Showing posts with label blog award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog award. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An award from my Guru!!

hi ppl,

Had been busy with some valentine projects and US order. So was missing for a while.How did u celebrate ur valentine's day? My hubby was in office till midnight.. :( sigh.

I am extremely happy to have received an award from my Tanjore painting guru.. Mrs Usha SriKumar. I suddenly received a comment in my post from her!! That was a surprise. I did not know she was reading my blog regularly.

Now she is an extremeeeely talentled lady with expertise in various things.She was featured in so many television shows and had written so many articles in books.Finally she has come into the blogland for the good of us!! :)) It is a 2 and half months old blog - but she has written more posts than I did in the last 1 year!! and it is a must read blog for craft,art,cookery,tips,finance u name it ..she does it!!awesome!!

Thank you so much Mam!! This means a lot to me!Now , as a rule of the award, I need to pass it on to 5 blogs I admire and the number of followers less than 200.

I pass this on to
Priya Sondhi
Shobana Ravi

Congrats to all ! Now it is ur turn to link the image back to the giver share it with the receiver!

Thanks for visiting

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Winner!!!, backlog and candies

hello pps,

I am super happy to share with you that my this card made it to Top3 in ICRC9 and I am the guest designer for next challenge!!.Could nt thank you enough girls!! :)) I am excited!.

I am crafting more these days but feeling very lazy to photograph and post it.. have any of you felt like this at times? So I am gng to clear some backlogs in this post.

Firstly, our talented blogger friend Juhi awarded me this sometime back.Thanks so much Juhi!

There are some rules to follow so here they are:

Answer several questions. Award the 'Butterfly Award' to other bloggers
Contact the bloggers to let them know they have received this award
Put a link to the person who gave you the 'Butterfly Award' in the post.

Q1) Name your favorite color? Pink, Orange

Q2) Name your favorite song? Melodies of A.R.Rehman

Q3) Name your favorite dessert? Sizzling Brownie

Q4) What worries you off at the moment? Will the TV watching habit of my son become an addiction

Q5) Your favorite pet? Dogs (I love them!!)

Q6) Black or White? White

Q7) Your biggest fear? If I start working,will I be able to manage work n family

Q8) Best feature? My smile..

Q9) Everyday attitude? Every new day should be a good day

Q10) What is perfection? flawless and satisfactory to your eyes.

Q11) Guilty pleasure? Shopping craft supplies for sure..

Q12) When you're upset you? I become silent and continue with my work.. if somebody disturbs me then, will burst out on them.. Sometimes talking to DH helps..

Almost all the bloggers got this award.. so if anybody hasnt, please accept this award from me!

Then, I played somemore with my magnetic multishaper punch and came up with this..will update this in my review post.

and Finally, the giveaways..

Our blogger friend Mallika is placed in Infosys and she is offering a vintage candy! chk out her blog for more

Our dear Ujjwal from handmade with love is offering a huge yummy candy , celebrating her store success!For more details visit her blog.

ok... Bye for now.. will sure be back with some cards and tutorials soon


Friday, January 28, 2011

Stylish blogger award!

Hi girls!!!

      Today I am really so excited!!! I won the Stylish Blogger Award!

Thanks to my friend Tara who passed it to me! Luv you girl....

In order to continue, I have to post 8 things about myself and pass this along to 8 bloggers:

1. I am an easy go , happy girl.
2. I love to paint and craft
3. I also love to read books..not doing it nowadays
4. My favorite color is baby pink! (I also love orange!)
5. I try to help people as much as possible
6.  I love my family more than anything
7. I like to travel
8.I hate to clean up the mess in my room after crafting

And passing it along to:
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