Everything that moves me

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Posts tonen met het label Dieter Lange. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 10 oktober 2017

A surprising afternoon

Dieter my husband and I had a great afternoon last Saturday. We were invited to a reunion of dancegirls who worked with us as a show group. Dieter and I were footjuglers and also our daughter Nathaly became an artist in the show business. We started with these girls in a winter circus in a theater here in our hometown of Roermond called Cirque d'Hiver. This was a large group of about 14 girls and is 30 years ago. With a few of them we have done some good shows and now they organized this reunion for us. Fantastic how these girls grew up like beautiful ladies. With stories about life, children and business.
I was welcomes with flowers and many photos in their albums were running around. Small snacks and drinks are served. We are very greatful to meet so many good and beautiful people in life. We are really very old now, but surrounded with them made us feel young again. We had a great time. Here are some pictures of that afternoon
Reunion with our dansgirls

zaterdag 29 juli 2017

Small Art Garden

July 29th again.
That's how fast the time goes by. I wanted to write a few blogs this month and I did. Not as much as I would have had but better than not at all. So today I write something about our little garden. We are so lucky to have a place to go outside and enjoy flowers, scrubs and even a pond with some goldfish. But above all we love art and curiosities or even 'KITSCH' on the old wall around the garden. When we bought this house about 30 years ago, we thought we would close the garden so we had a bigger store. But fortunately we did not.
Dieters Art Wood Faces ith chandelier
Sometimes we go outside for dinner. Many times when people come to our gallery, they walk straight on to the garden and enjoy all the things that can be seen. Here are some pictures and I hope you like them.
Brass lizart

old copperpan with necklage
From above our chair with handpainted silk covert
Pond with chandelier

zondag 16 juli 2017

Last week arts

On sunday we had some friends to visit us. That's always nice, because we can show some of our art we've been working on last week. Dieter made another watercolor of some Lilies , on heavy watercolor paper.
Aquarel by Dieter Lange

 I was working on digital drawing on our new Ipad. I bought this ipad specifically for my hubby for Father's Day, but I'm more pleased with it. I've downloaded Pro create and love it. I use to work with Photoshop elements, but for drawing Pro create is better for me. Here some pictures:  the first one a landscape

first drawing with pro create Coby Lange

                                  and the last one was a combination of drawing and a photo.

Coby's art 

woensdag 5 juli 2017

An other painting

The way to Valkenburg was okay just to find the museum in the middle of this tourist city where you can not park anywhere was really awful. But good that Dieter went with me. The space that KC61 has is at the top of the building and when I brought my work upstairs, Dieter had to bring the car to a parking lot a bit outside the center. All in all, I forgot to take pictures, so it will be Sunday when the exhibition is opened. After I finished and we picked up the car, Dieter did not know where he dropped the car. Only that it was near a castle, but yes there are more castles in Valkenburg. It took us about an hour before we found him. I had given up soon.Haha !! Because I have not taken pictures, here is another picture of an acryl artwork from Dieter which he  painted last month, in respons to our short vacation in Spain with our daughter. So also some pictures of the Costa Brava. A place where we love to be.
Costa Brava painting by Dieter Lange

mam and daughter
Dad and daughter
on the beach

dinsdag 4 juli 2017

New art from Dieter Lange

We made many visits to the hospital in Venlo last month due to my husband's radiation. That was not easy. But I'm so proud of him that, when he was home again, he could go on with smaller and bigger paintings. Even in the hospital we had always made small sketches in an agenda.
Yesterday he painted a watercolor with beautiful soft colors for the first time.
In addition, I have today packed some of my textile artwork that I have to bring to the museum
 "Land van Valkenburg" tomorrow, which will be there until September 30, 2017. Tomorrow I hope to take some photos during the setup of the exhibition.

cherry blossom

maandag 16 januari 2017

Improving the gallery

In October we had an exhibition in our gallery Mixed media art by Monique Humblet. Nice work and nice colors. The opening was great and we had a lot of people who came to visit.

