Are you ready? I'm almost finished with the little things I wanted to do for my family for Christmas. Joshua's little treasure box is reassembled and is awaiting one last coat of finish. Wrapped most of the gifts and only have a couple left. Other than picking up a few small things for the children and making the menu for Christmas Eve not much left for me to do. I love it when things fall into place and I'm not rushed or being pushed over the edge because I waited too late to do all I wanted to do!
Here's some pix of the little boxes I made. Both of them have been sprayed with the gold Glimmer Mist from Tattered Angels. It really makes them sparkle under the Christmas lights! I love the gold much better than any other color; hope you can see it in these pix.

I took another pic of the butterfly box that I hope is better than this one but forgot to bring it downstairs with me.
Joshua's little treasure box started out as a wooden box in the raw and I sanded and painted and put little stickers on the insides that depict the things he loves to do or just plain loves. I'd show you the finished product but it has to wait to dry and get another finish layer. I was really good about sanding between coats this time (I'm famous for rushing to the finish line and foregoing the sanding) and I hope it stands up to the test of time.
I've been getting a little "maudlin'" lately. I find myself thinking of my mother every day and wondering if I'll live longer than she did. She was 73 when she died which is a little over 10 years from now for me. I guess when you get older and you're having a good time the thought of your life ending pretty soon is a real downer. I'm not ready to go yet; there's so much more that I want to see of this world and people I want to love for longer and friends I want to make. Told you I was "maudlin!"
On a happier note, we heard from Lynn's long lost brother yesterday and he's coming to see us in February! I'm really excited to see him since I never see my brother who I haven't heard from in over a month. Kimberli is preparing for her trip to Virginia to see her dad and his family; she wanted to see her sister but I don't think that's going to happen. At least she will be back in time to spend Christmas Eve with us!
Gotta go-I'll get the pix from upstairs and post them soon! Happy Holidays!