Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iran. Show all posts

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why won’t the US government admit Iran funded the Benghazi attacks? John Kerry acolytes.

Why won’t the US government admit Iran funded the Benghazi attacks?

US intelligence agencies are sitting on a treasure trove of documents that detail Iran’s direct, material involvement in the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that cost the lives of four Americans. But until now, deep state bureaucrats have buried them under layers of classification, often without reason.

From CIA officers, military contractors, and sources within US Special Forces, I have learned of the existence of at least 50 briefing documents that warned of Iranian intelligence operations in Benghazi. Some specifically predicted an Iranian attack on US diplomats and US facilities. Those documents have remained inaccessible, including to the Select Committee on Benghazi chaired by former US Representative Trey Gowdy.

The CIA, the NSA, and Joint Special Forces Operations Command operatives in Benghazi and in Tripoli were actively monitoring Iranian operations in Benghazi in the months leading up to the attacks. Indeed, according to a private military contractor who contacted me from Benghazi in February 2011, Quds Force operatives were openly walking the streets of Benghazi in the early days of the anti-Gaddafi uprising. At the time, their presence was an open secret.

By the summer of 2012, US intelligence and security officers in Benghazi and Tripoli warned their chain of command — including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens — that the Iranians were preparing a terrorist attack on the US compound in Benghazi. These increased Iranian preparations prompted the head of security for Stevens, Green Beret Colonel Andy Wood, to send a cable to his commanding officer in June 2012 that the Iranian-backed militia — Ansar al Sharia — had received their funding from Iran and were now sending their wives and children to Benghazi, as I reported in these pages previously.

Until now, the government has released just a handful of heavily redacted documents relating to Iran’s Benghazi operations. Throughout the Obama administration, officials with knowledge of the Quds Force presence in Benghazi, including security contractors who defended the CIA Annex in a 13-hour battle with the jihadis, were repeatedly threatened with prosecution if they revealed what they knew. Among them was the then-director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Gen. Michael Flynn.

Enlarge ImageIranians Babak Zanjani (left) and Ali Reza Ziba Halat Monfared helped finance terror in Benghazi, Libya.
Iranians Babak Zanjani (left) and Ali Reza Ziba Halat Monfared helped finance terror in Benghazi, Libya.Facebook

But financial documents provided by an Iranian source, and thus not subject to US classification efforts, shed significant new light on the extent of Iranian government involvement in the attacks.

The documents, which include a wire transfer for 1.9 million euros from a known Quds Force money-laundering operation in Malaysia, have never before been made public. Only recently did the Iranian source give me permission to release the documents, which clearly show how Iran used the international financial system to funnel money to its Benghazi operations.

The person the Iranians put in charge of recruiting, training and equipping the Ansar al Sharia jihadi militia was a Lebanese man named Khalil Harb. He was a senior Hezbollah operative, well-known to Western intelligence agencies. Not long after the Benghazi attacks, the State Department issued a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture — not because of his role in Benghazi, but for what seemed like plain vanilla terrorist operations in Lebanon.

For the State Department under Hillary Clinton or John Kerry to admit that this Iranian operative was involved in the Benghazi attacks would have blown the lid off their extraordinary cover-up of Iran’s deadly schemes, which is continued today by deep state operatives who have stonewalled multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to release the Iran Benghazi documents.

Early on, Harb set out to identify and recruit Libyan jihadis. My Iranian source says that a courier arrived in Benghazi carrying the equivalent of $8 million to $10 million in 500 Euro notes around three weeks before the attacks. The money came from Quds Force accounts in Malaysia at the First Islamic Investment Bank, an IRGC front proudly operated by Babak Zanjani, a 41-year-old billionaire who called himself a “financial bassiji” [militiaman].

Enlarge ImageThis document, provided by a source, shows how Iran used the international financial system to funnel money to its Benghazi operations.

