Showing posts with label Sew It Together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sew It Together. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

All sewn up

This Sew It Together jaunt seems to have caused many a blog post title pun so I thought I'd join in.

It was such a fantastic weekend!!! I don't want to bang on about it too much but it needs to be said that a group of women with craft in common creates a wonderful environment of giggles, squeals, snorty-laughter as well as an ooddle of creative genius. A huge thank you to Sheridan for organising such a great event.

Ink and Spindle working their magic. Amazing!                                                                                 

Renae and Lisa crafting hard.

Fi and B looking busy and important.

Jules and some chick with a double chin...must have been the
cupcake breaky!

                B and me. Quite a bit of weekend was fuzzy like this :o)

I'm loving the bond that blogland creates.
I now have a whole lot of new lovelies in my life. People I'm proud to call friends.
Thanks for the fun and games ladies.

Ab x

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I bought it!

Yep, I bought it.
It settled today and fortunately the dream I had where the old owner wouldn't leave...did not come true.
I may have even done a little skippy dance around my new lounge.

And I definitely did one around the kitchen. Yes, that's a DOUBLE oven!!! Ahhh...
Buying this property is step Number Two (Number One was 'stop talking and do' which had to be combined with 'stop being a big-fat-scaredy-cat!') in changing my career or at least expanding my horizons to include craft as an earner as well as a passion.

And this is what happens when your boyfriend takes the photos of you putting the SOLD sticker on.
Yep, that's my butt.

Very, very excited about Sew It Together which is only TWO SLEEPS away.
See some of you there and I'll share with the rest of you after the weekend.

Abbe x

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Dinosaur made me a Name Tag!

Check out what the Beccasauras made me!!!
A fabulous name tage for Sew It Together.
She might not actually be a dinosaur but she can sew and that's good enough for me.
You did a wonderful job Bec and I love it.
Thank you :o)


Imagine if she really was a dinosaur....