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Posts tonen met het label Variete. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 22 januari 2013

Interesting pictures

About 2 years ago I made a dvd from our family Lange named:" 125 years artist Family Lange."
Alfons Lange in costume. He named himself : The german Blondie "
Dieters grandfather started show business by walking over a rope from church to church. All his children and grandchildren and their children including our daughter who is ofcourse his back grandchild are in showbusiness.
Circus Scala
It took me 8 month till it was ready and I'm very happy with the result. With all the work I had to do, like enhancing the photos. I had fun working with photoshop elements and did some nice work from the circus. Here some pictures.

Pictures from Circus Althof, digital art with photoshop elements made by Coby Lange. copyright.

dinsdag 1 januari 2013


Happy New year, to everyone who read my blog and thank You for visiting. This is a good start for 2013 to do the ultimate blog challenge again. I joined the first time a half a year ago and so I know this is not an easy task, but also very good for me to do. So here we go.
Last night we went to a lovely theater, called the Apollo in Düsseldorf Germany.
They have a good Variety Show and because Dieter, my husband and I used to work at variety's as Antipodist we enjoyed it very much. You can have a look at an old post from me to see what we used to do. http://codiart.blogspot.nl/2012/04/there-s-no-business-like.html
The original Apollo Theater in Düsseldorf was bombed during World War 2 and now Mr. Bernhard Paul has opened this new Apollo Theater 15 years ago. He himself is very well known for Circus Roncalli.I worked with him as choreographe for the Showballet in the "Alte Oper" Frankfurt.
A friend of us, Mr. Carol Loettel invited us for yesterdays dinner show and we were very happy to be there, together with Dagmar and Panda also friends from the Showbusiness. Panda was an Elephant trainer.
After the show we had our first dance of the year together with the showpeople on stage.
When we came home, our neighbors were still partying so some more DANCING!. Now it will be time to concentrate on my ART again and I will talk about this in the days.
So please keep coming back.

zaterdag 28 juli 2012

Bonny West, watch her great Act

A while ago I wrote about my daughter Nathaly, who lives and works in Las Vegas Nevada. At this moment she is working at the Viva Elvis Show from Cirque du Soleil. She is a Cowgirl and worked as an artist since she is 15 years old. She was practicing with her dad, many hours a day.
As You click the link from the Elvis show You see that it is the last season and so, Bonny West ( that is her Artist name from the very start )has many idea's for new Shows, she is a real born Artist.
She just made a very nice website and You probably like to see some pictures of everything she has done so far. So here is the link and I hope You stay there a while. Bonny West Don't forget to put your speakers on because there is a video of her act as wel.
Nathaly and Tuson Big Mountain

zaterdag 7 juli 2012

Digital Art

Today I would like to write something about my digital Art. Since I have my MAC I love to play around with my photo's. So I bought the software from Adobe Photoshop Elements many years ago and love it. Unfortunately I should upgrade my Mac Book to the latest version LION, but than Photoshop Elements does not work anymore. Two years ago I used to work much more with digital images as I was making a book about Dieters Artist Family called "125 Years Artist Family Lange" By looking through all the old photos I had to make many reparations, so I could use them in the book.
Dieter sitting on the elephants head and his mam in costume next to the elephant
I love this picture It is from Dieters Grandparents in their Showcostumes
His Father was not born yet .This must have been around 1895. I have changed the background a lot.

My latest digital Art piece, made today

If You like Mixed Media Art, like I do I am sure You know about Cloth paper scissors there You can find many free resourses about everything a mixed media artist love.

zondag 3 juni 2012

Some Show News

Las Vegas has so much to offer and we are very fortunate to have some good friends and our daughter working there. One day, Nathaly came to us with a surprise. She had special event tickets for the "Mystère Show" from Cirque du Soleil, for our friend Brian Andro who is working at this show, they organised a surprise Party after the Show for his 80th. birthday. So we were standing on this great stage. His son had made a movie of his LIFE. We worked with him many years ago round 1960.

Then an other day Tuson Big Mountain our son-in-law brought us backstage of the new "Aria" the newest Luxury Hotel in the City Center from Las Vegas  He has a large working space and is a carpenter.
Backstage is enormous large and 6 stories high. Wow, I wonder how many people are necessary to operate all these large props and stages, up and down. The show is called "Viva Elvis"  Tuson told us there are 40 people during showtime working. The biggest surprse was a phonecall from our daughter Nathaly who got us tickets for this great show, the last day, before we had to leave, where she performs as  "Westerngirl."
We are so glad to be able to see her on this stage. She was wonderful.
I know, I am proud of her,  our daughter Nathaly (Bonny West)

