Hey Y'all,
The collaboration kit for October, Halloween Happiness, is up at Southern Comfort Scraps.
Come on by and take a look.
Things are pretty rocky for me right now. Jan is deteriorating and my heart is breaking.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Freebie and News
I forget whether I have updated you on my friend's, Jan, health progress. The doctors said 2 months unless she does radiation and chemo; she opted for both so she could be here for her family through the holidays. This is such a blow to all her family and friends.
Jan isn't the only friend with brain tumors. Our mutual friends, Karla and Sarah both have brain tumors and we lost another friend several years ago to a malignant brain tumor. How many people do you call friends that have cancer of some sort? What do you think causes these 'cluster' malignancies? I feel it is the air quality, the food pesticide contaminants, the meat and dairy hormone additives, and things like shampoo and antiperspirants which have harmful parabens and aluminums that we have been exposed to for our whole lives. My grandparents lived to be quiet old (90's) and they ate fats, sugars, and flours; smoked without restraint and generally did what we would consider suicide today! What type of lifespan are my grandchildren looking at?
Made a commercial use item last night: Embossing Overlays. While making the preview, I decided to give away the papers I made. The Overlays are gong to be at my Whisprd Designz shop today and my shop at Southern Comfort Scraps tomorrow. You can buy them at either shop for only $1!
This is the preview
You can download the freebie papers at 4Shared or MediaFire. The papers are for person use only.
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Jan isn't the only friend with brain tumors. Our mutual friends, Karla and Sarah both have brain tumors and we lost another friend several years ago to a malignant brain tumor. How many people do you call friends that have cancer of some sort? What do you think causes these 'cluster' malignancies? I feel it is the air quality, the food pesticide contaminants, the meat and dairy hormone additives, and things like shampoo and antiperspirants which have harmful parabens and aluminums that we have been exposed to for our whole lives. My grandparents lived to be quiet old (90's) and they ate fats, sugars, and flours; smoked without restraint and generally did what we would consider suicide today! What type of lifespan are my grandchildren looking at?
Made a commercial use item last night: Embossing Overlays. While making the preview, I decided to give away the papers I made. The Overlays are gong to be at my Whisprd Designz shop today and my shop at Southern Comfort Scraps tomorrow. You can buy them at either shop for only $1!
This is the preview
You can download the freebie papers at 4Shared or MediaFire. The papers are for person use only.
Hope you are having a nice weekend.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Mid-September Check-in and Freebie!
Just a quick update on things around here.
Joshua's soccer team won the match yesterday 2-1! It was an exciting game as the teams were well matched and in more ways than 1! Both teams were dressed in purple and it made for some funny confusion when passing, scoring, and making sideline kicks!
Saw my friend Jan. She happily showed me her stapled scalp where the biopsy and fluid removal of the tumors took place on Wednesday. She goes this coming Wednesday to have the staples out, to discuss Radiation and to discuss Chemo-therapy; this will happen in three separate doctors appointments spread out from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Jan is such a dear, sweet, person and I appreciate the prayers and good wishes offered up on her behalf.
It has finally cooled off down here in the Southern US and it is wonderful to sleep with some covers on! I just hope this cool weather system stays around for a while.
I have added my new kit, 'Good Morning, Sunshine!' to my shop at Whisprd Designz and, of course, it is in my original store at Southern Comfort Scraps. Go by and take a closer look at the previews when you have a chance.
I have made a quickpage for you from the Good Morning, Sunshine! kit. Here it is featuring my Joshua.
You may download it from either 4SHARED or MEDIA FIRE.
Have a great week!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
September Check-In
Hey Y’all!
I wanted to let you know about some of the things that have
been happening around here.
On the home front I have been on pins and needles and
totally sadden by the fact that my good friend’s brain tumor turned into 2
tumors that are both malignant and inoperable.
