Showing posts with label Crumb along. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crumb along. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Quilt From The Heart ~ Choose Joy

Jo suggested I link in with my quilt over at Quilt Story blog today, and I decided to do that. With the theme of a quilt having a story, I think it will be a good addition and fun. Thank you Jo for the suggestion.

I have finished my quilt from Jo's Crumb Along Quilt Along challenge. This post is the finished quilt and the story that goes along with this quilt. This post may be a little long, but the story is going to be told here more for myself than any other.
(all photos are click-able to enlarge)

I found Jo's blog about the quilt along and decided to try this "crumb" process of piecing. I had never done this type of piecing but I had lots of scraps that I could use up. So, I signed up and gathered up my scraps. Now, the scraps I used for this quilt are the scraps left over from my begging quilt project. What is wonderfully special about these scraps is the fact that they were sent to me by bloggers from all over the world. Bloggers are a special group of people, and the generosity from these wonderful people is always overwhelming. The story really started here....the fabric bits from friends connected by the internet sent to a fellow blogger for a project. Fabric bits and kind hearts united for a cause.

Once Jo posted the first instructions, I made those first blocks fairly simple. The next day, I got started and I finished in one morning and waited until the next week for further instructions. The very afternoon I finished these first blocks, word was sent via a new blog post that my sweet friend, Sara was indeed making her final journey home to heaven. Shock, Grief, Disbelief, Despair were emotions that flooded my heart and mind. Some of you may know Sara from her blog Gitzen Girl. We met in 2008 shortly after we both started blogging. We connected and became fast online friends. She has always been like a daughter to me, or maybe a younger sister, but most importantly we were heart friends from the start, the kind that knows no beginning or end. Sara has always been sick from the time I have known her, in fact house bound due to her health issues. This year has been hard on her, but even knowing all of that, one is never prepared to say goodbye or even wish to think about doing so.

The next few days were like a blur. I sat my sewing down and walked out the sewing room fixated on the computer and updates on Sara. Praying. Crying. In disbelief that this was happening and I was miles away from where I wanted to be....with my friend whom I had never met face to face but only heart to heart and her family. Time had run out.....we would never met this side of heaven.

The next week, things were still much the same, and the new instructions were posted on Jo's blog. So I did what I knew to do. Sit and sew, and sew and sew.....all the while praying with each stitch for my friend and her family and many friends. That was the running theme with this entire quilt. Prayers for my friend, and then for her family and friends grieving after she was gone. It became clear to me along the way that this quilt was not one I would be keeping for myself. I was led to finish this quilt  for my sweet friend, Sara's mom. So, I will be mailing this to her when I have it quilted.

One of the key elements in this quilt is the lettering. I had decided at the start I was not going to do letters as Jo had done on her quilt. I had never done them, and did not know how. Somewhere along the way, that went by the wayside, and I was able to create Sara's catch phrase for living...."choose joy"......and that became the focus for the borders. In choosing joy, which I really did not feel like doing, but out of my heart of hearts knew that is what Sara would want, the letters formed rather easily out of scraps. I also choose to border the words with all heart blocks instead of the stars Jo had chosen for hers, as for me the hearts represent all the hearts touched so fiercely by this special friend.

Another touch that I knew I needed to add was a block dedicated to her dog.....Riley. Sara loved Riley and he was always so much a part of her post on her blog. This block took me more hours than I care to admit, but I had to have him in this quilt......Riley is so special and he deserved a special place in this "Choose Joy" quilt because he did bring so much joy to Sara and all of us who shared that joy with her.

 This is the real Riley ~ The Riley lookalike Block
I am pleased with the results, mainly because I had no idea how I was going to do it in the first place, I just knew I needed to figure it out! All little pieces put together in hopes of looking like the real pup. I think Sara would have been so pleased.

The finished construction of this quilt represents for me, an idea of what bloggers mean to each other. Each different, but all have an impact just the same. Some play a big part, others a small piece in each of our lives, but they are all connected with a common thread. Friendship. From the fabrics sent, to the finished pieced quilt, it was a labor of love from start to finish.

I have mentioned before that quilts have a story. Sometimes, the story is what inspired the quilt in the first place. It is in the story that the idea came together and gave the quilt a direction when there was none. I had no idea how this quilt would come together or that the journey would have been such a bittersweet one, but I am so thankful to Jo for the opportunity of the quilt along. It happened just at the time it was meant to take place. It was therapy for a breaking heart and hopefully will be a light of joy for its new owner. I hope when Sara's mom gets this quilt she feels the love and prayers that come with it and it will be something she knows was made from the heart out of much love.

****Sara lived her life by making the decision to Choose Joy in everything and every day. No matter her circumstances she trusted in God and all he was for her. If you have not visited her blog, Gitzen Girl, take some time to do so. I know you will be inspired, encouraged, and enlightened to Choose Joy in all things too.....or at least aspire to do so. I was so blessed to have been able to share a small part of Sara's life and she will always be my forever heart friend.

