Showing posts with label quilting bees. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilting bees. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chevron from the Bee

Quilting Bees!!! something I had never heard of before I started my little blog. I quickly became intrigued and through a friend I landed in this fabulous bee of lovely ladies. I still have not stitched my blocks together from last years efforts but this year I am really motivated.   It's something for me, I popped along to Cloth in Surry Hills, their drool worthy fabrics are to die for and I had to come home with the heaviest bag of hand printed linen. (I tried to justify the $45m price tag with the fact that most of my other fabrics at the moment come from Vinnies) certainly made me feel a little better anyway.

The Beehive ladies have done a superb job of sewing a strip each for me. I am still waiting on a couple and a few to make myself then I'm ready to start sewing this baby together. 

I cannot take the credit for the pattern, I spotted in on this amazing blog.  Siobhan is so talented and very prolific, go take a peek! 

You like?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Beehive string block for Andi

From this To this
To this.
These blocks are for Andi for the July Beehive. My first try at a string block and I really loved it. The best thing about this quilting bee is trying many different styles. A year ago I had never even heard of most of these quilting styles. Only three months to go before we have all finished. I might just have to join another one.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Last of the April Beehive

This is my 6.5 " circle block for Tanya for the Beehive. Very quick and easy unlike the last one.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I have been busy bee hiving this week and last. This one is for Katrina in Canada, using the Amy Butler Love fabrics, a little challenging but I'm happy with the result. I did loose a couple of the points and had to unpick a couple of times. I'm sure it will sew up beautifully with all the others. It is 16.5".

And this is Tanya's block for April. It was based on a circular theme 12.5 " . I love her colour choices, all blocks are quite different so should look really good made up.
This one was much harder than it looks. I'm really not a fan of sewing circles.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Beehive for Bec

This is my contribution to Bec's month for the Beehive. It's going to be a seaside quilt for her Mother In Law. Lots of pinwheels and 9 patch squares. She will be making the "playground days" quilt from the Material Obsession 2 book. Have fun making it Bec.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh the geese!

By far my most challenging block yet. I have never used the paper piecing method before, I must say I am glad I attempted such a tricky block but am in no hurry to do another so soon. The first was obviously the hardest but the last three seemed to make a lot more sense and flowed really well. I'm really happy with it and hope Jo from our Beehive group likes it. Can't wait to see the whole thing finished.

Getting started..
Four single blocks.

Make one circle of geese..


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Meg's blocks for The Beehive

This month's blocks are for Meg in the US. She wanted a mosaic beachy feel with squares and rectangles and a little wonk.........well she certainly got wonk with these. I had lots of fun creating these blocks, the fabrics are really calming. This was my first attempt, it's a 10.5" square block.

This one is a tiny 5.5" square

And 10.5 x 5.5" it actually goes horizontal but I couldn't work out how to rotate my pic.

I love the idea that just a little bit of my craftiness will be sewn into a quilt along with lots of others and used all the way over in the US........Can't wait to see it finished.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Beehive Blocks for Belinda

These are the October installment of our Beehive group for Belinda. This was a really large block 18.5". I really enjoyed working on such a large scale and the fabrics are really sweet. This will go into a single bed quilt for Belinda's little boy.

This is a 9.5" log cabin to go into the backing of the quilt.

And a bit of a practise run which I will make a cushion for Rosa to go with her Bab's quilt.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Last of Mel's Beehive blocks

This is the third of my blocks for Mel for the Beehive group. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Now to start on October's for Belinda - a much bigger block with a boyish theme.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Beehive Blocks

I am currently working on a few 8 1/2" blocks for the Beehive quilting bee I have joined. Here are my first two blocks for Mel . This is my first foray into log cabin piecing, I really enjoyed getting away from my usual squares and rectangles (hang on...this IS squares and rectangles, but anyone who knows my style of quilting will know what I mean) and am looking forward to 12 more interesting (scary) styles.......mmmmm much to learn.. Lucky I am last on the list, I have heaps of time...(like 12months) to decide on fabrics and what style I am after.