Showing posts with label Quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilting. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2013

While I've been gone

So much has happened around here - some of it is just life marching on, as it does and some of it has been bigger that that. Mostly, as I said in my last post, it was just computer issues keeping me away.
Having said that, I see blogging as a community and although Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have a place, I've realised I still want to blog.

So I will....

Firstly, remember this?

Then it turned into this?

Well, now it is this:

Aint he cute? He's four and a half months old (already!!!) and has a very giggly, smiley personality. He's fascinated by both of his big brothers and loves to watch them play.

When Lachy was born he very lucky to receive some gorgeous handmade goodies from crafty ladies. It made us both feel very special.
This fun quilt panel was from Maria at 'Life on the Block'. 
She did some great quilting to emphasize the little animals and grass. It looks good in Lachy's room, adding colour to the spare bed and is easily within reach when I'm feeding during the night.

This low volume/contrast tumbler quilt was from Aunty Jules.
It has been spewed on several times already. It is loved.
It's also excellent for young models to pose on. 
A couple of months ago I met up with Jules to buy some 'much needed' yarn at Bendigo Woollen Mills. Jules is extremely lucky to own a mum called Helen. Helen had made the suggestion that I send some yarn and a pattern home with Jules so Helen could knit with intent.
I chose a cute pattern in 4ply and yarn in 8ply. I'm good at this knitting business....
Anyway, Helen found a similar suitable pattern and this brilliant jumper arrived in the mail a few short weeks later. It's a tad big at the moment (I wanted room for Tubby to grow into it) and I'll post some pics when he's actually wearing it soon. 
Helen also sent this fab one too. 
Because she knits stuff just for fun - knitting without intent - and decided it could be for Lachy.
Oh to have such skills! 
Quite a while ago I received a parcel from one of the most wondrous crafty peeps in Blogland.
Dearest Trash had posted some sneak peaks on Instagram and I was very excited to see what it could be. 
Turns out it was a Fox in a Hole!
I absolutely love it!!! Kinda wishing it was in my size.
It was worn a couple of days ago but chundered on before I could take a pic of it being properly modelled.
We got ourselves another pukey kid which requires many outfit changes a day and of course more washing for me.
So basically Lachy is a well decked out, very warm, very lucky kid.
Thanks ladies!
There's actually even more handmade gifted goodies to show you but I didn't want to write the never ending post just because I've been a bit slack/busy.

I've also managed a bit more sewing in the last few weeks. In fact in the space of two weeks I've quilted three quilts. Some sneak peeks...

Today, I  finally got the wifi issue sorted. No idea how but who cares, it works!!
In between wiping the nose of a very snotty Harvey and feeding Lachy I have managed a few blocks on another little quilt that just has to be made because I love the fabric.
After all, that's apparently what my fabric is for..... 

Right, both kids are asleep AT THE SAME TIME but I don't know how long I have got.
I'm turning the machine back on and getting stuck in.
Ab x

Friday, May 11, 2012

Late night quilting

I started May with another finish.
This quilt is destined for a friends soon to be born bubba girl.
Backed in a very bright pink with white spot. 
I have finally pieced this quilt top.
I'm pondering if it needs a border or two.
I'm thinking a 2 inch border, maybe in aqua with a coordinating print about six inches wide.
Any thoughts?
It's a very busy quilt, but I love it.

My helper... 
Some late night quilting last night. I was having a great time even thought I sewed through my nail (really stupid!) and then ran out of thread. Probably lucky as it was already really late. 

Does anyone have issues with puckering when crossing over quilting lines?
I'm having issues on the front of the quilt so there's no chance of doing any cross-hatching.
I'm strongly considering a new machine but in the meantime it would be great to solve the problem.

I have a 20+ year old Janome Memory Craft 7000.