Friday, October 21, 2011

I Like Big Quilts And I Can Not Lie......

Oh, yes....I do. If there was any doubt, let me remind you that my very first quilt was turned from a full size into a king size just like that. After all, bigger is always better in my book.  I always seem to make large quilts. I have never made a twin size unless it was on purpose and that has only happened once. Lap quilts are not even in my thought process and I have only made two wall hangings and I gave them both away as gifts.

With that being said, I have to admit when I sewed the body of my latest quilt from the crumb along together, I thought....."What happened?"

All the blocks were trimmed to 6 inches. There are eight rows up and down, and seven across. Honestly, I have had this on my design wall all along, and for some reason, the thought never occurred to me that this was going to be small...em.....really small compared to what I am used to working with. This is the photo of all the blocks sewn together.....still up on the design wall. I had to check myself because I was sure something was off due to its size. But I finally just decided to just go with it, it was OK that it was not a gigantic quilt....smaller would be fine.....and it really is not small compared to some I have seen.

Here it is with the inner border added. The Green fabric was my starting constant fabric or focal fabric as Jo suggested. I spent the largest part of the day making an additional crumb border to sew on the outside of this green one. I kid you not. All day.......

My thought was to add the crumb border, then another green border, then the larger 6 inch outer border to finish it up. I don't know what I was thinking. After all of that additional sewing, I decided this quilt did not need that crumb border added nor did it need the additional green border. It will be fine as it is.

I need to work on finishing the outer border and getting it all put together. I may wait until next week, because Jo is so good at giving little tips and tricks for making it all come together.  This is a bright one to say the least. But I think I am really liking it and once the large crumb border is added, I think it will be really a neat quilt. I have even learned to embrace working with a smaller than usual pile of fabrics. I may just be finished with the larger than life quilts for a while......maybe!

You may notice the little block in the lower right hand corner. That is a crumb puppy block. It took me so long to get it the way I thought it needed to be that I am too ashamed to tell you long it took. Just know, I will tell you about it once the quilt is finished.

Quilts tell a story and they speak to the artist who is bringing it to life. Especially true for me with this one. Only, I had no idea what was in store  when I signed up for this crumb along or where it would find a home once it is finished. The scraps, the blocks, the story all came together for a quilt with a purpose. This is one like none other I am sure I will ever make. Thank you Jo for the opportunity and the challenge. There was a bigger purpose planned all from the beginning.

If you'd like to see some of the other participants, be sure to stop by Jo's Blog,  Jo's Country Junction and take a look around. Look back on the crumb post and think about trying this process out yourself. It is amazing how different each and every quilt is going to look, all using the same technique. Have a great weekend....happy sewing!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crumb Along: Log Cabin Blocks

Tuesday was the new step in the crumb along at Jo's Country Junction blog. If you have thought about trying this type of is not too late to take a turn with this fun, no matching, no thinking...(well, almost no thinking) type of quilting. I have to tell you it has been nice not worrying about a seam allowance, or everything matching up and having to rip out and try again.....well, maybe there was a little ripping out but not much!

This week was the log cabin block. Funny thing is, the more blocks I have made and the closer to being finished with all the blocks, the more I want to change a few things. Seems this week, with the construction of the log cabin blocks, I have made more and more decisions on changing mainly the blocks for the border. Guess that is  my own fault, should not have already made all the border blocks...but I did and I have a few changes to a couple of blocks to make! Hopefully, in the end, it won't look like a big ole bunch of messy blocks!!

Here are four of the log cabins I have made so far. I used the small hearts inside the green for the center square. I am using all heart blocks for the border with the exception of the blocks with letters, so I am going to put these four in the corners, and used a small heart in each one. Hope it works like I am  picturing it in my head. (for detail, clock on photo to enlarge)

I did make one log cabin like the ones Kathy made this week. I think hers turned out a whole lot prettier, but I may go ahead and make a couple more of these. They were rather simple and I like the look, again using green as the center.

Next week, we join the center of the quilt....if I have any changes I am determined to make, I better get busy!! Be sure to see others progress on this crumb along by clicking on Jo's Blog.....lots of inspiration here!!

Happy Sewing!!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Crumb Along Blocks - This week ~ Triangles!

Tuesday was the new step in the crumb along at Jo's Country Junction blog. If you have thought about trying this type of is not too late to take a turn with this fun, no matching, no thinking...(well, almost no thinking) type of quilting. I have to tell you it has been nice not worrying about a seam allowance, or everything matching up and having to rip out and try again.....well, maybe there was a little ripping out but not much!

This week it was all about Triangles. Now, I usually don't like to choose a pattern that has a lot of triangles. Oh, I can do the blocks that call for half square triangles, I just as a rule prefer not too. But, I really love how they look in a finished quilt. The really add a lot of punch in my opinion.

