Showing posts with label Annabell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annabell. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2012

Late night quilting

I started May with another finish.
This quilt is destined for a friends soon to be born bubba girl.
Backed in a very bright pink with white spot. 
I have finally pieced this quilt top.
I'm pondering if it needs a border or two.
I'm thinking a 2 inch border, maybe in aqua with a coordinating print about six inches wide.
Any thoughts?
It's a very busy quilt, but I love it.

My helper... 
Some late night quilting last night. I was having a great time even thought I sewed through my nail (really stupid!) and then ran out of thread. Probably lucky as it was already really late. 

Does anyone have issues with puckering when crossing over quilting lines?
I'm having issues on the front of the quilt so there's no chance of doing any cross-hatching.
I'm strongly considering a new machine but in the meantime it would be great to solve the problem.

I have a 20+ year old Janome Memory Craft 7000.


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Not bananas in pajamas!

Abbe in pajamas!
I bought this fabric years ago with the intention to make jarmy pants.
I used another pair as a pattern of sorts and came up with these.
It's a lovely cream, pink and brown pin stripped, soft cotton (that wrinkles lots!) and I think they are pretty cool.

I had a good rat through my fabric tubs and found several things I had forgotten about. I'd love to have my stash on show one day. I think it would have me making more from it that way.
I might have to request a set of custom built shelves by Mr CP.

Happy Grand Final day (Aussie Rules Football).
I am not much of a footy supporter but I am a supporter of party food so that's what we're having.
Hello 'Party Pies', sausage rolls, jelly, lollies and fairy bread!

Of course some Harvey pics.
The Mexican standoff. Harvey versus Annabell.
Thanks God the dog doesn't come inside! 
There's no more room on me :o)

Have a great weekend,
Ab xx

Monday, March 28, 2011

Not yet (for Trash and Tanya). Lady in waiting

I've had a lovely few days catching up with friends and now I have a free diary. Well other than that small to do list.
Item 1: Have a baby.
Since I don't know when that is going to happen, I am pottering around, baking, sewing and blogging.

Now for some show and tell.
This gorgeous quilt was made by my bloggy mate Terry. She made it with specific instructions that it was to be used and abused by Baby CP, especially for lolling about on the floor and I have no doubt it will be.
Thanks Tez!
The quilt is hanging on the bassinet that Mr CP used as a baby. It was obviously made fairly well as Mr CP is one of TEN and they all used it at one time or another (we probably won't use it in the foot well of the car to transport Baby like they did...). The next generation has given it a good go too. Mr CP's cousin made the stand for it and I think it'll come in handy.

On Saturday I finally got to meet Ms Wendy, one of the most talented ladies in craft.
She  made me a gorgeous and fabulously large pincushion. It's so cool.

I bought these two wonderful pictures from her (painted by her equally talented husband). The fox and owl has special meanings for Mr CP and I so I thought they were perfect for the nursery.

I've finally got to do some of the things on my list for Baby CP. I bought these iron on transfers quite a while ago so I've jazzed up some plain white jumpsuits as well as some bibs I'd bought from Ikea.

And while I've been sewing today I've had my special helper.

Not every machine comes with one of these attachments.

Every now and then I get swatted to give her a pat or she starts nuzzling the machine and then my hands as I'm guiding fabric through.
Yep, true love and an addiction to scratches.

As for Baby CP...he or she seems happily ensconced in Tummy Town so I will continue to be the Lady in Waiting.
Ab xx

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Maybe not the intended use

When Bianca Jae made this mini quilt for me I don't think she envisaged it being a cat mat.
A.B likes to watch me sew. She often makes several attempts to get on my lap but when I have got up to cut or iron one too many times she takes up a position elsewhere. She is sitting on the table behind my machine here and just after this pic she curled up for a nice little nap.
Lucky bugger.

I have been stitching and sewing each night while Mr CP is away for a few days. It's nice to get lost in the threads without feeling like I'm neglecting anyone or missing imperative cuddles.

So far I have managed a block for a swap that was quite late after I mixed the material up with that of another swap. I've finished a gift for my sewing groups KK. That involved some stitchery which I am still very new to - a really pretty Gail Pan elf design. Tomorrow night I'll try and get a block or two of my Around the Block swap done. It's a sewing mission this week.

Lucky I've got someone to watch over me....

Ab x

Monday, September 13, 2010

Oh yeah, I meant to blog that

A hankering for hot cakes.

 Turned into this.
Then we did a bit of this. We all need mags for inspiration sometimes.
Then I finished this top. About bloody time, I know. It has been sitting in rows for ages. Loving it.
I promise it's much brighter and fab in real life. My camera has a knack for bleaching colour from everything. I'm on the lookout for a big girl camera. Any tips of do's and don't would be greatly appreciated!
And yes I'm still working on the Purple Wonder. Sporadically.

And this is a tease because I am a tease....

Another relaxed day today. I'm being sucked in by the lameness of the midday movie then I'm going to sewing heaven (upstairs where my sewing space is) and gonna play.
Then I'll top of my day with a sewing session with some local ladies. Nice.

Sew well peeps,

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Why do shit things happen to good people?

Work rang today to tell me about the husband of a lady at work. A lovely lady with three teenage kids and a husband. A nice, hard working, blue collar country family.

Yesterday her husband had an aneurysm while he was working.
Today she is turning off his life support.

Who do shit things happen to good people?

We all experience death. We all face hardships of one kind or another but's just not fair.

I'm looking forward to hugging Mr CP just a little bit tighter when I get home from work tonight. I'm going to be more conscious of letting people know how much I care for and appreciate them.

I'll start with you bloggers - you rock my socks and the friends I have made through blogging are changing my life for the better. You know who you are. Thanks xx Aunts you are all inspiring!

We are staying in today. Me and the four legged one. Unfortunately I have to venture out later to go to work but I won't be leaving the warmth here until the last minute. One of us has been honouring her God. I am assuming she is thanking him/her for all of the warmth....
And back to the more of the silent, eyes closed 'prayer'.
I'm going to spend the arvo working on this and eating cake.
That should lift my spirits a little.

Take care peeps,
Ab x