It's been awhile since I again write a blog, but it's not easy to do if you do not get enough response, so I'm not sure what to write about. Should it more personal, less writing, more pictures, who knows ???

The gallery will be enhanced if we invest in a nicer area, a small kitchen, a cozy sitting area. As the matter of fact, that's precisely what is happening right now, so I'm very excited.

Normally I do not have a New Year promises of what to do or not to do for the next year, but I started a small scetchbook Dieter my husband and I are making every day a small drawing or painting. It's so nice and cozy to sit together and paint. I love that. Here are some pictures.

Day 2  Coby aquarel
Day 4  Coby tekening
Day 10 Coby collage
Day 9  Dieter  Aquarel

dinsdag 10 mei 2016

Bevrijdingsfestival May 5 2016

Dieter My husband and I had a lot to do in the last few weeks. We prepared our Gallery for a new exhibition about Freedom. Together with our friends KC61 we filled the place with beautiful art. 

We were mentioned on Facebook by the organization of the festival, so we had a lot of people who came to us. We have many poems hanging on the wall too. 
Ben Ali Libi
Op een lijst van artiesten in de oorlog vermoord
staat een naam, waarvan ik nog nooit had gehoord
dus keek ik er met verwondering naar
Ben Ali Libi: goochelaar

Met een lach en een smoes en een goocheldoos
en een alibi dat ie zorgvuldig koos
scharrelde hij zijn kost bij elkaar
Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

Toen vonden de vrienden van de weduwe Rost
dat Nederland nodig moest worden verlost
van het wereldwijd Joods-Bolsjewistisch gevaar
zij bedoelden natuurlijk die goochelaar

Wie dikwijls een duif of een bloem had verstopt
kon zichzelf niet verstoppen toen er hard werd geklopt
een overval wagen stond al klaar
voor Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

In 't concentratiekamp heeft hij toen misschien
zijn aardigste trucs nog eens laten zien
met een lach en een smoes, een misleidend gebaar
Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

En altijd als ik een schreeuwer zie
met een alternatief voor de democratie
denk ik: jouw paradijs, hoeveel ruimte is daat
voor Ben Ali Libi de goochelaar

Voor Ben Ali Libi de kleine schlemiel
hij rustte in vrede, God hebbe zijn ziel.

Gedicht van Willem Wilmink

The mayor of our city Roermond Ms Donders, and many more of the city council came to visit and stayed a while. Best of all, the weather was soooo nice. especially our garden received much attention.
Many artist were and Mohammad Garruth a Musicien from Syrien played the UT and the flute. He fled Syrien Alleppo and now lives in the Netherlands with his wife and two small children.
All together around 60 people came. So a lot of work, tired but very happy.
The exhibition continues until May 15th.

I have another exhibition in a town nearby in Reuver I show 4 Textile quilts until the 12th. Jun in Woongoed two thousand. Also along with KC 61. I think I need a quick getaway.
Wallhanging with beads and hand quilting
My latest textile srt. Kantha stitching

zondag 17 mei 2015

Brand new atelier

What to write, so many things happened since last time. Everytime I think,"oh that's what I need to write about, but life goes so fast, the next thing is happened. So now I hope to find some easy time and start working in my brand new atelier.
After renting away our space, for many years, our studio is ours again. We did a lot of cleaning painting the walls and now since one week we are open three days a week to the public.

We had a nice opening day and three of my friends from KC61 are here in the gallery showing art until end of May.
There is Raymonde Sampers with paintings
Evelien Wink with paintings on wood and Resin Art.
Liliane Rempakis Art Papier-maché with her lovely Lounge Ladies
Dieter Lange my hubby with paintings and wood sculptures.

