Don't you love surprises? I do, and recently I received a wonderful surprise from a group of fellow photographers who live on the West Coast. On the first day of spring
Michele and Suze crawled the Fremont Sunday Market with their cameras and then Louie created a book for each participant (plus an extra one for me!) of their favorite photographs from the outing. It was an unexpected surprise to be included, and it really made me wish I had been there.
And then this week I received yet another surprise from a photo crawl by photographers
Paula and

They explored Pike Place in Seattle. Gwen mailed me my very own copy of the photo journal she created out of their photographs from the outing! You are all making me wish I lived nearer to you. Thank you so much for including me vicariously in your outings! It is such a great idea to get together with your cameras and encourage and support each other. You all inspired me to get in touch with my friend
Marie and arrange a photo play date with her at the end of June on my way through New York to my
Jean Houston Mystery School workshop in Garrison, NY.
Thank you for sharing your photo crawl with me and making an extra copy of your books for me!