I spent a  lot of time in the sewing room this week. I made several crumb blocks and the blocks below with the triangles.

I made seven in all with the triangles, I have at this time only 6 spots for more blocks. Next week is the log cabin block instructions and that should be all I need for the top. I have finished all the border blocks and letters.
I did spend WAY too much time on a special block that I will include in the border of this quilt. I finished it finally the other day and after all the work I did on it to come out just right...I am rather proud of that accomplishment. I am sure there would have been an easier way  to create that block, but I guess I did it the hard way, after all it took a few hours to my satisfaction! I am going to holding off showing that block at the moment. I will show and tell about it when we show our borders.

I am eager to get this one put together but I think the instructions for that will be one more week. I think I will wait on Jo's instructions...maybe it will keep me from ripping out a lot of seams that way.

And seriously....does anyone else wonder where in the thunder they got all their scraps??? It feels like mine multiplied times two instead of diminished a little bit. I think another one of these quilts will be in the making least that way maybe I can see a lot more tiny pieces of fabrics used and out of the stash!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Crumb Quilt Along ~ Heart and Star Blocks

Tuesday is the new step in the crumb along at Jo's Country Junction blog. If you have thought about trying this type of is not too late to take a turn with this fun, no matching, no thinking...(well, almost no thinking) type of quilting. I have to tell you it has been nice not worrying about a seam allowance, or everything matching up and having to rip out and try again.....well, maybe there was a little ripping out but not much! Be sure to take a look at the next step tomorrow.....I am looking forward to it.

This past week's instructions were to make heart and star blocks. I had a mental block on the star blocks because they always give me the most trouble. Mine are not exactly like Jo's or the other participants but they will have to do. (Click to enlarge Photo)

By the time I started the heart blocks, my heart was indeed needing some cheering as I watched, waited and prayed for a blogging friend who was on her journey home to heaven.

Little did I know when I started this crumb along that it would be just what I needed at the exact time I needed it.  I ran away making the hearts. I think these will be the border instead of using the star blocks, or maybe a mix of both.

I guess I need to get over my phobia of stars. Some are not too bad, but others are well.....lets just say they needed a bit of work.

This really is a good way to use up lots of small scraps you have possession of and don't want to throw away.....Thanks again Jo, for a great quilt along! It is really been so much more to me than just a quilt along, it has been a great project to work on during a very sad time....just what is quilt is supposed to be....comforting.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crumb Along - Part One of Sewing

I told you yesterday about a crumb along Jo is hosting over at Jo's Country Junction. Every Tuesday is when new instructions on the block construction is posted and today was the first sewing part. I made three blocks.

Wouldn't you know it, the first thing right off the bat is flying geese blocks? The only flying geese blocks I have ever made were in my very first quilt and I have not attempted another since. Thing is....this time, they are not supposed to be straight! You'd think that would be no problem...but for the first 15 minutes...I kept thinking...this can not be right.

But....I remembered Jo saying there is no right or wrong so I just kept on sewing......but boy, do these geese look like they could use some help!

I trucked on and finally finished three. But would you get a look at those geese....ahem! There is a second part of this weeks instructions which is to make some more single geese blocks that I believe will be part of a star block next week....and would you believe the other block that is rather intimidating to me are STAR blocks!!! Nothing like starting off worried that I won't even finish parts one and two....but I plugged away.....hope they are right.....

Here is all three......I am using all scraps and crumbs, strings and pieces of left over blocks for this quilt....yes and I am sure it will be every bit as bright and bold as my last finish.......I think I am gonna like it!!!

Don't forget, it is not to late to join the fun......perfectionist personalities should be is a strain....but honestly, I may never go back to sewing a straight block or seam again!!

Jo has a link up HERE to take a peek at what other quilters have done with their first sure to take a look, should be fun!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Save Crumbs And It Is A Good Thing!

As if I have nothing else in the world to do, this morning I found a great new quilt along that of course I have decided I need to join. What a fantastic way to use up crumb scraps that "I" seem to not be able to throw away.

Jo is hosting this wonderful quilt along and IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN in on the fun! Every Tuesday for 10 weeks will be a new post up on this adventure. Click here to see last weeks post, or click the button on my sidebar and you can get there.....Tomorrow the fun begins!! After finishing my "Begging Quilt" project, scroll down if you missed it over the weekend, I have decided I love, love, LOVE scrappy quilts and this new quilt along is perfect!!

So I am really hoping I can turn something like THIS.......and this is just a portion of what I have saved....into.......

Jo's quilt top she made for her is exquisite!

............Something as fantastic as this!!!

So if you have been wanting to try this quilting technique....go by and visit Jo and grab her button!! This should be a lot of fun...I mean after all.....if you are like me, you have no other projects on the back burner.....right????

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