Showing posts with label Vintage Thingies Thursdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vintage Thingies Thursdays. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Garden Touches

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

I don't know about you, but it is hard to believe JULY is already here! Summer might as well be over as far as the retail world is concerned! Some of the local nurseries area already have a clearance on  their plants and flowers. 

I love to use some of my vintage treasures in my gardens among the flowers! I love old buckets and I have a whole border on one flower bed that is nothing  but vintage plates.

Morning Glories on an old water pump! These should be blooming any day.....I love morning glories!

Sap buckets make a good planter for inpatients. I plant inpatients every year, and my husband says the never make it through the summer. Well, it is JULY and these still look really good. I am sure the milder temperatures and lots of rain is the result.

It is hard to tell, but this is an OLD fence gate. I rescued it from a trash pile in front of someone's house a few years ago. It make a fantastic trellis for my cucumbers!

What about you? Do you enjoy vintage touches in your outdoor gardens? Hope you have a very happy VINTAGE THINGIE THURSDAY!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Chicken and Roosters

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

Since I have been telling my stories that surround my new rooster and chicken, I decided to post this once again, it was posted right after I started my blog in 2008, but decided I would re-run it this week. Seems appropriate!

This week I have a couple of favorites of mine. The first one is a magnificent rooster that watches over my kitchen. This wonderful creation was done by my Aunt LaVoice. She made this years ago, she made one for herself and one for her sister Joyce. This is the rooster that was in my Aunt LaVoice's kitchen for years. I can remember being a little girl and walking into my aunt's kitchen, this rooster was the first thing I always saw. He hung over her kitchen table and I always was intrigued by it.

I loved the colors, the craftsmanship and the way this picture came together with beans, popcorn, and seeds. Just look at the detail. Pure talent at its best to create something so full of character. I have to Benny sorta looks like this!! Makes it even more special!!

Of all my prized possessions, this picture is high on my list. When I look at this masterpiece, I can almost smell fish frying, and fresh tomatoes sliced ready to eat when I see this picture. Oh, and I can not forget the homemade french fries. Man, I loved those homemade fries my aunt made. You see, they were not the frozen packaged fries, these were homemade, and special. Yummy.
Funny, how that is what I remember when I think about eating at my aunt's house. My Uncle Noah frying mouth watering fish and those fresh tomatoes from my aunt's little tomato garden she had in her backyard. Oh, and the fries. Now my Uncle Noah was a talented man, and there was not anything that he could not fix or repair. But nothing could top his fish frying. I always thought my Uncle Noah could fry the best darn fish in this city. Believe me when I say the meals we had at my aunt's house, although they were not frequent, they were special.

Now these are a favorite of mine as well. You see, my Aunt Joyce is the chicken queen in our family. She has a set similar this which sets on her hutch in her kitchen. I found these one day several years ago in a local antique mall and they reminded me of the set my sweet aunt has.
I had to have them. You see, they just go with my rooster picture. I always have had a fondness for chickens, they remind me of the country and a simple life. These two chicken items also remind me of two dear ladies in my life and the childhood memories I have of each one of them.
And that my friends is the very thing that turns ordinary items into family treasures.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage touches in the yard

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

This time of year, I love vintage touches to the garden. I was scanning the use of vintage things in the garden and found this image below.....too bad I don't look that good when working in the yard!!

Love the hat and the gloves....I usually never put any of that on when I am working in the yard!

I love the use of old galvanized containers with vintage china dishes! I have a whole border with vintage plates and love the added touch in this bowl.

This is my old window frame with my large galvanized container that holds plants. I love these and they work out great in the garden.

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Restaurant Ware Mugs

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

Well....I guess you have all wondered what has happened to me! Last week I did not have a post up because the holiday through me off and when I remembered we lost a day (or I lost a day) Thursday was gone!! So sorry about that!!

However, I have a couple of cute restaurant mugs to show you. They were a great find at a local thrift store.

Both are marked Homer Laughlin.

I have a couple of pieces of restaurant china in this pattern. I always pick this pattern up no matter what the piece is when I see it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Rooster Plate

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

Hope all are doing well this has been a stressful one for me. I find it odd, that stress and worry often seem to find it's way to me. When one simple little act of kindness to a creature of this world can lead to all sorts of problems and well....discussions with one's spouse.

There are stories that will be coming.......but here is a hint. I love this vintage plate with this rooster front and center. Very cute!! But what would this have to do with my story??

Well.....nothing much....other than the fact that it may involve an stray rooster.......and then a hen from a flea market......and a field and a tree....and one stubborn woman.....and now just a few STERN conversations with my husband on the situation I find myself in. Yep, there is a story here and it involves Benny and Betty......stay tuned!

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday ~ Adorable Dachshund Planter

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

One of my long time friends found the sweetest planter at an estate sale. I had a fit over it when I saw it! Now, I go to lots of estate sales, and I have never seen one of these. She said it was there on the last day too. Oh. my.

She dropped by my house shortly after me seeing it and gave it to me as a gift. I was so excited, and thrilled she wanted me to have it. I adore it and am so thankful to have it!

It is stamped Japan on all of the four pieces. It is a wonderful addition to all my doxie treasures.

Here it is with all my other little dogs. No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Truth of the matter is, when I took the photo, I discovered a bit of dust on the back of the shelves, and did not want to retake the photo. Call it lazy....but I sure wanted to try and "hide" the dust. Truth. You will just have to use your imagination.

Here is my sweet Sophie.....exactly where she does not belong. On The Table. But I snapped a picture of her anyway...she just wanted to smell the flowers!

