Everything that moves me

Posts tonen met het label Poetry;gedichten. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label Poetry;gedichten. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 10 mei 2016

Bevrijdingsfestival May 5 2016

Dieter My husband and I had a lot to do in the last few weeks. We prepared our Gallery for a new exhibition about Freedom. Together with our friends KC61 we filled the place with beautiful art. 

We were mentioned on Facebook by the organization of the festival, so we had a lot of people who came to us. We have many poems hanging on the wall too. 
Ben Ali Libi
Op een lijst van artiesten in de oorlog vermoord
staat een naam, waarvan ik nog nooit had gehoord
dus keek ik er met verwondering naar
Ben Ali Libi: goochelaar

Met een lach en een smoes en een goocheldoos
en een alibi dat ie zorgvuldig koos
scharrelde hij zijn kost bij elkaar
Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

Toen vonden de vrienden van de weduwe Rost
dat Nederland nodig moest worden verlost
van het wereldwijd Joods-Bolsjewistisch gevaar
zij bedoelden natuurlijk die goochelaar

Wie dikwijls een duif of een bloem had verstopt
kon zichzelf niet verstoppen toen er hard werd geklopt
een overval wagen stond al klaar
voor Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

In 't concentratiekamp heeft hij toen misschien
zijn aardigste trucs nog eens laten zien
met een lach en een smoes, een misleidend gebaar
Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

En altijd als ik een schreeuwer zie
met een alternatief voor de democratie
denk ik: jouw paradijs, hoeveel ruimte is daat
voor Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

Voor Ben Ali Libi de kleine schlemiel
hij rustte in vrede, God hebbe zijn ziel.

Gedicht van Willem Wilmink

The mayor of our city Roermond Ms Donders, and many more of the city council came to visit and stayed a while. Best of all, the weather was soooo nice. especially our garden received much attention.
Many artist were and Mohammad Garruth a Musicien from Syrien played the UT and the flute. He fled Syrien Alleppo and now lives in the Netherlands with his wife and two small children.
All together around 60 people came. So a lot of work, tired but very happy.
The exhibition continues until May 15th.

I have another exhibition in a town nearby in Reuver I show 4 Textile quilts until the 12th. Jun in Woongoed two thousand. Also along with KC 61. I think I need a quick getaway.
Wallhanging with beads and hand quilting
My latest textile srt. Kantha stitching

zondag 8 juli 2012


We visited a good friend of us today in Germany.
Everytime when we are together, we talk about some good days and the holidays we had.  Like us she loves traveling a lot.
We came home very late this evening and I still like to post for the blogchallenge and so I will post a poem which I made one day before 9/11  2001 and the Trade Center in New York was attackt and thousends of people killed. It is about Traveling.

Traveling around the world
Music touches my heart
Like waterdrops passing by
that calling sound.

It seems it never stops
no matter what age I am
Waiting for wonders in
a different land.
What do I want to see?

Nervous heart beat
Like drums far away
Getting louder every day
I‘v got to go my way

Following the sounds
 of traveling
Inspired by the music
of all differend kind
It does not matter where I go
I know, it will always be there.

Dreams of freedom 
dreams of love
nomore sorrow
Flying: here I go
higher and higher
music puls me up there

Almost afraid, where do I go
I slowly come down to the earth
My own wings closing till
I feel the save ground
of my own home town
Hope it will always be there


vrijdag 25 mei 2012

Some news from Las Vegas

It has been awhile to write for my blog, but ofcourse I am on  holiday and I want to be as much as possible with my love ones.
First we went to our very loved place "The District", a place which looks like a small village in France, with nice shops and very good food. Like the Fish restaurant "Kings Fish House" where ( as a tradition) we go together to have some oysters.

After that we  spent a few days in the  Hotel Casino "Aliante" not far from my daughters home. With swimming pools and different Theaters and Restaurants. We got a good rest after this long trip from Europe to the USA


view from our room
 Coming home again to my daughters place, I love to sit in her garden, but only very early in the morning, or in the evening. It is extreme hot this May, Some days over 100 F what is 35C !
The  Sound of Las Vegas for me, is the wind singing through the high palm trees. Lilac flowers and a hummingbird the sound of spoons and beads hanging on a cord.The kitchen near, water boiling for my tea. Lovely to be here.

donderdag 26 april 2012

Children's book

I wrote a children's book for the age 4 - 7 together with my friend Noelle Tulleners, who made the paintings. I worked them out in photoshop to fit the pages. "De regendruppel die geen plas wilde worden" A translation is very difficult, but is something like The raindrop who wanted to be by himself.
It starts like this: 

Dark clouds over the town. Sure it would soon rain. In the thickest black cloud which you've ever seen, even millions of raindrops were waiting until they could be released. They rejoiced to see the world finally and looked out to go dancing by the wild wind gusts and fall down to the earth.

Anyway the story goes, that the little raindrop is looking for a place to come down all alone instead to go with all the others. He looks down and finds an umbrella from a little girl and lets himself down.

When she comes home, she put the umbrella in a box. After having tea with her mam, she goes outsite and play with her friends in the rain puddle pools. They all have a lot of fun and the little raindrop is angry that he is not ousite too and playing with the kids.
The sun seems by the window and takes along the little one on her sunjets high in the sky and put him down on a rainbow.
There the raindrop looks down on earth and say: Next time when I go down to earth again, I want to be with all the others and play together. No !! He never wanted to be alone again.

I also bind the book and sold a few in the Netherlands.
The translation in German is also done.

zondag 22 april 2012

Birds singing

Oil Painting made by me Jacoba B.Lange
Birds singing their nightkiss songs for me      
krils trying to sing louder
Softly the warmth from the day covers me
Sitting here and listen to the songs 
of this evening with power.

Suddenly three birds fly high,
are loud screaming
something must have happened
in their tree, something,
but I don't know why
I could not see.

The darkness crawls up slowly,
but still very visible
and the last lines of sunshine
mixed with the darkness
of the evening sky.

Than like a last accord of a song
it suddenly stops.
Like they all know,
time to be quiet
time to let go.

Sitting here all alone,
my mind calm and relax
happy I heard this song
wondering what
I will be doing next

©Jacoba B.Lange (coby)

I wrote this poem in Florida Nokomes in 2002 while I was sitting in the lovely garden of our cousins Frank and Dora Foster

woensdag 4 april 2012

Small tanned book

Klein bruin boekje,
That is the title of a small Poetry book that I wrote my self. About two years ago I found on different note books, poetry in several languages that I had written now and then, and decided to make my own book. That was not so easy, I had to find out how that works. Opend some books, cut out the spine and looked how it was binded. After a few failures it worked out pritty nice. My book has a little story at the beginning and followed by 95 poems.

Here is one of them, it is called


Traveling around the world
Music touches my heart
Like waterdrops passing by
that calling sound

It seems it never stops
no matter what age I am
waiting for wonders in
a different land
What do I want to see?

Nervous heart beat
like drums far away
getting louder every day
I've got to go my way

Following the sounds
of traveing
inspired by the music
of all different kind
It does not matter where i go
I know,it will always be there

By the way if You like to know more about this little book, please get in contact with me by mail

donderdag 5 mei 2011


mijn gedachten draaien weer rond
van het ene naar het andere
wat ga ik doen
wat heeft haast
ons familieboek
het kinderboek
de tassen
of het textiel kunstwerkje
opruimen of poetsen
koken of herstellen
piano spelen
het is te veel
veel te veel
alles kan
niets moet
maar toch
alles moet af
snel, sta op en begin
iets heb ik al gedaan
dit kleine gedicht geschreven.
Jacoba B.Lange 22-05-2010