Me, myself just show some necklages, recycled handbags and textile art, like my small pictures from our city Roermond and Landscapes.
I'm also painting on silk and sewing in the shop as I am working on large textile art pieces for a show in September. Our citygarden is sooo very beautiful, all the rhodondendrons and azalea's are in full bloom and the roses spread their enchanting fragance. This is a wonderful spring!!

donderdag 21 augustus 2014

Time flies by.

Wow time flies by so quickly, I almost forgot to write on my blog. But You know, You want to start, but something seems to be more important and off I go away from my intentions. I'm quiet busy with sport and after one hour of Nordic Walking or 2 till 4 hours golf I'm lazy. The only thing I can do than, is making some textile art. That makes me very happy and I am glad that I still find time to make my small quilt pieces.
small dragon off to see the world. 
Dieter my hubby was also very busy, he had an exhibition with his large figures at the Golf Club Herkenbosch and was very successful.
Art Dieter Lange
One month ago I joined a Online class about weaving with Jude Hill. It is a great way to get contact with same minded people. I never did weaving before, only some beadwork. But this time I tried many new features, like basket weave  or cloth to cloth weaving and I can use many of that in my work.
Feather keeper
Basket weave

zondag 13 juli 2014

So much has happened

I hardly know where to start. So much has happened in the last 2 month. So here I go. First there was this "Proef de Lente, what means somthing like Taste the Spring, that was in Mai in the cardens of the Castle Aerwinkel. We had a very good time there. About 12 Artist showed their work and on top of that we had many stands, with interesting artifacts to sell.
Faces in between trees.
collection of fearthers in a tree
Me myself was walking through the garden in a handpainted outfit, wearing a big blue wig and carying my handpainted balloon. I was successful, especially the kids loved it, and I was surprized how careful and softly they touched the silk and played with the balloon in the wind. Lovely.
I had pickt out a very old tree to show off my other art work. Like a large quilted bird and a Canvas tree which I had made from 16 prints printed on canvas and bind them together. I was lucky that Dieter helped me on a large ladder,  to fix this work strongly in the tree.
Me with my Quiltbird and Canvas Tree
Dieter himself showed two of his large wooden sculptures, one at the entrance and an other one near a pond, and flowering scrubs, which looked great.
Wooden sculpture by Dieter Lange (Marlene Dietrich)
The weather was fine not too cold just a little windy. Many visiters came to this event.
This is it for today. I will surely write more this upcoming week. Because I am busy with some interesting stuff.

dinsdag 29 april 2014

I'am very satisfied

Not writing much lately, but whow I was working a lot last month. First I did some silkpainting to make a large kind of balloon, which is working very nice in the wind and for the next weekend Dieter my hubby and I will be showing our art at the castle Aerwinkel not far from here. Dieter will show 3 of his Faces made from wood. 
One of Dieters Art pieces.

And I made one on canvas printed tree designed from my textile art and that will hang in a very interesting large tree in the park.
Silk Art by Coby Lange

Then I got a nice letter from KC61 a group of very good artist and I am accepted in the group which is great. They too will have an exhibition  soon, but this time not yet with work from me, so I hope to be invited next time. I wil write about the artist from this group after their exhibition.
Yesterday I finished my latest artwork contemporary textile. I started in februar and did a lot of stitching. First I made a pattern from a landscape and than I worked small pieces all hand made and stitched them from top (sky) to bottom together. I am very pleased with it, as mostly I work very secure and precise. This time I wanted to work more freely. I took a workshop from Jude Hill, she workes a lot with raw edges and I tried to put this work a little into my piece.
Handmade and stitched contemporary textile art by Coby Lange

woensdag 22 januari 2014

Just a happy start

Till now this month was very busy, but also interesting I did a lot, exept writing my blog, sorry it took so long.

