
Showing posts with label Feather Your Nest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feather Your Nest. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

Finally A Stitching Update!!

It has been quite a few weeks, even months, since I have done any cross stitching. My mojo must have been on vacation, lol!  Well, I am happy to report that my mojo has made a return and I have managed to get some real stitching time in this past week.

This is one of my 2011 Crazy January Challenge starts. I don't think that I have worked on it since January of 2011. I stopped with only the birds head outlined, part of the wings outlined and a couple of rows of the bird's breast completed.  Wish I had thought to take a before picture of this but I didn't.

Here it is after this week's stitching progress!

Feather Your Nest
With Thy Needle and Thread
32 ct linen; DMC threads; stitched over 2
I am pleased with my progress. There wasn't much time for stitching but any progress made is good.  With some dedication, I should be able to get this one finished this year!

Blessings and Happy Stitching!