Showing posts with label every-day life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label every-day life. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Arthur is now a walking 1 year old!

Arthur is no longer my little baby, he is fast becoming a walking toddler!
This video was taken a week before his 1st birthday on the 2nd of December and he's much more confident now, he's walking all around the house.. following me everywhere!! He can turn corners now without toppling over so Rose hardly ever has a moment of peace without him following her and trying to wrestle her! They are definitely ones to enjoy some rough play, if I hear Arthur crying out I'll go into the room their in and check no ones hurt and Most of the time I catch him being rougher with Rose than she is to him. He's finally getting some pay-back time are being pushed around for months by his big sister! 

I've been finishing off a few more craft projects...

I crocheted these maybelle flowers aggess ago with the intention of making them into a garland and then for a month they sat forgotten about while I got on with other things, then when I returned to finish off the garland I decided I'd actually prefer the look of them as a cushion instead. I turned the flowers into the Maybelle squares and then added a slightly floral red backing fabric and I love the way it's turn out. It now has pride of place on my sofa.

I finished off the little cardigan I was knitting for Gem's bump... it's supposed to be unisex as they don't know the sex of the baby but the blue buttons are quite floral.. Oh well, I think they look lovely. Even if the baby is a boy, a little bit of prettiness never hurt anyone! 

I came across my Best ever charity shop find the other day. I never come across items like this usually but I was obviously having a very fortunate day! This crocheted granny square throw/shawl was put in the charity shop by some crazy person and it was priced at only £7.50! I absolutely adore it and it's made with 4ply yarn so must have taken forever to make, I can't believe someone got rid of it!

Last night I finished Rose's Maggie rabbit that I'm going to give to her on Christmas day. I'm super chuffed with her because I'm not very experienced with hand-sewing but the pattern was really detailed and it was actually pretty simple! I love her... 

Our house isn't looking very festive at the moment, as we are currently going with a brown box Everywhere theme this year... we are moving on the 3rd of January (back to Dorset!) and so we are having to pack everything up in the next couple of weeks. We're going to stay with my family for a couple of day's over Christmas so at least we'll enjoy a bit of Christmas cheer there instead!

I'm so exciting about moving but also a little terrified. It feels a bit like I'm going to be starting all over again with the whole making friends thing, I hated not knowing anybody when we first moved here to Chichester but I need to remind myself that it's totally different this time. Now I have the children as a way to meet people and I'm pretty chatty, so I should make some friends quite quickly.. I hope! We have a couple of friends that will live about a 15 minute drive from us but I'd like to get settled and meet some people that live directly in my area too.. Finger's crossed. Wish us luck!


Thursday, 18 July 2013

Yarn along

This week I am joining in with the Yarn Along with Ginny over at Small Things.

We've been spending a lot of time outdoors over the last week or so, the heatwave is still in full-flow and it's pretty warm around here! It's lovely to have such nice weather but boy is it it hot! I used to be able to lie out in the sun reading my book for Hours on end before I had Rose and Arthur but now... well, when you're rushing about sorting the kids out all of the time, it's easy to just end up feeling a bit hot and bothered!

I'm knitting a Milo vest for my friends baby that is due in September. Originally I started using the same yarn to knit a vest for Arthur but it was turning out to be only Just big enough for him... and it's a bit warm at the moment to be wearing knitted vests! I just finished it off yesterday, so I will block it and take a couple of photo's for you to see.

Arthur is now on the move! He's finally and 7.5 months figured out how to roll over! He kept getting his arm stuck underneath him for a couple of day's but is now rolling back and forth, then also wriggling around in a sort of circle. It's like he just wanted to take it easy for that little bit longer before getting mobile!


Saturday, 6 July 2013


We've had the most wonderful day here today. This morning Ray went for a bike ride with Rose in her bike seat down to the canal where they fed the ducks and watched the boats going up and down the canal. He sent me a video of Rose watching a boat going by whilst they were calling over 'Good morning!' and she looked completely fascinated by it all. It also meant that I had a good hour where the house was a little quieter with just Arthur and I in. Fortunately I managed to get him down for his morning nap quite quickly which meant that after getting dressed, I actually had a little luxury Saturday morning knitting time! Always a bonus!

