Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversary. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Plus one day :o)
I didn't quite get to posting this morning but better late then never.
I'm so shocked that it has been a year of blogging already. It feels like I only started babbling online just a few months ago but a year has zoomed past. There probably hasn't been as much crafting finishes as there should be but there has been lots of fun happiness and a whole bunch of new and wonderful friends.

Of course there will be a giveaway so stay tuned.....

As for my latest run of luck WOOHOO! I won a wonderful software package from the pinkest, orangeyest lady I know. Thanks for the giveaway Cam! It will come in very handy.

Not much craft at all lately - too much 'real' work and a visit from some wonderful friends has kept me distracted from purple wonders and various other pursuits. A crafty sleepover is being planned so I'm excited about what might eventuate with some rather amazing ladies. Will tell when there's more to tell.

Stitch happy,
Ab x