Showing posts with label Repurpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repurpose. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Painted Makeovers For More Thrifty Finds

I posted on Sunday about the makeover on a thrifted headboard for my daughter and thought I'd post about some of the other transformations today.

A few years ago, I redid a dresser for my daughter, and I posted about it HERE.

As you may well know, as time goes by, desires and taste change, as well in this case. When I originally redid the dresser, my daughter did not want the mirror so I had sold that on craigslist. Now, as you may already guess, she decided she wanted a mirror. I don't know about you, but I searched craigslist, thrift stores and just about everywhere for a mirror that I thought she would like at a good price. Let me just say, mirrors are expensive.....even second hand mirrors.

Remember me talking about that estate sale I was able to go to before the sale actually started?? Well, they had a mirror  that was a good price. Was it pretty?? No, not so much, but it was SOLID wood and the details were amazing. Did I think it was my daughters taste, no, not so much, infact, I did not even send her a picture of it. Did I think I could make this work? Absolutely and for $35.00 I just had to have it. I actually wanted to keep it for myself. 

This mirror is OLD, really old. It is heavy as lead. It was looking rather tired and sad at the estate sale and in fact, I almost overlooked it. My friend commented on the mirror and I gave it a look over, and could see it was too good to leave behind. I tried to imagine bringing this piece to an updated look for a young adult and thought I could achieve that.   I took it home and got to work. I lightly sanded the places like in this picture, there were no major areas that needed work, just a couple of places around the rim.

Next, taped off the mirror itself, and a couple of spray paint cans later, this became exactly what I thought it could be. For my taste, I would have painted it another color for sure, but I knew it was going over a black dresser and even if I wanted to paint it another color, I knew it would not be what Alisha would have wanted.

It took about three coats of paint, as this soaked up the paint really was really dry.

Here is a close up of the detail of the mirror. It is lovely and has the most wonderful texture.

Here it is hanging over the dresser. I love it and my daughter does too. That lamp, another thrift store find. Absolutely perfect too. The lamp has a black base and a grayish shade, perfect for her bedroom.

This piece was something I picked up from honestly, I don't know where. It was one of those brown early american pieces. It was ugly to be honest....but. When I purchased it I had thought to paint it, but just never did. I decided now was the time. I had a soft cream colored spray paint and painted this with two coats of paint.

This embellishment was a find in the scrap booking section at Michael's, it is metal. I used spray adhesive sprayed to the back of the metal piece and adhered it to the front. I like the added something it gave the piece.

I had a couple of matching milk glass pieces, and they make great holders for jewelry or other treasures and trinkets.

Here is the finished look. The little birds were also a black and brown set I picked up from somewhere years ago. I enjoyed them for many years but I decided they needed an update too. So I applied several coats of white spray paint and they have a fresh updated look and also a new home.

I know lots of folks who think they have to spend a lot of money on brand new stuff for home decor. It simply is not the case. You have to have a vision, then go out and find what you need to make that vision come to life. 

The only updated cost here was the price of the mirror, which I know was a very good price. I know some might say I ruined it painting it black, but really no I did not. If she ever gets tired of the mirror, I have already claimed it back and a little paint or glaze in any color would give it a whole new look. It will be loved for the rest of our lives, that is for sure. 

The early american tray maybe cost a couple of dollars and the cost of the paint. I used the paint that I already  had at home, which most of that was what I picked up at sales for fifty cents a can. Not bad....not bad at all. I think it looks fantastic and so does my daughter. What do you think? Can you get past the black color and see the beauty?? What projects are you working on?

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Mid Century Headboard Meets Chalk Paint

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you guys already know I am always after a bargain....always after what I need at a cheap or little to nothing price. I always see the glass half full when looking for things that can be transformed into something I want or need. 

My husband Steve, however, does not see things the same way. In fact, a few Saturdays ago, my brother and my husband went with me on a shopping "hunt" for some pieces I needed to find for my daughter. It was like a double whammy, but my brother was able to keep his opinions to himself better than my husband. 

If I tell you my husband was "negative Neil" ( I won't call him Nellie) the whole day, that would be an understatement. First stop was a hotel liquidators store....that story will be coming in a few days, because we were there over THREE hours, and my husband wanted to leave after walking in the door...... but the second stop was at a new thrift store I have mentioned here on my blog. 

