Everything that moves me

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Posts tonen met het label Photos. Alle posts tonen

donderdag 20 juli 2017

Digital Photo Art

A few people who read my blog on a regular basis, know that I love to make digital art very much. Here is a link to an old post from 2013 . This year we had a few days together with our daughter in Spain. She and my husband were collecting some small stones and try to build them together like a pilar. That was not so easy and they had a lot of fun with it. So I took some pictures and last month I made an other digital art from them. It took me quit  a while to do, but I think it is funny. And the proof: Do not believe everything You see on photos it may be all untrue.

Big stones!!!

This is how it started

woensdag 5 juli 2017

An other painting

The way to Valkenburg was okay just to find the museum in the middle of this tourist city where you can not park anywhere was really awful. But good that Dieter went with me. The space that KC61 has is at the top of the building and when I brought my work upstairs, Dieter had to bring the car to a parking lot a bit outside the center. All in all, I forgot to take pictures, so it will be Sunday when the exhibition is opened. After I finished and we picked up the car, Dieter did not know where he dropped the car. Only that it was near a castle, but yes there are more castles in Valkenburg. It took us about an hour before we found him. I had given up soon.Haha !! Because I have not taken pictures, here is another picture of an acryl artwork from Dieter which he  painted last month, in respons to our short vacation in Spain with our daughter. So also some pictures of the Costa Brava. A place where we love to be.
Costa Brava painting by Dieter Lange

mam and daughter
Dad and daughter
on the beach

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

The rain in spain.

The rain in spain , yes it did rain to day and the temperature went down about 10C. I had to put on a warm vest and we bought an umbrella so we could  at least walk a little. We went to a small Dutch restaurant and had Poffertjes a typical dutch delicious breakfast. 

When we past the large place Dieter made a picture of me in the rain and send it to our daughter in Las Vegas just to let her know it is not sunshine all the time here. In the Casa de la Cultura was an exhibition of a Spanish artist named Jordi Urbon. His work is made with photos and digital art, which I too love to make. But he is very good. He tells stories with his paintings. The Casa de la Cultura inhabited also the library and cinema's. Very modern and nice. We liked very much the part for the small children, to look in all the collections of children books. Very colorful ad clean. 
Dieters painting of the castle from Lloret de Mar
in the rain, and some digital work from me,
made this picture.

When we came to the hotel I had to make a digital work too and I think it is not so bad at all, but ofcourse I do not have all the software You would need for this kind of work.


woensdag 2 oktober 2013

A mild autumn day along the river

A lovely mild autumn day we had together with our friend Hannelore who lives in Germany only one hour away. Her garden is very nice and has an old apple tree, but what took my eyes most, were the red colors of some of her flowers still in bloom. 
vlijtig liesje

I only know the name of the"Vlijtig Liesje" .The other plant with the long petals I have no idea but it has the form of a tulip. Don't you think so too?

After our coffee and cake, we went to Dusseldorf, the sunshine over the Rhine gave us this pretty picture.

donderdag 31 januari 2013


A story about a beautiful lady, her name:Leopoldine, born around 1875, who meant to be the grandma of my husband Dieter. What is so special about her. First I found some very nice pictures of her. We made digital art out of some. Second,  I wrote a book in the form of a DVD about "125 years artistfamily Lange". Leopoldine was no artist, her parents had a mill on the donau yes they had a boat with a mill on it and went to the surrounding farmers  for grinding their grain. I found some pictures on the net. When she met Dieters grandpa who was working high on a rope and walked from church to church, she decided to leave her family and traveled with him.

So she also learned an act and became an air acrobat and sang at the same time. They started a little circus. They became 4 children and all were working as artist in the Circus of their parents and started very young.
Fam.Lange with 3 of their 4 children. Ernst Julius and Oswin.
So, Dieters father also married, her name was Louise, who was not an artist, she too went with the circus and worked as a dog trainer with 14 dogs. Than Dieter, my husbant, when we first met, I was a dancer and very attracted to him and his lifestyle and so I joined him for our lifejourney and me too learned an act and became an Antipodist.
If You like to know more about us, than click the next link, it is a blog I made before.

zaterdag 26 januari 2013

Black and White.

I love taking pictures and love colours, but I am fascinated by the effect you can create with black and white pictures and therefore I want to use simple shapes.

 With the snow still around it gave me a few beautiful shots. On the golfcourse where Dieter is member of, they have a very nice sculpture which is almost like two bodies close to each other it is made by Frans Peeters and I believe from glassfiber.

Two years ago I made the DVD from our family and there by I experimented with old photographs made in black and white and just a few details.
A very special picture to us.
Tomorrow my blog will be more colorful again, but first we will have a nice party tonight. Our friend Marij who lives next door and has a Tiffany Shop, will be 50 years and so it is dancing time.