Showing posts with label Op Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Op Shopping. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Un-sausage rolls

A couple of crafty minx types have been hassling me for this recipe so I thought I'd better share it.
It was passed to me by my aunt and although I was a bit sceptical, I gave it a try and whoa Nelly, I am sooo glad I did.

The key to sharing them with others, especially meat-and-three-veg menfolks types is to tell them nothing. When they ask, "what's for tea?" the answer should be sausage rolls. It's not a lie....

Makes 12
Prep: 10 Min Cook: 25-30 Min

1 Cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/2 Cup pecans
3 eggs
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tablespoon dried mixed herbs (I use oregano, basil, thyme & rosemary)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 Cup quick oats
1/2 Cup dried breadcrumbs
3 sheets ready-rolled puff pastry

Step 1:
Preheat oven to 200degrees C
Process cottage cheese, pecans, egg, onion, herbs and soy sauce in a food processor.
Add oats and breadcrumbs.
Pulse until combined.

Step 2:
Cut each pastry sheet in half.
Fill each half with two heaped tablespoons of mixture.
Roll into a sausage shape and cut in half.
Brush top with a little milk.

Step 3:
Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Place rolls on tray and prick pastry with a fork or lightly score with a knife.
Bake for 25-30 minutes.
Serve hot or cold.

Note: The sausage rolls freeze well either cooked or uncooked. I make up a double batch and have some in the freezer for those lazy nights.

My dad is a good cook and he's always been known for his sausage rolls. They are damn good, but.....
I like these better. They look like meat, they taste like meat but they are light and you don't get the greasy feeling after eating them.

One of my friends and her husband came for lunch and we had the un-sausage rolls. He's a very plain eater and would never choose a vegetarian meal and he didn't pick that they weren't meat.

Try them out and let me know how you go.

Back to all things crafty. I bought a little something for the sewing room....

I've already insisted we move it into place because I knew if I left it in its temporary spot, I'd fill it will crap and then have to unpack it to move it. I couldn't help but put a few quilts in for the photo though. A bargain at the local oppy that I think will end up looking pretty fab once it's stripped and attacked with some white/off white paint. That will have to be down the track because it's already full of crafty stuff.

I hope your craftiness finishes are happening, I'm still pegging away at mine and I think I can get at least one WIP completed in February. What are you working on at the moment?

Ab xx

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Obsessed much?

So lovelies, you know how I have a little bit of an obsession passion for the whole world of patchwork and quilting? It's subtle, I know.
I've always wanted to be able to make clothes but to be honest it scares me.
Those flimsy patterns, darts, yokes (you've got to be yoking!), stretch fabric eeeeeek!
It all seems....hard.

I'm always astounded when successful seamstresses say that they are daunted buy patch working and quilting but I guess I know how they feel but in reverse.
But burning desires can't be quieted for long.
I started making this skirt quite some time ago but I was waylaid by a baby and a fear that the tum would never be the same (it won't be but it isn't too bad - anyone else got a floppy belly button post baby???) but I'm motivated to finish it for the summer.

Obviously there was the PJ pants the other week. 

Then I decided that it was time to make something for my muse.
I used AMH's 'Quick Change Trousers' for the shape and came up with these cords.
I think they'll be quite baggy because they are supposed to be double layer.

I added the 'flange' at the 'yoke' just for a bit of fun.
When you don't know the rules, it's easy to go out on a limb :o)
I just need to add some elastic and feed up the model.

Since Saturday when I made the blue cords I've been a little...lets say enthusiastic.
Dare I say when I woke during the night, bubs sound asleep, I was thinking of making clothes.
  First chance I got I headed to the oppy with the little guy.
$3.50 later I have some patterns to play with.
No, I won't be making him frocks, as tempting as it is, I'll be trying all sorts of patterns to expand my knowledge and skills. Plus who knows, one day there could be a girl muse.

My muse and 'studio' assistant.
Lucky me!

Any suggestions on patterns or things you think I should try making?
Tips and tricks and direction will be happily accepted.

Ab x