Her speech, appetite, and equilibrium have been getting worse and worse
but she didn’t seem to be plagued by the seizures as she had been in prior
years and one of her physicians felt that it was her thyroid becoming
hyper. After he put her on numerous meds
and things did not improve, an appointment was made to see her neurologist. That turned into several trips to have MRI’s
and the like, which led to the diagnosis of the development of cancer in her
brain. I really don’t understand why
some doctors feel it’s necessary to put patients through unnecessary pain and
suffering. The tumors have reached roots
way down into Jan’s brain and cannot be excised and there seems to be no hope
of recovery but her surgeon felt the need to put her in the hospital and do a
biopsy on the tumors to find out what kind of cancer they are! Hello . . . they
are growing so fast that chemo and/or radiation cannot possibly help so why put
her through that surgery? Why not let
her quality of life be better, even if the quantity is less? I guess these are
questions I will never have answered but I can tell you that I hate to see my friend
go through all this pain and suffering.
While waiting for Jan to come home, I have been working on
several projects; I have two new kits in the works and have joined another
Scrapbooking Store. During the wee hours
of this morning, I uploaded a few of my small elements into that shop at
greatly reduced prices. I think what I
will do is introduce products at Southern Comfort Scraps and then move them to
Whisprd Designz after they have aged and sell them at reduced prices. Sounds like a plan to me! The design is linked to Whisprd Designz.
I have so much to do and I just cannot seem to get my body
to do what my mind knows that needs to be done!
Joshua’s birthday is coming up and so is my friend Vicki’s mom. I need to get busy with their cards and I
think Vic’s birthday is just around the corner and Jan’s is in November
too. I also have a cyber friend that is
coming to visit me in October, and I have been diligently trying to get all
this Social Security and Medicare stuff done. Whew! I make myself tired just
thinking of it! For you youngsters, when
you get up into your sixties, things that use to be just drops in the bucket
now take on enormous porportions that are really hard to accomplish, at least
for me!
I hope to get everything accomplished and make up a couple
of freebie quickpages soon. Y’all take care of yourselves and pray for my Jan.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Operation Smile Campaign!
Hey Y'all,
Please take a few minutes of your time and read about this wonderful campaign:
September is Craniofacial Awareness Month. So, help us, help Doctors, give children with cleft lips and palates and other craniofacial issues, in underdeveloped countries, new smiles. All proceeds from the sale of this collab go to Operation Smile. The poster is self explanatory (but you can get a better look at the shop) and when you make a donation you actually receive something in return besides the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping young people all over the world.
Just click HERE to be taken to the Southern Comfort Store to donate! Thanks in advance for your participation in this worthwhile cause.

Please take a few minutes of your time and read about this wonderful campaign:
September is Craniofacial Awareness Month. So, help us, help Doctors, give children with cleft lips and palates and other craniofacial issues, in underdeveloped countries, new smiles. All proceeds from the sale of this collab go to Operation Smile. The poster is self explanatory (but you can get a better look at the shop) and when you make a donation you actually receive something in return besides the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping young people all over the world.
Just click HERE to be taken to the Southern Comfort Store to donate! Thanks in advance for your participation in this worthwhile cause.
September's Store Collaboration's Here!
Hey Y'all,
Southern Comfort Scraps September Collab 'Rainy Days & Monday's is now available in the Store:
This month's collab is brought to you by four of our great designers. They got together to make this lovely kit of blues and golds. Some things you might think of on those rainy Mondays from whimsical to Victorian, frogs and umbrellas, or even going up into the attic and digging through some of those old treasures you have stored! Who knows what you might want to do on those rainy days? Over 45 papers and over 50 elements. PU
Southern Comfort Scraps September Collab 'Rainy Days & Monday's is now available in the Store:
This month's collab is brought to you by four of our great designers. They got together to make this lovely kit of blues and golds. Some things you might think of on those rainy Mondays from whimsical to Victorian, frogs and umbrellas, or even going up into the attic and digging through some of those old treasures you have stored! Who knows what you might want to do on those rainy days? Over 45 papers and over 50 elements. PU
Spend $8 anywhere in SCS and get this collab free. CODE: sept_2011_collab_free
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