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage China Pieces

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

I picked these two little china pieces one day for 50 cents. I loved the colors and they were perfect for using in a bridal shower I was giving.

They really are not expensive pieces, but they were great for what I wanted to use them for.

One held flowers, and the other held the pens for signing the book. The colors were perfect.

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Cuties!

Welcome to this weeks segment of Vintage Thingies Thursday. Thursday is the day to showcase your vintage treasures and to share your special things with everyone. If you are visiting and would like to join us, please do. It is very easy!
To participate, all you have to do is:

* * * * Please everyone, follow these guidelines!

(1) do a post about something vintage.
(2) Visit all the participates and leave a comment.
(3) Link in with the link at the bottom of this post, please use a perma-link to link in with, that way, anyone can refer back to your post if they can not get to it on Thursday.
(4) Be sure to refer back to my blog so everyone can see who is participating today, and if you like include the VTT button in your post. Please be sure to have your post up before linking in.

It seems when I post about my Goodwill finds, I always get several comments on others wishing their local Goodwill had the sort of finds I happen to run across. I have to admit...I spend more time in Goodwill(s) and thrift stores than I do a regular mall. Seriously. . Be consistent, stop in more than once in a while, take a quick spin through the store...that is when I find most of my "good" finds.... when I am in a hurry.

Today, I want to share two figurines I happened to find at Goodwill......they are the sweetest little things.....

Now, when I saw this sweet little lady, with a puppy, well, I could not put her in my cart fast enough. She is just so very sweet. The sugar on top to this find was the label.........

A Josef Original.....I searched and searched on line to try and find one like her, but I never found anything close to this little lady. She could be a Calendar girl, but I really have no idea...I will keep looking and see if she turns up in my search. None the less...a real bargain at $2.00.

Now this is just so sweet. When I spotted this last year, I had to have it. You see, these little bluebirds remind me of the bluebirds we have at our cabin in Colorado. They had to come home with me, there was no doubt. I think their faces are so very sweet. This is a mint condition piece.

Here is the label on the birds....Again, I did a search, and did not find any like them. I did find however that these types of things made by this maker, varied so much in price and value. On ebay, some were listed for a mere .99 and well...then all the way to over a hundred dollars. These cute little birds only cost me $3.00 and I was happy to pay it.

Now this cutie is not mine. This was the closest thing I found on ebay that was remotely close to my bird figurine above. It is absolutely the sweetest thing....but it is listed for $95.00......WOW.....I often wonder what the value would be on the treasures I find and drag home.....but maybe it is better that I don't know, because I doubt I could part with them. If I pick something up and put it in my basket, it is because I love it and plan on keeping it......that is why I need a bigger the worse kind of way!

Have a great weekend and a very Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday ~ Vintage Framed Art

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much. Lastly, try to make an effort to visit the other participants. I know myself, I get so behind and busy, but this year, I am going to do my best to visit each week.

As a rule, I have never paid much attention to vintage framed art when I am out and about looking at estate sales or thrift stores. For some reason, these types of things have been catching my eye lately.

I purchased a beautiful vintage piece at an estate sale in March, and then a few weeks ago, I found this piece at a thrift store.

Actually, there were two of these. One measures around a 11X14 and this smaller one is exactly like the larger one. I bought them both, as they were a set and the price was only $8.00 for both. I think the print is just as sweet as it can be. I have not taken the backs off of these yet, but when you look closely at both, the print really looks like it was printed on linen fabric. I have no idea how old these are, but they are certainly not modern day art by any means. I think they are cute!

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday......sorry I am late at getting the link up....this week is flying by and I forgot it was Wednesday..... :-)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Misfit China Ware

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much. Lastly, try to make an effort to visit the other participants. I know myself, I get so behind and busy, but this year, I am going to do my best to visit each week.

I have a knack of  being drawn to small little misfit or mismatched china ware when I am browsing thrift shops.

One day, while stopping by my new favorite shop, I spotted a few things on a shelf and all of them were marked .25 cents. About the time I saw them, a lady came down the same isle, looked at the little goodies and looked at the price and stated she thought they might as well throw those types of things in the trash. She proclaimed no one would want them and at .25 cents, they were not worth the tag on the junk,  stuff. She quickly moved on with her buggy........

This little kangaroo salt and pepper shaker is far from being perfect. In fact, one of his ears has been reattached. He was all alone, and I know I have talked before about bringing home orphan salt and pepper shakers. He is cute...even if he is not in perfect condition.

This is a small toothpick holder. I don't know if this is supposed to be a goat, mule or a deer, but I am going to call it a deer for all practical purposes! It is cute and tiny and small. 

I also picked up a couple of other items that were perfect in color and design for something I am planning in the future. I simply love when that happens....can't show you today, but will in a few weeks.

Not bad for less than buck!! What happened to that other lady?? Well, as luck would have it, she ended up at the counter right BEHIND me when I was paying. I could see her raised eyebrow from the corner of my eye, but I refused to look her way. Wish I would have had a penny for her thoughts!!!

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Children's Reader

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much. Lastly, try to make an effort to visit the other participants. I know myself, I get so behind and busy, but this year, I am going to do my best to visit each week.

I have acquired several vintage children's books lately. Some of them, I have not seen in years. They may end up in my Etsy shop but for now, I am enjoying looking through each one and I really love the graphics in the older books.

Tip and Mitten......I remember this book!!

Here is the inside of the front cover. I wonder if the new books at schools today still have the place to write your name when the book is assigned to you??

Such sweet graphics in this book!! I like them so much more than the new modern books of today. Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday~~

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