Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

FLOG, muffins, and blog suggestions

I don't know why this happens, but I already find myself eating more healthfully when I FLOG! Does anyone else experience this? I don't think my basic intake changes much, (I still eat lots of veggies, whole grains, etc.) but I snack less -- I'm less inclined to eat "junk" at work when FLOGging. Awesome!

Anyhow, here's today:


I ate the oatmeal at home, and packed the banana for post-chiropractor, bus snack

not pictured . . . a Mexican Mocha from Spyhouse! (My chiro appointment finished earlier than I was expecting, and it was so friggin' cold and rainy, I felt like a little extra caffeine and warm-up could only help!)

a slice of American cheese, a few saltines, and a small handfull of raisins (not pictured, again!)


Leftover rice and dal, some diced mango, and the last butterscotch pudding (and a few bites of someone's leftover birthday cake . . . but it wasn't very good, so I threw out the rest of the piece I took.)


two Dr. Kracker flatbreads and some homemade white bean hummus


Leftover rice and beans, chard, and portobello mushroom.


I have had the urge to bake since Sunday afternoon, and finally got around to it tonight! Behold, Diann's Pumpkin, Millet, and Chocolate Chip Muffins:

I got a dozen standard-sized muffins, plus a dozen minis from her recipe, (but I did add extra chocolate chips . . . gasp!) which the kids will happily gobble down tomorrow. I'm just excited to have something besides dry cereal or bananas for "second breakfast!"


I'm shopping for new blogs to add to my blogroll -- anyone have any suggestions? Please let me know if I'm missing any of your favorites!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Why do I blog?

I discovered an interesting post on a blog I've never visited before this evening. The post was regarding food bloggers, eating disorders, and why people post everything they eat in a day (i.e., "flogging," which I've been doing lately.) Here's the link so you can read it yourself.

I know that I do not have an eating disorder, but this post really made me think -- why do I flog, and why do I blog?

First, the flogging -- I fell into, what I felt, were bad eating habits this summer. I was thoughtlessly eating a lot of junk, (processed food, candy, etc.,) and needed something to help me be more mindful of what I was putting in my mouth! Enter accountability, in the form of a daily food log, or "flog." Posting my daily meals and snacks really helped me identify ways I was falling "prey" to junk food -- not packing a lunch or enough snacks for work, not eating enough breakfast, eating when I was feeling stressed, etc. So, I've been flogging for a few weeks, and I think I'll stop, officially, for the time being. Sorry if you've enjoyed the flogs -- I'm done for now! Flogging has served its purpose.

Now, why do I blog about food? I love healthy, whole, organic, local foods, and I love, love, LOVE to cook and bake. I find a great deal of comfort, calm, and peace in my kitchen. Cooking focuses my mind, and allows me to do something nice for both Dan and myself that is also good for both of us. So, I blog about what I love to do the most -- doesn't everybody else who blogs blog for that same reason, regardless of what they blog about?

The surprise I found in blogging was the community aspect -- I never knew I would find so many people out there "just like me!" My friends and family love to eat my food, but no one I know, save for one or two friends, (and several coworkers at the kitchen store!) will talk food with me in the way the food blogging community will. So, I put in a little effort, and reap great benefits -- that's why I blog about food.

Food and cooking, for me, are passions -- not obsessions.

So, why do you blog about food? Drop me a comment or post on your own blog -- I'd love to know!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

writer's block!

Would you believe it? I wanted to post tonight, but I can't come up with anything remotely interesting to tell you. I didn't cook anything today, work was uneventful at best, and I'm stinking tired.

Just know that the intent was there!

The rest of this week looks busy for me -- I have a voice lesson tomorrow morning and then work all day, I work Friday and then am headed out Friday night for Michelle's birthday, and then I have my workshop at the Loft on Saturday! I can't wait for "Selling and Publishing Your Book!!!!!!" So, if you don't hear from me for a couple of days, that's why. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Amazing Disappearing, Reappearing Catherine!

Yes folks, I'm about to e-disappear for a few days. Don't know how long exactly, but I'll be back by Monday for sure. (I'll still be checking email if you have a recipe review to send me!) I responded to comments from the post I made earlier today, and hopefully I'll be back with more food posts early next week!

P.S. No specific reason for disappearing -- just need a break from the web. Toodle-oo!