In interviews with Iranian and Western reporters, Zanjani boasted that he was laundering oil money for the regime so they could slip the noose of international financial sanctions. He claimed to be worth $13.5 billion, and bragged that he was blending Iranian oil on the high seas with oil from Iraq and the UAE and then selling it as non-Iran origin.

He told one interviewer that the United States had accused him of 272 money-laundering violations, as if that were a badge of honor, and that some $2 billion in cash from regime oil sales he had brokered remained “stuck” abroad because of US sanctions. In late December 2013, the Iranian regime arrested him in an effort to repatriate the cash — and to silence him.

One of the key components of his Sorinet Group was a company operating out of Kuala Lumpur and Labuan, Malaysia, called International Safe Oil (ISO), which Zanjani used to disguise the origin of the Iranian oil he sold on international markets. His partner at ISO was another well-connected Iranian, Ali Reza Ziba Halat Monfared, whose brother was a deputy intelligence minister in Iran.

According to a former business partner of Monfared, who provided me with documents and a detailed readout of his involvement in the Quds Force operations in Benghazi, Monfared started moving Quds Force money into North Africa in 2009 under the guise of a “tourism” investment in Morocco. Monfared also had a working relationship with Khalil Harb, who visited him in Malaysia before the Benghazi operations to learn how to move money discretely.

When Monfared and Zanjani’s Quds Force network began moving money into Benghazi in 2011, they used the international banking system and brazenly disguised the payments as real-1estate investments — at the peak of the anti-Gaddafi uprising when much of the country was in ruins!

A wire confirmation for 1.9 million Euros, dated August 14, 2011, shows exactly how the network operated.

The money originated from Zanjani’s First Islamic Investment Bank in Labuan, Malaysia, which the United States Treasury designated on April 11, 2013, as an Iranian government money-launderer.

From Malaysia, the money transited via the Banque Intercontinentale Arabe in Paris, under the watchful eyes of an associate of Zanjani and Monfared. The ultimate receiver was a construction company in Benghazi with an account at the Benghazi branch of the Alejma’a AlArabi Bank.

Enlarge ImageU.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, along with 3 other Americans, were killed in the attack in Benghazi.

The swift wire transfer indicates that the money was tied to a specific contract number and could have been used, for example, to construct barracks for Khalil Harb’s new recruits.

As operational plans for the Benghazi attacks accelerated during the summer of 2012, Iran dispatched a senior Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps officer, Maj. Gen. Mehdi Rabbani, to Benghazi under cover of an Islamic Red Crescent medical team, as I revealed in my 2014 book, “Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi.”They also began using physical couriers to transfer money to the operational teams on the ground.

A US Africa Command (AFRICOM) briefing slide from the summer of 2012 shows money and weapons flowing from Iran into Egypt and Libya, but it and other AFRICOM documents relating to Iran’s presence in Benghazi have consistently been denied to journalists and outside groups such as Judicial Watch through the FOIA process.

The evidence now suggests that the Benghazi attacks were acts of state-sponsored terrorism against America ordered by the highest authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, financed by the sale of Iranian oil, and involving multiple agencies of the Iranian government as well as banking and commercial entities in Malaysia, France and Libya.

The new Director of National Intelligence, former Congressman John Ratcliffe, has a well-earned reputation for truth-telling and the right of the public to know the truth behind political cover-ups.

Intelligence officials have been covering up Iran’s involvement in Benghazi from the get-go. Director Ratcliffe: Release the Iran-Benghazi files.


New York Times best-selling author Kenneth R. Timmerman has published two books on the Benghazi attacks. His latest book, forthcoming from Post Hill Press, is a novel about the 2020 election titled “The Election Heist.”

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Friends of the Iranian terror state.

UN Security Council rejects Iran arms embargo extension

The US-sponsored resolution only got two "yes" votes at the UN Security Council, falling far short of the nine it needed to be adopted. China and Russia rejected the proposal, while Germany abstained.