We went down to a Fun day fair thing that was happening just out of Chichester but returned pretty quickly as it was heaving with people and Rose, who would have enjoyed it much more than us was actually sleeping in the buggy. So after a quick wander around, we returned home (stopping off at the shop for a few picnic goodies) and got everything together to head down to a really beautiful gardens that is a short walk from our house. Unfortunately there was a huge gust of wind through the house as we were about to head out the door and our hallway door slammed on a couple of Rose's fingers. The look on her face was just awful, it must have been so so painful. Luckily there wasn't too much damage and she's just scraped a little skin from above her fingernails on two fingers. But this meant that the walk round to the gardens was a bit stressful with me pulling Rose along on her scooter while she wailed away to herself. No amount of cuddles seemed to make her feel any better, so I ended up singing a Very long version of 'Old MacDonald' to her which she just couldn't resist telling me which animals to sing about next, it didn't stop her crying but we had a little pause between the wails at least!

I'd actually choose to have a simple afternoon in a park any day over a big busy event like the one we went to first of all. It was so lovely to spent some quality time together, just us. Rose was soon distracted from her sore fingers by running around the gardens chasing her ball with either myself or Ray (a little chocolate cake may have also helped here!). It was also peaceful enough that Arthur had a huge nap in the buggy and woke up a very happy chap. I could sit and knit a few rows of Rose's cardigan and have some lovely conversations with Ray.

Apparently the weather is supposed to be beautiful and even warmer tomorrow, so I plan to spend most of my time outdoors if possible!


Friday, 5 July 2013

How 7 months has flown by...

Arthur is already 7 months old and I can't quite believe how quickly it has all gone, Rose's first year seemed to go by quite slowly looking back but with Arthur is feels like only yesterday that I gave birth to him. He's a very chunky boy now and sometimes I almost forget about what a tiny poorly baby he was, back when he was only a couple of weeks old. He's very laid-back compared to what Rose was when it comes to rolling...sitting...crawling... he's quite happy to just, lay there really! Rose will roll him onto his front and he's happy as anything giggling away with her but he hasn't quite managed to go over by himself yet. Rose goes and gives him a toy when he's upset, so I think he knows he can get away with being a bit lazy!

I seem to have finally found some motivation now when it comes to trying to lose my baby-weight. According to the scales I've lost a couple of pounds this week which is a good start, I just need to stay away from those sweet treats! I don't have a huge amount to lose... but it's so frustrating not being able to wear any of the nicer clothes in my wardrobe that I feel like putting on. I already have a limited choice of what I can wear due to breastfeeding, so it would be nice to be able to wear a few different things that I've not worn since before I was pregnant with Arthur.

The garden has gone completely wild. Everything seems to have doubled in size within the space of a couple weeks and I'm so behind on keeping on top of it all. I find it a really hard thing to get done at the moment, Rose is okay playing with me out in the garden but as we have a courtyard garden, there isn't a soft lawn to be able to lay Arthur down on and if I pop him in the Bumbo seat, he always seems to be able to reach over and grab things that I don't particularly want him putting in his mouth. My Nan is coming to stay for a few day's nearer the end of the month and she always helps me out a Lot in the garden, so I'm really looking forward to getting a bit of advice from her and finding out how to control the huge giant plants that have grown out there.

I've cast on Another knitting project... (I know, so unlike me!) and it's the Granny's Favourite cardigan from Ravelry. It's a lovely pattern, now that I've got the hang of the pattern. There is a LOT of writing to get your head around and with the huge range of sizing options, it can get a little confusing as to which numbers to actually concentrate on. I'm sure it doesn't need to be a whole Ten pages long...

