I could tell you all not to get old , but age is inevitable and with it comes Arthritis , winter is not enjoyed in this house. I wander fromdoing a litttle bit here and little bit there.Instead of a whole house being vacumed I do a room at a time. Well enough of that. I finished off a larger bath mat to keep the tootsies warm in the bathroom. pattern and how to from Bubsrugz
Made bedsocks for some family members.
and socks for others,
Finally getting around to Mmake Miss Molly Moo from Jenny, Miss Molly is in the right hand corner of her blog.
How do you cut out patterns? After printing I paste the sheet onto cardboard and then I have stable pattern
pieces. I hope to start this , this weekend.
Turning scrap into squares, don't know where these are going/// have to cut out a lot more yet.
more scrap into covered journal folders, so easy so nice for gifts.
Go Away winter and leave me alone..
i’m tired of being chilled to the bone.
i want to plant flowers and sit in the sun
I want to go swimming “winters no fun!”
i want to open up windows and doors
i want to go barefoot and do summer chores
I want to mow grass and sit in the sun
i want to plant gradens and have summer fun.
so go away winter and just leave me be
Summer is where I want now to be…
Hi Margaret - it is great to see the bathmat... looks really good with the satin stitch around the edge... do you find it good and absorbent... I use mine all the time... lovley knitting and I just love those journal covers.... even up here in Queensland we have had enough of the cold....
Hello Margaret,
Oh Winter is a bit harsh on our bodies. Love the knitted socks etc. Love your poem,and good luck with the sewing.
Happy days.
Thats a pretty flash looking bath mat Margaret - it is so nice it seems a shame to stand on it!!! Your winter woes are like my summer woes up here in the tropics. Take care.
Well its 32C here and feels like 35C.
Humidity is 55% The sun is shinning and there is a breeze blowing. Sometimes a cloud will cover the sun. Its been almost 3 weeks without rain. My flowers on the back porch need a drink. I'll be doing that later today. Do you have Okra there in Australia? Ours is just beginning to have pods and must be cut every other day. I have to pick the tomatoes when they first start to change cover or something eats them.
I'll enjoy going barefoot in the grass for you.
I see you have some Christmas presents in progress. I like the socks.
I'm hearing you on the winter thing..I far prefer being a summer photographer! Love the bath mat, Tracey
I'm sorry, Margaret, we just get tired of the weather we have, don't we. We finally have had some nice soaking rain, and just in time since most of the front yard is brown! Right about now I'd trade some of this heat for some of your cold, but I know what you mean - I'd rather have heat than cold. Looks to me like you're getting a lot done, even with cold fingers!
LOvely nice warm cozy socks...neat bathmat too!!! My sentiments exactly on winter...my arm would love a bit of warmth!!! Dzintra
You have been keeping busy! I am so over Winter and well and truly ready for Spring!!
Hope you get some warmer weather soon - arthritis is no fun at all! Nothing beats hand knitted socks to keep your feet warm in winter. Bring on spring:-)
Your "scraps into squares" blocks are wonderful! Mom had tried the bathmat pattern with denim. It is on my "to do" list. Tell those aches and pains to leave you the heck alone....Karmen
Hello Margaret, I enjoyed your post with all your projects...your words about Winter is exactly how I feel....roll on Spring...Hugs Lyn
I think winter and summer need to be shorter. It's summer here, and I'm so tired of it! I wish spring and fall could last so much longer! Hope you warm up soon.
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