Here are the members of the UN Security Council:

The Council is composed of 15 Members:

Five permanent members: ChinaFranceRussian Federationthe United Kingdom, and the United States, and ten non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by the General Assembly (with end of term year):

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Judge awards $879 million from Iran to Khobar Towers bombing victims, families

Judge awards $879 million from Iran to Khobar Towers bombing victims, families

It was nearly 10 p.m. on a Tuesday, Senior Airman William Christian Nevins was on the fifth floor of Building 131, where he lived while deployed to the Middle East in June 1996.
Fellow airmen were going about their weekday evenings, cleaning the kitchen, lounging on their couches, some sleeping.
Just outside the perimeter, a truck lumbered through Dhahran, Saudi Arabia to the main entrance of King Abdulaziz Air Base and was waved off. A terrorist bombing in Riyadh the previous year had raised the threat level but for most it was deployment as usual. But so far, all had been secure at the base, which housed the Khobar Towers.
The hundreds of Air Force and international coalition personnel were working on Operation Southern Watch, which launched shortly after the Persian Gulf War to provide a “no-fly zone” over southern Iraq, preventing dictator Saddam Hussein from attacking his own people or even pushing troops back into Kuwait.

The truck did not turn around and go home. Using two other vehicles as a spotter and getaway, the crew outside the gate found a parking perhaps 100 feet from the building where Nevins lived, a three-year investigation would later uncover.
Three vehicles drove to that side, two left.
Minutes later the service truck that had been modified over a two-week period following a three-year planning operation by Saudi Hezbollah exploded, ripping the face off of building 131, shattering glass and throwing bodies across rooms and out of empty spaces where walls once stood, according to court documents.

Nineteen others died in the blast, more than 400 were wounded.
The attackers fled, most still remain at large, though they face a federal indictment if ever caught, according to the FBI’s Most Wanted List.
The immediate and lingering aftershock would reverberate through the lives of the many people there that day, those they loved far away and into a future that hasn’t yet calmed for most.
U.S. District Court Chief Judge Beryl Howell ruled from the Washington, D.C. district last week that the backers, planners and supporters of the bombing — Iran and its terrorist arm — should pay out $819,120,000 to 14 airmen and 41 of their family members who suffered that day and have been suffering since.
“Justice has not forgotten these brave U.S. Air Force veterans and their families. It is an honor and privilege to fight for justice and compensation for these families,” said Adora Sauer, plaintiffs’ lead attorney. “The passage of over two decades since the Khobar Towers attack has not thwarted our efforts. We will continue to seek to hold the Government of Iran accountable for this terrorist attack as long as is necessary.”
The airmen in the lawsuit were awarded between $3 million and $7 million each, based on records from past court decisions and disability ratings along with other legal damages.
Proportionately, the dependents named in the lawsuit were awarded between $1.25 million and $4 million, based on the injuries suffered by their loved ones and other legal formulas.
“The physical and psychological toll on our families has been extremely high, but this judgment is welcome news,” said retired Air Force Staff Sergeant Glenn Tyler Christie. “More than 20 years on, we want the world to remember the evil that Iran did at the Khobar Towers. Through the work of our attorneys, we intend to do just that.”
This is not the first lawsuit to award money to victims whose attacks were linked to Iran. In 2018, the same judge awarded $104.7 million to 15 servicemembers and 24 relatives hurt in the Khobar Towers bombing.
Iran historically has not responded to lawsuits such as these and routinely denies the claims made against them. This case was no different. A monetary payout is not likely barring seizing of assets or state funds by the United States or international governing bodies.
Military Times has reported extensively on court cases involving veterans and their families who suffered as a result of terrorist attacks in Iraq by Iranian-supported groups.
Back on the ground in Saudi Arabia, the bomb blast shook the earth 20 miles away across the border in Bahrain, residents reported. Security planners had taken extra precautions after the November bombing in Riyadh. They would be criticized for underestimating the bomb-making capabilities of factions in the area.
The Khobar Towers bombing used an estimated 5,000 pounds of plastic explosives. It was 10 times as powerful as the Riyadh bombing.
Nevins was blown off his feet, hit by debris and looked down to see a large piece of glass sticking out of his left knee.
Others tumbled from their beds or couches, lockers, doors and appliances careening across their small rooms and pinning them or landing on them along with the shards of glass that coated everything.
Twenty-four years later, Senior Airman Steven Neal Wilson still has glass embedded in his skull, ringing in his ears and fingers on his left hand that don’t work quite right because some of that glass severed tendons that make them flex.
But nearly all, wounded or not, rushed to aid their fellow airmen, carrying bodies both living and dead own flights of stairs. Lights blasted out, more than one airman was treated by the glow of a Coke vending machine in a nearby building.
As airmen on the ground recovered, many of their wives, children, parents and siblings would learn from the news what had happened and wait breathlessly for news from their loved one to know if they survived.
Sandra Olivia Bouse, then-wife of Senior Airman Clayton Omar Zook, heard from her supervisor while working on Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, Arizona what had happened. She “frantically rushed outside” to call the base operator in Saudi Arabia to learn what happened.
Sheila Lynn Jackson, mother of Senior Airman Joseph Martin Jackson saw it on the news, fell to her knees and began crying hysterically.
Glass cuts healed. Broken bones mended. Years would pass before some sought counseling or were diagnosed for the brain trauma and other wounds they’d sustained. But the nightmares continue for many.
In their own time, the airmen in this lawsuit did get help and many were given Veterans Health Administration disability ratings, though they still have their wounds, mental and physical.
But in the court documents, a phrase repeated again by family members of airmen who have never met echoes, nearly a quarter-century after the attack. Their son, their father, their husband is “not the same person.”