I had spotted a king headboard earlier in the week and wanted to go back and get it. My husband tried to tell me it would be gone when we got to the store, but I knew better. He kept trying to tell me that if it was any good at all, it was already sold. I just told him to keep driving.

Want to know why I knew it would still be there?? (wish I had taken a better picture) You see that green arrow??? The headboard I wanted was laying on the floor on the BOTTOM of a huge pile of headboards. There were wicker headboards, wooden ones and a cloth covered one. Mine was at the bottom of the pile and I knew it was a king size, just what I needed. I also knew in my heart, it was being overlooked. My diamond was laying under a pile of junk and no one was paying it any attention.

The headboard was marked $30.00 and I was happy to pay that for it. It is a super mid century wooden headboard and I sorta felt guilty knowing I was going to paint all that gorgeousness. If you are a mid century fanatic, please accept my humble apologies. I know some of you are swooning. I mentioned, my brother was with us and he just did not think this hunk of junk was worth more than $20.00 and like my brothers true nature, he got them down to $20.00. BINGO. Amidst all the grumbling from Steve, I was so excited as I saw what this could be and felt sure it was going to turn out stunning.

This is the first project I have used chalk paint on. I won't go into the details on how this is made or works, because I am sure by now you all know the procedure. I found the recipe online and made my own chalk paint. I knew I needed to purchase the finishing wax and both of these mediums were new to me. That did not deter me any and I forged ahead with my plans.

The headboard needed a light sanding, just to smooth out some of the imperfections and I just wiped it off with a very lightly damp cloth. Next, I taped off where I wanted to keep different colors separate and began painting. I used three different color gray paints to sorta give a nod to the ombre technique. The very lightest was in the middle and graduated out to the darkest, which was the main color of the headboard. As you can see, I started out working on this as an outside project, but it moved indoors as the weather did not cooperate like I needed it to.

I used two coats of the chalk paint, and that was all I needed. Once the paint was dry, I applied the finishing wax, left it on for about twenty minutes and buffed it out with a clean, soft cloth. I was amazed at how the finishing wax really made a huge difference. It really turned out like I pictured it would in my mind.

Simple, clean lines with a freshly new lease on life. This forgotten headboard went from straight off the floor of a thrift store to a new bedroom makeover. I think it is a really nice updated look and it looks super fantastic in my daughters room.

Total cost of this transformation:

headboard $20.00
paint and supplies for this piece $9.00
elbow grease by mom $0.00

Total: $29.00

See that little glimpse of the wall art over the bed?? I can not wait to show you that piece and how to make it. It sets off the whole room, very romantic and fun. I will have that post up this week along with the rest of the apartment transformation for my daughter!

What do you think about this project? Have you used chalk paint yourself? If not, I have to say it works like a dream. No sanding (really not needed) no stripping, no prep with a solid finish. I love how this turned out and how easy it was to achieve the look I was after.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage repurposed Lighting

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday

If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.

I found the picture below while looking through some folders on my computer. I have no idea when I saved it or where I found it from.

Are these not the cutest things?? I'd love to have some of these in my house, somewhere. I just love them.

Maybe this little cute bluebird cup and saucer would make a cute lamp.

But I think I'd have to go with some of my rose cups and saucers, and maybe even a sugar bowl or gravy boat. The ideas or endless!!

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Touches To a Baby Shower

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday. If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.

I hosted a baby shower for my niece and had a marvelous time with the planning of all the festivities! The theme was Under The Big Top - circus theme shower and I used a few vintage things to add to the decor and re-purpose for the shower. I will have a more detailed post a few days next week and show how it all came together! But for now, here are some of the things that I used that came from vintage items. As always, clicking on photos will make them bigger.

 This is a banner that I made using photo copied pages from a vintage circus children's book that I purchased online.  This banner spelled the name of the was so cute!

 I found an elephant and giraffe at goodwill.....vintage looking brass animals from the 70's maybe.....but these quickly became decor for the mantle.

 I don't like brass at all...but painted these turned out really cute! See that circus poster????.....I gave you a sneak peek HERE and this is what I did with that poster and window......spray paint can fix up lots of ugly things really quick.