First I had to get my textileart to the Galery “Het Achterhuis” in Roermond. Dieter helped me very good, to bring all the pieces save to the galerie, we did not need a car because the gallerie is in walking distance and the weather was fine. The official opening was on friday the 10th. And was opened by Connie Hannen, she did a good job and there were about 55 people at the opening. We are 4 artist. Mary Jose Voncken with paintings, Yvonne Hensgens with keramiek, Marlies Lavarack with juwleries and myself with textileart and plastic recycled bags and shabby chique colliers.

We are open on Saturdays and Sundays only and that is realy nice. We got already a lot of visitors. The show will go on untill the end of january.

Than I worked also as JESTER in the theater The Oranjerie for Lachenderwies a show that runned for the 5th time and I always was the JESTER in this show.

That means to bring in the comedians by the public and bring them on stage and back again when they are ready. It means a lot of running and smiling all the times, for 4 hours, but I love it. You can find many pictures of me as JESTER on the internet just click this link. After the show, This is my face. !!!!
Water water water soap soap soap needed!!!!!

In the meantime I finished my very large quilt, I just did the binding and maybe tomorrow I still want to do some stibbeling on the machine around the borders. We will see. I love the colour combination with the gray silk around it.

I’m surprized what I will do next!!!!! I will let You know for sure it will be with some nice fabric

My Hubby Dieter, he too was working very hard on his large artpiece “The Face” I will write about it more next time.
This is just the design but it is readdy and RED

vrijdag 15 november 2013

I am so exited

I am so busy with my new digital art, that I hardly find time to write my blog. Because my husband gets all interested too and don"t know anything about computers, but has great ideas he want to accomplish and so it is up to me ofcourse to work things out. So we made an agreement, one day I will work some Art for him and the next day My computer and Photoshop is all mine!! It works, well almost sometimes he says But that You can do soooo easy!!! And I am lost again with his wishes. I should know by now after all we are working and loving each other for 50 years and so far nothing has changed. I cant help it.
So here is a photo from Dieters Art, which I made ofcourse.

Dieters idea
And this one is mine. We both wanted to do something with our pretty netsuke.
my idea
One day there was a big storm and the boats of the fishermen broke down. Then the fishes came to the fisherman and let them sit on top of them and brought them safely to the shore, to say thanks for their good behavior.
I think this is a nice story.

All my digital art is for sale, printed on archival paper. If You are interested please let m know and I will get in contact with You.

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

The rain in spain.

The rain in spain , yes it did rain to day and the temperature went down about 10C. I had to put on a warm vest and we bought an umbrella so we could  at least walk a little. We went to a small Dutch restaurant and had Poffertjes a typical dutch delicious breakfast. 

When we past the large place Dieter made a picture of me in the rain and send it to our daughter in Las Vegas just to let her know it is not sunshine all the time here. In the Casa de la Cultura was an exhibition of a Spanish artist named Jordi Urbon. His work is made with photos and digital art, which I too love to make. But he is very good. He tells stories with his paintings. The Casa de la Cultura inhabited also the library and cinema's. Very modern and nice. We liked very much the part for the small children, to look in all the collections of children books. Very colorful ad clean. 
Dieters painting of the castle from Lloret de Mar
in the rain, and some digital work from me,
made this picture.

When we came to the hotel I had to make a digital work too and I think it is not so bad at all, but ofcourse I do not have all the software You would need for this kind of work.


maandag 15 juli 2013

Happy to show some nice work of art.

I'm so proud of my husband Dieter, he seems to be always in a good mood and I know, that working with paint and making drawings is one of the reason he is like that. 
Dieter Lange
Even when we are sitting and watching TV together, he takes his aquarelblock and starts painting. It gives such a lovely atmosphere watching him next to me with his brushes and paint on the table in front of us. No he does not need an extra working space, it is right there on his lap!
Ofcourse he ask me always: what do You think of this one. Well I can tell that he is getting better everytime, so I'm happy to show some of his work here today. Mostly he takes pictures from the golfcourse in every season and get his inspiration from there.

For more information about his work, You can always reach us by email at codiart@home.nl