Showing posts with label UFO's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO's. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


As I've said before, I have a hankering to learn to sew clothes, to knit and crochet.
It's so exciting to dive into something new. I'm reading a lot more sewing and knitting blogs in conjunction with the quilty blogs and I'm INSPIRED.

I decided that I need some practical, formal instruction so I recently signed up to do a short course for knitting and crochet. It's so exciting to do a little something for me before I go back to work after my maternity leave. I've been to one class and is what I've 'mastered' so far.

Terrible pic - I'm having camera issues :(

I must have enjoyed myself because I kept practicing as soon as I came home.
I definitely prefer the hands on, practical style of learning. We were also given a page of diagrams and written instructions to help jog our memories. I have some homework to do, mostly memorise the crochet terminology and be able to do some of the basics. Very fortunately there are several newbies and everyone seemed quite happy to laugh at themselves and each other as we fumbled along. I think it's going to be a good class.

I also saved my pocket money and bought these beauties. I've been hanging to use circular needles but every time I found a pattern I liked, I never had the correct needle size or cable length. Hopefully that won't be a problem. I've already cast on a little jumper for H....even though I haven't finished sewing up L's. Fortunately after reading several knitting blogs, I have established that UFO's apply to ALL crafts. No wonder I feel so at home.

On the sewing side of things, I have just joined a local quilting group. They are a group of lovely ladies who have stayed at The Retreat several times. They always request that I come and visit (and bring babies for cuddling) when they stay. I feel like I've magically inherited a group of aunts.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It's time I exposed myself

Don't be rude, I'm showing my WIP's not my arse!

I am challenging myself to get all of the following projects finished.
Last year was supposed to be the year of finish but then I had the best kind of start (Master Harvey) instead so I was completely and utterly distracted.

So I invite you to look at the inner workings of this very distracted sewist....

My favourite Amy Butler fabrics quilt. It's possibly to be long arm quilted, possibly to be machine quilted by me...Anyway, the backing AND binding fabrics are sitting with it so it's semi organised.

Another Amy Butler quilt (there's three, I was obsessed ;o)
Also has backing ready to go. I will get this long armed.

'On the Move' cot quilt. I finally stuck the appliques on the other day, I need to raw-edge applique them and of course piece this one. It too has the binding and backing fabrics sitting with it. There are at least six babies that I need to create for this year (not including making a quilt for my own...the one that is yanking on the laptop right now. I guess I'm finishing this post later)

Several hours and a bedtime later....
Un-named red and white quilt for my friend Lisa. Already gifted and then taken straight back so that I could quilt it. Anyone noticing a theme?

The final Amy Butler, also un-named (I always name my quilts, usually with a pun) and unquilted. I'm planning to hand quilt this with Perle thread. I'd love to have this finished and being used this year.

This green and white number is the toile quilt. Um it's been a finished top for a very long time. Dare I say at least five years. Oops. To be long arm quilted when I find a backing. I'm considering scalloping the border so I think that's held back the finishing.

'Cowboys' is another top that 's been languishing in the 'Tops to be Quilted' container. I really wished I'd bought bolts of the red with white spot - it's the scrummiest colour. This will be for one of those many babies. I'm banking on a few boys at least.

This is 'Chocolate Lollipop' in the Walk the Line pattern by Sarah Fielke (I think. It was in Australian Better Homes and Gardens some time ago). Must piece it.

'Birdie Stitches' was a stitch-along on the LMS blog. I ran out of steam but plan on using the blocks for a girl baby quilt.

The 'Rainbow Connection' is a zig zag quilt. I think it's going to be for our bed...who knows? Much piecing to be done.

A table runner that I practiced hand quilting on. It has needed binding for quite some time and it'll give me an easy finish.

Another one for a baby-to-be. Simple but very cute panel. I'll machine quilt it.

Oooh look another panel. As above.

Some scrummy, girly fun fabrics for girl baby-to-be (the only one I know what the sex is...because her mum accidentally told me - oops!) probably a simple star pattern.

I'm hoping to start (and finish) this stitchery, well the whole quilt actually, with my favourite wenches B and Jules.

Finally Swoony. I've never made a quilt for my one true love and it's really about time that I did. His favourite colour is blue and mine is green so I'm hoping to make it a perfect fit for both of us.  

So that's me exposed.
Eleven, yes ELEVEN tops to be pieced and/or quilted.
Five quilts to be started and, also at least a few other for the remaining babies.
Eeeek that probably means TWENTY QUILTS to complete.

Oh well, I'll be a super sewist (my new word) in 2012.
Wishing you all good luck and productivity with all that you begin this year.
Abbe :o)

Ps. I am linking into the 12 WIP's in 2012 created by AJ. A bit of extra motivation for me.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Humph was the word of the day that I decided on this morning. Last week I went in search of some material in my sewing room and a big slap of reality hit me in the face.

I have too many sewing projects.

There I said it.

I don't really believe you can have too much material and for me collecting is part of the obsession hobby. But I have so many 'one day' quilts and good intentions but things just are not getting started let alone finished. Actually I'm not too bad at starting, it's definitely the finishing that is more of the problem. But how many WIP's and/or UFO's are too many?
It's not okay to have a whole tub (which I can't close the lid of due to the contents) of 'Tops to be quilted'.

It's not really okay to have a project on my design wall (floor) for months at a time. 
It's squares, I'm sure I could have it sewn up in one afternoon.....

Nope, not okay to start another masterpiece...

So I am committed.
Committed to finishing.
While he sleeps.

The next few days I will see me sorting through and prioritising. I will be making lists.
I will be getting things done.
Hold me to it. 

Ab x