A heatwave has been predicted in this part of the world over the next week, which would be a Very nice contrast to the wet weather we've had for most of the last few months. Hopefully we'll get down the beach again while the weather is nice, as Rose absolutely adores it down there... the sand does just get Everywhere though! 


Friday, 14 June 2013

Back to blogging about the little things.

I'm going to try and blog more often so that I have a record of some of the normal every day thing's we get up to. I love looking back through my blog from when Rose was a lot younger and some of the special day's out we had. We've had plenty of day's like that recently but I just haven't even thought to record them. I think you look at the little things in a totally different way when you are going to blog about them. You take photo's of the small details that would easily be forgotten about if they weren't recorded on a blog. I'm hoping this will motivate me to use my camera more. I use it so little these day's just because of the fact I usually have my phone so close to hand when I want to take a photo and so I usually end up taking most photo's on my phone. The camera on my phone is pretty good but I don't think the photo's would be of high enough quality if I wanted to get them blown up as printed photographs though...

We recently went back to stay in Dorset with my Grandparents for a few day's because it was my Great-grandad's 90th birthday and we were all having a big meal out to celebrate. I had such a lovely time being back there, I can't wait until we're living a little bit closer so that it's possible to just pop over for the day with the kids.

Rose and Arthur surprised me and were actually really well behaved for the meal. I had mentally prepared myself for the worst and thought it would be a bit of nightmare keeping them occupied and happy for the whole evening but we were relieved that they didn't play up at all!

I've been trying to use up some of my left-over scraps in my wool stash, just to have my Tiny craft corner a little more organised... I decided I wanted to knit a hat  to go with Arthur's Rocky blanket using up the wool that I hadn't needed to use up for the blanket. I used this pattern on Ravelry to get the right about of cast-on stitches for the 12 month size and then sort of made it up for the rest of the hat. It's the perfect way to use of the left-over little balls of wool and I love the scrappy look it has to it. Rowan pure wool is such a lovely yarn to knit with, not at all splitty and so soft.

Here's Arthur in the finished hat. It's supposed to be the 12 month size, so Arthur either has a very large head of the hat is a little smaller than planned. It's got plenty of stretch to it though so I think it will last him for a good while anyway...

I also knitted up this sweet little hat using some green Debbie Bliss Cashmerino aran that I had left over, it's wonderfully soft. He can either have the brim folded up like this or it looks really cute as a slouchy beany, maybe he'll wear it that way when he's a little bigger. I'd like to knit a hat for Rose now, for the winter... but at this rate she'll need a hat very soon as the weather isn't exactly sunny and warm!!

Right, well have to go now... the kids are needing my attention. Especially Arthur right now! I'll be back soon to show you a couple more things I've made.


Tuesday, 26 February 2013

I know, it's been a little while...

It's been ages since I've even been on my laptop... since having Arthur I've just not had the time really to sit down and browse blogs like I usually enjoy doing. Then we treated ourselves to an iPad and I just end up using the apps on there to quickly look up different things...

Then yesterday evening I found myself back in blogland and realised how much I've missed it. I've been on Instagram a Lot the last few months (my username is countryrosecrafts) but it's not the same kind of diary that I used to love writing on here. Being able to write as much as you want with a few select photo's, a blog is such a lovely thing to be able to look back through the archives and remember what you and your family got up to months or even years ago.

I find that when I'm writing the blog, I have more motivation to get craft projects finished. Lately I've had so many different projects on the go and not getting many finished, so I decided a couple of weeks ago that I would try and finish a few of my WIP's before I start anything else.

I Finally finished my Alice Caterpillar mitts! I will have to take some proper photo's to put on my Ravelry... I really really need to update my Ravelry page. Something else to try and fit in!

I'm trying to get this cardigan finished for Arthur. I've just got the inside border to finish off now, I spent far too long this lunchtime picking up hundreds of stitches... not my favourite part of knitting I have to say!

On another note, Rose is looking Extremely grown up these day's. She's now going to nursery school two mornings a week, she seems to come on leaps and bounds every time I pick her up!

