It's so exciting to dive into something new. I'm reading a lot more sewing and knitting blogs in conjunction with the quilty blogs and I'm INSPIRED.
I decided that I need some practical, formal instruction so I recently signed up to do a short course for knitting and crochet. It's so exciting to do a little something for me before I go back to work after my maternity leave. I've been to one class and is what I've 'mastered' so far.
Terrible pic - I'm having camera issues :(
I must have enjoyed myself because I kept practicing as soon as I came home.
I definitely prefer the hands on, practical style of learning. We were also given a page of diagrams and written instructions to help jog our memories. I have some homework to do, mostly memorise the crochet terminology and be able to do some of the basics. Very fortunately there are several newbies and everyone seemed quite happy to laugh at themselves and each other as we fumbled along. I think it's going to be a good class.
I also saved my pocket money and bought these beauties. I've been hanging to use circular needles but every time I found a pattern I liked, I never had the correct needle size or cable length. Hopefully that won't be a problem. I've already cast on a little jumper for H....even though I haven't finished sewing up L's. Fortunately after reading several knitting blogs, I have established that UFO's apply to ALL crafts. No wonder I feel so at home.
On the sewing side of things, I have just joined a local quilting group. They are a group of lovely ladies who have stayed at The Retreat several times. They always request that I come and visit (and bring babies for cuddling) when they stay. I feel like I've magically inherited a group of aunts.