and make them work together.

If you do try this - let me know and tag @cats_n_nails and also use the #RandomJuneMani tag.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blogger Collaboration Series: Nails at 2 AM

I am pleased to welcome a very creative lady to the blog today: Christine from Nails At 2 AM.
When I came across some of her designs on Instagram, I think my jaw dropped (literally!)
and I knew I had to invite her to take part in this series.
Please make Christine welcome and don't forget to check out her amazing work.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blogger Collaboration Series: Tee Bee's Nails

I have recently asked a few of my fellow bloggers to help me create a series of designs inspired by jewelry.
I must say the response has been overwhelming and I am very grateful to all that have taken part so far. 
If you have not received a request from me, but would like to take part, please send me an email - 
I would be very happy to include your work too!

The kitten and the Helmer

Today I will show you the "before and after" of my storage system.
If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen a preview already.
A very thorough inspection
In case you don't know, the Helmer is "kitten-approved" (or rather "kitten-proof") storage solution.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Living up to the name: Cats & Nails

It's that time again - kitties take over the blog!
Cats everywhere))
That's Nikolai being cute on top of the blog sale box
I even found a way to get kittens on my nails!
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