Friday, June 19, 2020

It is evident now that there is a pro Iran wing in the Democrat Party

'It elevates my suspicion that there is something at a higher level that was happening ... to stop a president,' Walid Phares says in interview with Just the News.

For more than two years now, Walid Phares has kept a secret. The national security expert favored by many conservatives was interviewed and investigated in the Russia collusion probe, mostly for an issue unrelated to Moscow. It was Egypt, actually.
The allegation — like many in the Russia case —, turned out to be spurious, and Phares was never charged with wrongdoing by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team.
Now, Phares is speaking out for the first time, suggesting that one of the motives of those who made the allegations and sustained the investigation was to hamper the early Trump presidency’s foreign policy goals, including the 45th president’s long-promised plan to cancel the Obama-era Iran nuclear deal.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Holy Jewish site of Esther and Mordechai set ablaze in Iran - reports

Holy Jewish site of Esther and Mordechai set ablaze in Iran - reports

'Disturbing reports from Iran that the tomb of Esther & Mordechai, a holy Jewish site, was set afire overnight,' ADL National Director Jonathan Greenblatt tweeted.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Iran threatens Germany for ban on Hezbollah, says will have to face consequences

German special police gather near the Al-Irschad center in Berlin, Germany, April 30, 2020, after Germany banned Iran-backed Hezbollah on its soil and designated it a terrorist organization. (Reuters)
Iran has slammed Germany’s ban on the activities of Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement on its soil, saying it would face consequences for its decision to give in to Israeli and US pressure.
Germany branded Hezbollah a “Shiite terrorist organization” on Thursday, with dozens of police and special forces storming mosques and associations across the country linked to the Lebanese militant group.
In a statement issued overnight, Iran’s foreign ministry said the ban ignores “realities in West Asia.”
The Islamic republic said the move was based solely on the goals of the “propaganda machine of the Zionists and America’s confused regime.”
It “strongly” condemned the decision it said showed “complete disrespect to the government and nation of Lebanon, as Hezbollah is a formal and legitimate part of the country’s government and parliament.”
Iran said Hezbollah had a “key role in fighting Daesh’s [ISIS] terrorism in the region,” using the Arabic acronym for the extremist group.
“The German government must face the negative consequences of its decision in the fight against real terrorist groups in the region,” it added.
Read more:
Hezbollah was established in 1982 during the Lebanese civil war and fought a 2006 war with Israel.
Iran is a major supporter of the Lebanese Shiite group and its “resistance” against the Islamic republic’s arch foe Israel.
The United States and Israel have long designated Hezbollah as a terrorist group and urged allies to follow suit.
Like the European Union, Germany had until now outlawed only Hezbollah’s military wing while tolerating its political wing.
Britain outlawed Hezbollah’s political wing last year, making membership of the Shia movement or inviting support for it a crime.
Last Update: 08:47 KSA 11:47 - GMT 08:47

