Wow, I haven't updated my blog for a very very long time! Life has been really good and really busy. Cayla is getting so big and is learning so much. She lights up our day everyday!! She is sooo happy and so much fun! She's very independent and thinks she can do everything on her own. She just recently started feeding herself her bottle (she's getting better at it, at first milk was getting everywhere!). She rolls around everywhere and we think she's going to be crawling soon. She has a smile on her face all of the time...even for strangers. Me and Cade just love being parents and can't imagine what our life would be like without this little angel. I have so many pictures I need to put on here, but we'll start with her 6 month photos for now :)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
It's Been a While....
Wow, I haven't updated my blog for a very very long time! Life has been really good and really busy. Cayla is getting so big and is learning so much. She lights up our day everyday!! She is sooo happy and so much fun! She's very independent and thinks she can do everything on her own. She just recently started feeding herself her bottle (she's getting better at it, at first milk was getting everywhere!). She rolls around everywhere and we think she's going to be crawling soon. She has a smile on her face all of the time...even for strangers. Me and Cade just love being parents and can't imagine what our life would be like without this little angel. I have so many pictures I need to put on here, but we'll start with her 6 month photos for now :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My Baby Girl At Two Months
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween Fun and D's Birthday!
We had our little halloween get-together here at our house and it was a blast! It was so much fun dressing up our little Cayla, carving pumkins, eating chile, drinking home-made rootbeer and just being with the fam! It was also D's 9th birthday, so we had fun celebrating that. I made some pretty delicious upside down pumpkin filled chocolate cupcakes for his "birthday cake". Thanks Paula Deen :)! I love this time of year!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Our Sweet Baby Girl
I can't believe she's already 5 weeks old! I've been needing to post some pictures of her on my blog, but haven't gotten around to doing it! She is such a sweet little baby and we are having so much fun with her. She was a big baby to begin with weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz and she's still growing like crazy and now weighs a little over 11 lbs! I had to have an emergency c-section after laboring for about 23 hours (her heart rate dropped dangerously low). It definitely wasn't in my birth plan, but we made it through it. I'm finally feeling just about back to normal and it's so nice to finally have my energy back and be able to walk normally! Anyway, we are just loving having her in our little family and coudn't imagine being without her!
Monday, July 5, 2010
29 Weeks!
Monday, June 28, 2010
I was able to fly out to Austin about a week ago to visit my sister Aubrey and my little niece. Shayna is getting so big and is just so dang cute! She is learning so much and always has the cutest little smile on her face. We all had such a great time together. I can't wait to see them again in a couple months when they fly out for the arrival of our little Cayla!
I have to apologize for the way my blog looks. I tried doing a different template design, but it looks horrible and I don't have the patience to figure out how to fix it right now!
Katie Jo's Birthday
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Two Years!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Halfway there!
So today is my 20 week milestone! The last 5 months have gone by so fast, I can't believe it! I'm feeling pretty good now except for the headaches I get pretty much everyday and I'm still more tired than normal, but it's nothing too bad. Being pregnant is such an amazing thing, I would never change this experience for anything in the world. It's not the easiest thing, but I love it! I'm finally starting to show where it's actually noticable (especially to me) so I thought I would post a picture. I'm taking photos of myself every 4 weeks to see my progress and it's crazy how much I've already changed! Cade has been wonderful throughout this pregnancy and I don't know what I'd do without him. It's so much fun to lay down at night together and feel her kick up a storm, I can even see my tummy moving when she moves! Anyway, everything is going great and we just can't wait to meet this little girl.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
It's A.....
We can't believe it! All this time we thought for sure we were having a little boy! We are so excited, but I still think a little shocked! We feel so blessed to have this little girl be a part of our lives. I have some ultrasound pictures, but it's kinda hard to tell what part is what in them, so I will wait to post some when we go for our 20 week appointment in May. I'm feeling MUCH better now and almost feel back to my normal self! It's so nice to have some energy back and not to feel so nauseous all the time. They say to take advantage of feeling good the second trimester, because the third is about as bad as the first, just in different ways! Anyway, life is great and we couldn't be happier!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
We're Havin' a Baby!
I'm so glad we can finally say it!! We wanted to wait until we got our ultrasound to let everybody know, just to be safe :)
I'm about 12 weeks and we just got back from the doctor to see our baby for the first time. It was such an amazing experience and we couldn't be more excited. I couldn't believe how much he (we think it's a boy, but who knows right?) is moving around. It looked like he was on a little bungee cord goin' crazy! Even though we've known I've been pregnant for a while now, today it really hit us. I just couldn't stop smiling looking at the monitor watching everything and seeing the little heartbeat... so neat.
Anyway, life is great and we're so excited for the birth of our little baby on or around September 19th!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
This is a super late post, but I figure better late than never! Christmas was great. We went to Malad and celebrated it with both of our families. We headed up on Christmas Eve to celebrate my birthday at my parents house (I'm a quarter of a century old!), then woke up early in the morning to open up presents. Right after that we headed straight over to the Beetons house to open presents with them. It was great to be able to spend Christmas with both our families and be there for Shayna and Charlotte's first Christmas! I've posted a few random photos. Can you believe that my little brother is already taller than me? Hey, but I can still beat him in an arm wrestle!! You gotta love George in her Santa hat. I'm not the type of person to dress my cat up, but I saw this hat and thought it was hilarious, so I tortured the poor thing and made her wear it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Baby Charlotte
We finally got to meet our new niece, Charlotte Bell. Matt (Cade's brother) and Jessica came down to Salt Lake from Boise for Thanksgiving and also to bless their little girl. They stayed with us after the baby blessing until Tuesday. It was so good to be able to spend time with them and little Charlotte. Look at these adorable photos of her! She already loves her Uncle Cade it looks like!
Carving the Turkey and Frosting Cookies
Delicious Desserts!
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