I purchased this elephant at an estate sale. It was one of those ceramic pieces from the 70's as well....and while it looked ok as it was not what I really had in mind.

I used baby blue spray paint from Michaels and it made all the difference in that elephant and the planter in the middle that held cotton candy.

Here is another view of one of the tables.....

 A vintage baby planter that is a clown was the topper for this serving display. I filled the planter with suckers and it worked out really well.

The lion was a vintage fine, and embellished with felt and the initial for my new great nephew's name. 

By collecting cast off items at goodwill, thrift stores and estate sales, I was able to update them to fit right in with my theme and not break the budget. Come back next week for a more detailed look at the shower and how it all came together! 

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Running out of space?

More often than not my husband likes to remind me of his thoughts......."You can't have everything... where would you put it?"..............

I gently remind him......."Honey....there is a place for all my treasures!" is in the eye of the beholder....and I see beauty husband.....not so much!

In the garden I tend to drop my thoughts here and there. To the flowers I whisper the secrets I keep and the hopes I breathe. ~Dodinsky

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Framed

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday. If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.

I have had a love affair with vintage windows for a mighty long time. Just ask my husband.....I have them stashed by our garage and threatened bodily harm if any suddenly go missing. I have been known to stop and fish them out of peoples trash.....out of scrap piles....and once out of a dumpster.
Don't judge.

This vintage window is in my hallway.....long before pinterest came into being, these widows have been destined to be picture frames. I have another that is going to be framing something else a little later this year....and other projects for the ones I have stock piled. I seem to have a running theme with things like these old is never enough. I have to get as many as I can and  then figure out what I want to do with them.

 Photos, scrapbook paper serves as the backdrop of this old wooden frame. I did not repaint this frame, just a little cleanup work and it was fine like it is.....I love the chippy paint.

 This frame is in the hallway at my house. I see lots of hall photo walls on pinterest with the pretty black frames...but for me, this is more my taste...a little battered, a little worn, but filled with things and people I love...sorta like me in a lot of ways.

These prints are not vintage, but they certainly look vintage inspired. I love the stitch work....just my kind of art.

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday! Have a great week!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vintage Thingie Thursday: Vintage Dresser Updated

Welcome everyone to Vintage Thingies Thursday. If you have a love for vintage things, have come to the right place. We have a really good time each and every week!!!
If you are new to this party, please take the time to
read and follow the instructions for participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday, click HERE. I try and keep things fairly simple, so please make sure you follow the instructions. Please only ONE link per week. Lastly, if you link in, LINK back to my blog, so everyone can see all of the vintage goodies on display that day. If you don't link back here, they won't know who to visit......thanks so much.

When my daughter was moving to Austin, she wanted a larger dresser than what she had in the past. So naturally, I was on the lookout for something larger that was made of good wood and would be something that would last.

I found this dresser on Craigslist, and the price was right, so I went to pick it up. When my daughter saw it she just sorta made a face ...... like... ummmmm...that was not really what I had in mind.

She rather reluctantly told me that this sorta looks like for a little girl. I quickly made the comment along the lines of... " A little girl?"

Well, I was a little shocked at that and said something to the affect  that she actually WAS still a little girl to you can guess, that did not go over too well.

I guess at the age of 24 years old going on 25, the little girl image is not what one might be after. So I did what every thrifty person I know would have done.....reworked that dresser into something fit for an old lady, I mean a  young woman.

So out in the back yard it went. After sanding, painting, and sanding some more this turned out to be the perfect dresser for my daughter. She loved it.

New knobs from Hobby lobby were added for a more updated look. Those cost me almost as much as the dresser did to begin with....I was so glad they have 40% coupons. It only took me about 12 visits to purchase these at an affordable price and doing that I was able to replace the knobs.

Sanding around the edges and corners added the distressed look I love so well.

It turned out like I thought it would. As you can see, the mirror never made it with the dresser. That was still a little too "little girl" like for her. So we scraped the mirror, I think I sold it in a garage sale for what I paid for the dresser to begin with. ~ go figure~

All in all, very little was spent on this piece, and it works wonderfully in her room. What about you? Have you tried your hand a re purposing pieces of furniture and giving them a new updated look?

Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday!! Have a wonderful week.

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