We've been doing a spot of baking... Not helping me shed those post-baby pounds!

...and Arthur's gotten a Lot bigger. 

We had a real scare when he was around 10 day's old, he caught a nasty virus off of Rose and Ray and was just too little to fight it off. We took him into A&E (I didn't even know if he was poorly enough to take him in, I've never actually taken Rose to the Doctors...) about 3pm in the afternoon and by 10pm we were upstairs in the paediatric HDU, then by midnight that night he was transferred to Southampton Intensive care on a ventilator. I've never prayed so hard in all my life!

It really was the scariest few day's of my life so far. He actually recovered from the virus quicker than they expected him to and was only in Intensive care for a few days before being transferred back to our local hospital. As a woman that had only recently given birth to her second baby, I don't think all the extra added hormones helped me feel any better either! I was terrified that I wouldn't be able to carry on breastfeeding as it's so important to me but they had an amazing pump at the hospital and they were actually able to feed Arthur my breast milk through his NG tube. I thought he may have forgotten how to feed after so many day's without feeding from me but he was back on the boob like he'd never been away! haha

As you can see from the photo's, he's definitely fighting fit again! Thank goodness...

I plan to get back to blogging regularly again. It definitely makes me think to use my 'proper' camera more often. These day's I just end up using my iPhone but the photo's aren't as good as when I take them on the camera..

Well I hope you are all well, I'm sorry it's been so long but hopefully this will be me back blogging again. 

Love Ashley xxx

Wednesday, 5 December 2012


He's here!

I say finally but he was actually 8 day's earlier than his due date but never the less, I was still verrry relieved to have not gone over the 10th...

I introduce to you:

Arthur James, born on the 2nd of December at 3:10am, weighing in at 8lb 4oz (a little less than what the consultant said I was having... where is my gigantic baby!? After Rose weighing 9lb 3oz when she was born, I was expecting at least 10lb's!) and he's beautiful. :-)

I'm already totally in love with him and can't imagine being without him. Rose is loving him just as much, thankfully... and she's constantly wanting to give the baby cuddles and kisses at the moment. It's very sweet.

The last couple of day's have been pretty exhausting but I'm sure we'll get into the swing of things soon enough..!

Love Ashley xxx

Sunday, 25 November 2012

My attempt to get back in the blogging world before baby arrives!

So, tomorrow I will be turning 38 weeks pregnant. Believe me when I say that I already feel way further along than that though! This pregnancy has been a whole lot tougher second time round... probably mainly down to me having to care for a hyper toddler at the same time as growing this baby. I probably sound very dramatic as I know so many of you women have done exactlyyy the same thing at some point along the line. I'm an only child, where as Ray is 1 of 7 sibling's and I now have a wholeee new respect for his Mum!

I've been measuring rather big this pregnancy and at my 35 week appointment my midwife measured me as over 40cm's when I should have only been 35. This meant that I went for a growth scan on my birthday last week and the baby is actually measuring 3 weeks bigger than he should be at this stage... and apparently has a rather large head!! (Ouch!) So after having a perfect homebirth with Rose first time round, my plans have changed somewhat and instead I'll be going into the birthing centre at the hospital to have the baby. I felt quite upset about it originally but have now come round to the idea of it and after going for a tour around the maternity unit today, I'm actually feeling really positive about going into hospital. The most important thing is mine and the baby's safety and I'll still have a gorgeous bundle at the end of it all... even if he is a big bruiser! haha

So I thought I would update you all (unless you're on Instagram) on how much Rose has grown! She's now 22 months and a complete handful! She seems to have reached the 'terrible two's' a bit early and we've been having plenty of tantrums and tears around here... I have everything crossed that it's just a phase she's going through and we'll all come out of it at the end okay! One thing's for sure, she's not gonna know what's hit her when this baby brother of hers arrives!

Even though I've not been blogging much recently, I have been doing a bit of crafting... I'll give you a quick catch-up. I'm afraid these are all Instagram photo's so some of you may have seen them before but I need to get using my Canon much more again!

