
Showing posts with label mee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mee. Show all posts


More preschool coloring

Since my last post my 4 year old has drawn me many pictures, she usually does, but some of them have come with the request for me to color them.
Here's the latest: A whimsical lil frog
She also left presents on my bed last night, a picture and a small paper folded and taped shut where she demonstrated that our practice on the letter e's correct formation was totally worth it.


Nev Mermaid

My almost three year old little girl is a major fan of all things mermaid, so of course I had to make sure we added Disney's Little Mermaid to our DVD library. She loves it obviously. I recently was talking to a friend about my art and spent some time going through some of my old pieces, some unfinished which is sad. It got me wondering how I would do at it these days since I haven't spent much time with it since getting married. I have found I have a small bit more time in my day now that the baby is older. So the other day I decided to pull out the old sketch book. Practice up, prove to my self I could still draw, etc. It's been a while, a long while. So while my little one stared glassy-eyed at the adventures of the red-haired wistful mermaid I transformed her into a mermaid.


Watercolor resist

The series I did of my kids... I will wait till the youngest (who is still waiting to be born) is a little older and probably re-do Nev's when I do one for him.


This will be a fun series

This is a project I finally had a chance to do. It's a one layer watercolor resist of my Olea. I am trying to decide if I keep it long or crop it like the second picture. I want to do one of each of my kids. I just need to find my favorite source pic of the other two. My husband really likes the idea of a series of them. We seem to really like series/sets.



I recently gave birth to our third child. A lovely little girl. This means I have taken a break from design work, in theory. But I never really leave my joy alone. In the mean time I have created little pretties for baby girls of the hairless persuasion. They are hand tatted (handmade lace) and most of them are set with Genuine Austrian Crystals. If you want some leave me a comment or contact me and let me know. Typically the design is a flower or butterfly, but I'm inventing new ones as I go along. They adhere to the scalp and come off with water. They can stay on as long as your child goes between baths or... their older brother pries them off. :)


Random assortment of art from back in the day

Pearl of Peas (watercolor)

Emerging (Charcoal and PrismaColor on Gesso)

Interference (watercolor)

Train Wrench

Turtle Tea

This is one of my husband's favorites, at every move or transition he confiscates it and hangs it in his office at work.

I love this one, but so did my friend so I gave it to her. It's so bright and cheery.

Series of Eyes... (one of them currently hangs in the guest bathroom... tee-hee-hee along with a set of charcoal-lift outhouses). This is fun because it's the same thing done in what? 10 different styles and about that many mediums. I have my favorites.

Oil painting still life


Blank Canvas

We recently finished our basement. This means I have bare walls begging for art. The way we finished the walls says fairytale to me. So I think a series is in order. My plan is a fairy tale series presented more iconic-ly rather than literally. In order to do this the right way though I need to go back to the original fairy tale... or at least as far as Grimm rather than Disney. See what I'm saying. I am happy to include nursery rhymes as well. Gary really likes the wood cut I did... however I don't have a press or the tool necessary to do it all wood cut. I also don't think I will use human figures. So I have some thinking and planning to do. I plan to do in color at this point.



I studied Graphic Design and Visual Art at BYU-Idaho and BYU. I received Associates and Bachelors Degrees from each respectively. I enjoy all types of mediums. I am seriously and sadly enough a real human being: my personal blog.


10 years

A drawing of our friends that I did for their 10th anniversary. This drawing was done off of the picture they used for their engagement announcements. What better reminder of where you were to where you are ten years later?