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Democrat Terror Caucus Uses Coronavirus to Lobby for Iran

Democrat Terror Caucus Uses Coronavirus to Lobby for Iran

The Terror Caucus puts Iran ahead of America.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
On April 9th, as California passed 500 Wuhan Virus deaths and 19,000 cases, Senator Dianne Feinstein dispatched a letter on Senate stationary to the President of the United States.
The letter did not ask for help for California, but for Iran.
Senator Feinstein wrote to express her unhappiness that President Trump had blocked Iran from getting $5 billion from the International Monetary Fund. She urged him to help the Islamic terror state, which has murdered countless Americans, get the money in the "interests of international security".
While Americans were dying, the Senate Terror Caucus was hard at work… for Iran.
In late March, Connecticut's two Democrat Senate members, Chris Murphy and Dick Blumenthal, along with Hawaii's  Schatz, Maryland's Van Hollen, New Mexico's Udall, Maryland's Cardin, Virginia's Kaine, Vermont's Leahy, Oregon's Merkley, Delaware's Carper, and Ohio’s Brown, had dispatched a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urging lowering economic sanctions on Iran and Venezuela while claiming that easing up on two terror states was “the right thing to do from a national security perspective.”
Two days earlier, Leahy, Udall, Carper, Brown, Merkeley, and Van Hollen had sent another letter to the Secretary of State on behalf of Hamas, claiming that “as of March 24, the first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the Gaza Strip" and insisted that it is, “in the national security interest of the United States” to help the Hamas territory.
Joining the Tehran Six were Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders.
The only reason Bernie Sanders hadn’t signed the Tehran Six letter was that he thought that it didn’t go far enough. Instead he joined Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and other terrorist supporters in calling for a suspension of sanctions on Iran.
In an embarrassing moment, the draft text of the letter was posted on the website of NIAC: described by many as the Iran Lobby in the United States. Earlier this year, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator Ted Cruz, and Senator Mike Braun had sent their own letter asking Attorney General Barr to investigate NIAC for acting as an agent of the Islamic Republic.
While Republicans wanted to hold NIAC accountable, Democrats were collaborating with it.
After Iran’s attack on our military bases, Sanders and Warren had participated in a conference call with NIAC. House Dem participants had included Rep. Ro Khanna and Rep. Barbara Lee.
The Cotton letter noted that, “NIAC's Swedish-Iranian founder, Trita Parsi, had arranged meetings between Javad Zarif, Iran's former ambassador to the United Nations and current foreign minister, and members of Congress.”
The Democrats who met with Zarif included members of the Tehran Six, Senator Murphy, who had initiated the Iran letter, and Merkeley, and Van Hollen. Murphy has spoken at NIAC events and the Iran Lobby group had described the Democrat as a “fearless ally” of its cause.
Lobbying for an Islamic terror state during a pandemic is “fearless” all right.
While the calls for suspending sanctions were couched in claims that Iran needed to be able to fight the Wuhan Virus, the proposals by Tehran Democrats went far beyond the virus.
The Sanders-Cortez-Omar letter demanded a suspension of sanctions that would “encompass major sectors of the Iranian economy, including those impacting civilian industries, Iran’s banking sector and exports of oil.”
Why does Iran need to export oil to fight the coronavirus?
Signatories to the letter calling for Iranian access to the banking sector, which it has used to fund terrorism, and to export oil, likewise, included longstanding members of the Democrat Senate and House Terror Caucus including Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Rep. Joaquin Castro, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. Marc Pocan, Rep. Ayanna Pressley, Rep. Gerry Connolly, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Debbie Dingell, Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, and, Rep. Hank Johnson: who had compared Jews to termites.
