Yesterday morning I finally finished another pile of marking (well, until mid-February anyway), and I celebrated by tidying and dusting the sitting room and then I sat down for the afternoon to work on block 2 of the
Beyond the Cherry Trees Album Quilt which, I finally finished just after midnight.I am quite pleased with this block, although I am not sure about the thickness of the embroidered stems. I used a single strand of one of the variegated silk threads I bought last weekend. I am wondering whether I should have used a double strand, but there again, the original only has a single. I will "live" with the block and see how I feel a little later.
I have already begun block 3 and, whilst I would like to say I will get it done, by next weekend, I do not want to jinx it, just in case another pile of marking shows up!
I have joined the
international group blog doing the
Beyond the Cherry Trees Album Quilt. There is much inspiration on the blog, with some wonderful colourways. I especially like the blocks that use a very "fresh" looking green, and I am looking forward to joining in on some of the discussions about the quilt itself. I am sure the blog will help me to maintain my motivation through talking with like-minded quilters.
Sharon, the "blog mother" has asked me to post some more photographs from the quilt. I have to say I am a little uncomfortable about this as I do not have Gay's permission, but here are two more pictures - the centre blocks (below) and of a block that has yet to be published (above), but I included it because it shows those devillish "fingers" on the pineapple block!

The centre block of the quilt (see above) is interesting in that the grapes are in the brown/purple one would expect, but then the centre vine is done in a light (sky) blue fabric as are the grape tendrils which have been embroidered with chain stitch. The same fabric appears in other blocks, such as the decoration on the fruit urn below the centre block.

This same plain blue fabric, which seems more "modern" than the remainder of the quilt, also appears in many Baltimore Album quilts such as the Captain Russell quilt (above) in the Baltimore Museum of Art's collection, where, amongst other things forms the blue bows in the centre of the quilt. So, based on this evidence, the colour of the blue is contemporary to the quilt.

Sadly, the very centre of the block has deteriorated, one wonders whether it held a verse and the inks used have oxidised and destroyed the background fabric? or, is it just wear and tear from being folded from the centre?
We will never know, but as I stitch these blocks, I am sure more thoughts will come to mind.
Have a good week!