maandag 30 april 2012

The Best for Last

That is true the best for last, I mean only for this blogchallenge, because this is the last post for the month of april 2012. I want to write something about my daughter, she is at this moment the last of our family Lange who is in Showbusiness, together with her cousin Rosi Hochegger. Artist Family Lange started in 1872 and I have made a DVD with a lot of pictures of all the generations and Video Films. It tooks me 6 month to finish it.
Family tree with the blue site of Oswin Lange who is the grandfather of Nathaly our daughter
Nathaly was sure at the age of 12, that she loves to be in Showbusiness like her parents were and so her dad and she started to practice after she found out what her act would be. She decided to become a Cowgirl, she loved dancing and that was a good opportunity to use that in her Act. She started to spin lasso's. Fortunately she met Vince Bruce in Amsterdam, so to say the best Roper in the world, he became a good friend of her and they practice together.
After lasso spinning she started to juggle with pistols and Whipcracking, so at the age of 15 her Act was complete and she started to work in Europe, mostly together with her parents. Her name
"Bonny West" For more pictures please click the link
She went to USA in Florida where her friend Vince was working in a Show named "Fort Liberty"
Not long after that, she started herself at that show and met her husband Tuson Big Mountain. He is a native American and worked with his family at the same show. A few years later they became husband and wife a very beautiful couple, but we lost her to that country so far away from us, and I lost a few tears about that. But she is happy and that matters most.
Together they moved to California and worked at the Wild Bill's for 12 years and We became grandma and grandpa, from a lovely boy, Jacodie.
That is not a baby anymore but a handsome teener
Now Nathaly and Tuson live and work in Las Vegas, what a town so many things to see and to do. Nathaly worked in different Casino's like the Wynn, and the Mandalay Bay, she was behind stage working wardrobe for the singer, but now she is again working as cowgirl in the
"Viva Elvis Show," from Cirque du Soleil.
We are so proud of her, and so glad that we have such a lovely daughter. Next month so that is very soon we will visit her again.

zondag 29 april 2012

Mascott's? What is this? Check it out

A family day with our cousins, the famous Mascott's, who live now in a cottage in the north of Germany and take a 3 hours ride for us to get there. We try to see each other once or twice a year. And have dinner together, than we are talking about the good old days. They worked in the greatest plases like Radio City Musical and also together with Sammy Davis Jr. and You can have a look at their performance, here it is.

Ofcourse that was in 1967 now their life is different. They enjoy to be with dogs, and horses and have a very romantic place. I love to walk around the garden with lots of different trees and flowers and collectibles of funny animals, moshrooms, butterflies. You find them everywere out of glass or iron.
Beautiful Koi's in the pond

Bärbel also worked with 14 barzoi's
and they have still a great place in
her heart.
A vieuw from the cottage with 2 horses


Collage made by my husband: Dieter Lange
Our children are still in Showbusiness. More about that tomorrow. 

woensdag 25 april 2012

There 's no business like....

For me that counts, there's no business than showbusiness. My husband and me are a real artist couple. We met in 1963 and from the very first day we met, we also worked together and yes in SHOWBUSINESS. I was only 18 years old and worked as a dancer. My husband worked in the same show and because his mam was ill, and could not assist him, the director asked me, to be the assistent of an Antipodist. I never heard this word before and was told that is a footjuggler. I got a pretty red velvet costume and so it started.
This was our first pictures in showbiz together, Taken in 1963, me in my red velvet costume with a handsome footjuggler on my site. His artist name: Dieter Oswino. Later on our name became Dieter Oswino and Jidette. After a few years just being his assistent I wanted to be in the show myself and studied also footjuggling. Because I was a good tapdancer and teacher we tried to do tapdance upsidedown. I had to practice very hard it was not easy for me. Dieter held me on his feet, me with feet high holding a wooden drum on my feet and made my routine in Tapdance.
We traveled around the world, also with our lovely baby daughter Nathaly. Such a great life, to visit so many places and meet people from all kind. I have put a video here so if You are interested to see what we did. You can. Enjoy.
Dieter Oswino & Jidette

donderdag 19 april 2012


Follies a good word for a good Show. The Follies (If You click the link, You can see a video spot)in Palm Springs California. This show is very special because all the performers must be over 55 years of age. That means, also the lovely girls are mostly far in the 60th. When we visited the show, there was a dancer lady from 80 years old. She came on stage, the Talkmaster asked her:"I heard You can still make the split" "Yes" she said and voila she glide into the split rhight there on stage. The audience applaused for her and screem yeh very good. Than the old lady said:"Yes but now I can not get up" Big laughter again. Two men dancer came on stage and took her up her feet. So funny and so good. There is something about that place. The old people are enjoying them self, the showpeople but also the audience who are mostly also far over 60 years old. I have seen people coming to the show with a oxygen bottle in their hands, but smiling!!
Our Cousin Miss Rogana also performed there. She had a great act with knife balancing on a sweeping ladder. Here a video from her act.

zaterdag 11 februari 2012

Found object

Dit stukje film heeft Dieter zojuist gevonden het bestond uit kleine restjes film die ik met Imovie bewerkt heb.

This movie I could make from bits and pieces which Dieter just found it is a real document from the year 1955. As he worked with his father and mother in Madrid.

vrijdag 18 maart 2011

Home again

We are lucky that Nathaly has friends in Las Vegas who could give us tickets for a Variete Show, It was  great, with Show Girls, Tapdancers, very good, Magic show and Singers. We had a great time and bought the photo they had made from us, when we arrived. Here it is

On the road to Boulder City

Boulder City near the Hoover Damm
In the meantime we are back in the Netherlands, but the last few days in Las Vegas were very nice. One day we went to a little town called Boulder City. It has a lot to offer. Many curiosity shops. Handcrafts like knitting, Art also for bags . I talked to the lady and she is very interested in my own hautbags. I will see what to do with that.
My Art bag with picture of Dieters Grandma
hier some pictures from the different shops we visited.

A lot of Art even on the street

We had a snack in Boulder City but after that we went to our favorite restaurant and had Fish again

 Our last day we went to Makino a japanese buffet restaurant with sushi, tempura and chinese cuisine
Look at their website. Mouthwatering!

Bye Bye Las Vegas