Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It's Open!

Hello everyone!

Well, my shop has finally opened even if there is only one product in it! The reveal of the shop:

Southern Comfort Scraps

My one and only product is some doodles and brushes.  Yes, I have been working on stuff but you would not believe how complicated and mind numbing it is to learn a whole bunch of new things at one time as in Zen Carts, ftp upload sites, preview loading, description, and attribute links. Whew!  Can't say I did a good job on putting this little product in my shop; it ended up that the shop owner (kudos to Echo) fixed my Zen Cart for me. Duh  . . . can you say dunce?

Anyway, the doodles are clean and large and can be used in many different ways; I colored one and included it in the download.  It is really simple to color them.  Jut put a layer Under the doodle (Cntrl and click on the new layer icon and a new layer goes under your current layer) and color on this layer with your brush, simple!  You can also use a clipping mask above a doodle and use color or designs (papers) for clipping and also styles work beautifully.  Another option is to use the brushes in your color of choice using the color picker and even coloring these after stamping.  You can set the brush attributes so that you can get random sizes, random amounts, and directions or even dual brush attributes; have fun and experiment!

Please drop by my shop HERE and have a look.  I am planning on having a lot of kits and elements in there soon.  Don't forget that I will need a Creative Team so if you would like to get my products free by joining me send me an email to me at: countryliv at yahoo!

Hugs and thanks for being here!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Another Free Doodle Gift

Hi Y'all!

Hope you've been having a super weekend.  The weather here in North Carolina was totally awesome today with lots of sunshine and warm temps!  Yesterday I went to Concord to watch my grandson, Joshua, play his first baseball game of the season and it was so windy and cool up there that I had on a quilted vest and a coat! The weird thing is that Concord is only 45 minutes away from my house.  I still enjoyed watching that little fellow play; he is such a 'hot dogger' at any ball game but especially baseball which is his greatest love.  He plays in the catcher position and does it with such style and precision for an eleven year old that it is amazing!  I forgot my camera so Kim took one photo with her cell for me-now if she can just figure out how to download it to her PC and email it to me :)

The doodles I made this time are for borders and corners and can be used for layout pages or frames on those pages or even on your hybrid digital projects.  I colored most of those on the preview so that you could get an idea of how they can look if you want to color them.  I colored mine by making a blank layer above the doodle I wanted to color and used either a solid brush or a gradient to color where I wanted to (it helps to temporarily lesson the fill percentage so you can see the doodled through the colors). I then hovered my cursor between the two layers and Alt clicked to make a clipping mask after which I then applied the mask if I liked the results. I know this works in PS CS and up but I am not real sure about how to go about it in PSE though I know it can be done!  The doodles are in .psd and .png so you may use them in most scrapbooking software.  This preview is clickable so that you may get a closer look.

The link for:  4shared                    The link for:  MediaFire

Enjoy and check back with me soon for more freebies!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Doodle Freebie

Hey Y'all,
Have you noticed how popular doodles have become to embellish scrapbooking pages with lately?  Have you also noticed the prices? Well, I was thinking that it would be a breeze to make up a doodle freebie for you and it would be el cheapo . . . free! Imagine my surprise when I began designing and making my doodle elements to find that They Are NOT A Breeze To Make! LOL!  The lines need to be smooth, accurate, and of the correct weight and you also have to make masking templates for the color fills in case there is someone out there that doesn't know how to color in a doodle and there are numerous layers to flowers.  Anyway . . . I made mine and have uploaded them for you at Media Fire HERE and 4Shared HERE.

Here's the preview:

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend, it is cold and rainy down here in God's Country.