I made this little snuggle comfort blanket for the baby... I'd seen quite a few other baby's with them but they were sooo expensive, so I thought I would give it a go making my own instead and I was really happy with the end result.

I knit/crocheted this tea cosy for a lovely lady who's a family friend of Ray's family, she loved it which I was relieved about!

I finally got my act together and finished knitting this little cable vest for the baby. I made a couple of little mistakes on it but thankfully they don't really notice unless I were to point them right out. 

I've been working on my 'Alice Caterpillar' mitts, I've Almost finished them but am working on Christmas presents at the moment so they've temporarily been put to the side...

I started a blue baby blanket for the baby and I've actually finished it! I just need to take some good photo's on my camera to show you the end result. I knitted it in Debbie Bliss 'Glen' yarn that I bought at the Knit and Stitch show in London and am over the moon with it, it's so so soft and cosy.

I've sewn an apron for my Nan for Christmas. (I've made her aware that getting down on the floor to cut up the fabric was pretty much impossible with my size at the moment and so she'd better wear it at least once even if she hates it!)

And here are a couple more shots of Rose... just in case you forgot what she looks like! haha

(Ray took her for a trip into town yesterday to get an all-in-one rain suit, it's fleece-lined and means that she can now have as much fun as she wants splashing in puddles! Before, we were getting through countless changes of clothing because I'm just Not quick enough to keep her out of the water... seriously, she'll spot a puddle a mile off and just Run for it!

This was my size 2 weeks ago... 

...and I'm now at this stage, of feeling the size of a whale and bouncing on the birthing ball daily trying to tempt the little one to come say hello already! 

Sorry, I know it's been a bit of a long babble this post.. at least I've kind of caught up with myself now so I can get back into a regular routine with my blogging. Oh how I've missed it... :-(

I hope you are all well and I'm planning to come on by to your blogs to catch up with them too...

Love Ashley xxxxx

Monday, 24 September 2012

Pregnancy diary - Week 29

I call these the pregnancy diary posts but they are so sparse that they can't really be called that... more like 'occasional when I get my bum into gear' posts. Ah well, a couple of pregnancy posts is better than nothing and will always be interesting to look back on in the future.

I'm officially 29 weeks pregnant with our second baby today but I took these photo's during last week when I was still technically 28 weeks... so obviously I'm a little bigger now. I'm starting to feel reallllyy tired again these day's, I remember feeling really exhausted from about 7 weeks until around 12 and then it eased up slightly and I felt like I had a lot more energy. Well, that energy has now been used up! I feel absolutely fine in the mornings, it's just the afternoons that can be a bit tough as that's when Rose has her crazy hyper time and I struggle to keep up with her! We went for a walk into town and to the park this afternoon when the weather had cleared up and by the time we got home, I just felt zapped of Any energy I thought I had. It doesn't help that Rose and I are both suffering with colds, yet again. 

I feel a Whole lot bigger this time round, maybe it's because it's a boy this time or maybe it's because I'm having to carry this big bump around with me whilst I keep up with Rose. She's started to show a lot more interest in my baby bump these days and has learnt to stroke it now rather than give it a good thump! I think she just wanted to see what my reaction would be. She now seems to be fascinated by my 'outy' belly button and 'beeps' it when ever my belly is bare. I'm so excited for Rose to have a brother but at the same time I'm clinging onto these last couple of months where it's just the three of us. 

Apart from having some pelvic-pain which seems to have settled down a bit (now I'm trying to take it more easy!), I'm doing ok. Just have the general aches and pains which are normal... I never remember having any complaints when I was pregnant with Rose though, I probably did have but I'm most likely just noticing things more this time round because I'm already tired after looking after Rose. She's normally not hard work at all but she just keeps on catching these cold virus'! As soon as we seem to be getting over one cold, another one starts to show signs of appearing!

Right, time for bed for me... I'm not managing to stay up that late these days. Probably best to get in as much sleep as I can before December is here!


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