In total, 34 House and Senate Democrats, had signed an Iran Lobby letter during one of the worst crises in American history, where many of their own constituents were dead or dying.
Official endorsees on Bernie’s Senate site included NIAC.
While the Sanders letter had started out as an extreme position, a few days later, Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, urged President Trump to ease sanctions on Iran and “streamline channels for banking”. The beneficiaries of such measures wouldn’t be ordinary Iranians, but the regime’s terror elite and their international financial partners.
Within the space of a week, a fringe position advocated by Sanders, Cortez, and Omar had become incorporated into the official stance of the Democrat nominee for the White House.
The rapid pace at which suspending sanctions and sending billions to an Islamic terror state had become a mainstream position conveyed the incredible influence of the Iran Lobby on D.C. There are only two or so Senate and House Republicans who lobby for Iran, but a multitude of Democrats who don’t even bother asking, “how high” when the Iran Lobby tells them to jump.
To measure the scope of that influence, 6 out of 10 Democrat members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had signed their names to some version of the Iran Lobby letters.
A majority.
In the middle of a nationwide pandemic, the Iran Lobby was able to swiftly corral House and Senate Democrats into dispatching multiple letters as part of their pressure campaign.
There are two Americas. There’s the country we know and the bubble in Washington D.C.
During a pandemic, top Democrats were ignoring their dying constituents while laboring frantically to meet the demands of the Iran Lobby.
Whom do these Democrats serve?
While their letters insisted that American national interests were served by suspending sanctions on an Islamic terror state, giving it access to the banking system, and letting it export oil, none of this was in our interest, but in the interests of some of our worst enemies.
The Terror Caucus consists of many of the same members who put the interests of terrorists ahead of Americans. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib are only some of the more visible figures among bland Terror Caucus members who often represent Islamic constituencies. And since South Carolina, Omar’s ally, Rep. Jim Clyburn, the Farrakhan fan who handed the state to Joe Biden, is increasingly setting the tone for the Biden campaign.
The Terror Caucus is not a minority among the Democrats. It is driving the clown car off the cliff.
After the attacks of September 11, Joe Biden proposed, “this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”
His future boss would go on to illegally send billions in foreign currency on unmarked planes.
But Biden’s remark didn’t come out of nowhere. In 2002, shortly after his $200 million check proposal, he addressed the American Iranian Council. The AIC had been founded by Housang Amirahmadi, who ran for the presidency of Iran. Three times. Later that year, Biden was raising big money from Iran supporters and urging that Iran be allowed to join the WTO.
Biden is not a pawn of the Terror Caucus. He’s a founding member.
Joe Biden had celebrated the Islamic takeover of Iran. During the Iran Hostage Crisis, he had opposed the rescue of American hostages. In the nineties, he had called for an end to US broadcasts into Iran.
"Biden's political games have made him Tehran's favorite senator," an opinion piece in the Washington Post noted. Now he can be Tehran’s favorite president.
After his old boss.
Nothing conveys the deep corruption of the Terror Cause better than the frenzied Democrat lobbying for Iran in the midst of a national crisis. Even while Biden and Bernie were still battling for the nomination, they took time from their schedules to lobby for sanctions relief for Iran.
Terrorists First. America Last.
The Democrat Terror Caucus isn’t just selling out this country it’s putting terrorists ahead of Americans. At a time when President Trump and Republicans have put everything into fighting the Wuhan Virus, the Democrats are fighting just as hard to get more money to Iran.
If this is what the Terror Caucus does during a pandemic, imagine what it will do afterward.