Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label calendar. Show all posts

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Feelings Everyday?

Wouldn't it be nice if Christians treated everyday like they do Christmas? We are all wandering around wishing everyone a merry day and peace on earth, goodwill toward men. I think it would be wonderful, to care and love each other in that way and maybe it would even spill over onto other religion's worshipers and to animals too. What a wonderful world it would be! No matter your religious affiliation or lack thereof, I hope you have had an awesome love and joy filled week!

This week's blog gift is a calendar for the month of January 2014; this week's newsletter gift will be a calendar for the month of February 2014. I will be adding the rest of 2014's calendar pages as the year progresses but if you don't want to wait, I plan on putting the set into my stores soon.

Just a reminder:  I am taking a break for January and February so there will not be any more Sunday freebies until March. The newsletter will go out next week and the first week of February so we will still have the Loyalty Lottery.

Click on the link below the preview to get January's calendar page.

Remember to have your pets spayed or neutered!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Final Installment of 2011 Calendar

Evening, friends!  
Here are the links for Part 3 of my 2011 Calendar freebie that I promised.  If you do not have parts 1 & 2, those are still available.  The link for Part 1 is in the December 14 post and the link for Part 2 is in the January 20 post.  I very seldom close a link so if you see anything else you would like to have just click the links!

The 4Shared link is HERE

The Media Fire link is HERE

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Part 2 of my Christmas gift to you

Hello folks.  Just dropping by to post the links for the months of July and August 2011 calendar Freebie.  For those of you who do not have January through June please see the previous post for the links. I hope to finish up with the remainder of 2011 soon.

MediaFire - click this:

Hope all is well with you; I am doing pretty good though I am so busy that I haven't even had time to talk on the phone with my friends and family!  That's a 'good thing' since staying busy is suppose to add to your longevity!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Gift for You!

Hello my faithful blog friends.

It’s been many months since I have had the time or inclination to update my blog or to even make any graphics to share with you.  A lot has happened, some good, some bad, but I am thankful that I am able to wake up each morning looking forward to the day.  That has not always been the case, with me, and life is a joy when the future looks promising.  No, we still do not have gainful employment in our house but we are doing our best to make the most of what we have.

My daughter, Kim, is doing much better now than she has in years; praise God!  The feeding tube was removed from her abdomen and she is doing well with the surgery to widen the stomach opening every 90 days.  She has become stronger, has a new love interest, and looks forward to her days too.  My granddaughter, Suzy, has moved back to North Carolina from her bio-Mom’s in South Carolina.  My grandson Joshua is doing wonderful in school and we are so proud of the young man he is, as he has had some tough things to overcome in his eleven years! He remains a very bright spot in my life!

My daughter, Suzi, still lives in Virginia with her husband and children.  My grandson, Timothy, is now 21 and I expect to hear that he will be getting married soon.  My granddaughter, Tabitha, is having some problems with school but remains positive about it and her future.  She stays in close contact with me, much to my surprise (she is sixteen!) and delight.

As I was coming up to this age, I never saw myself as someone’s grandmother; I certainly never thought I would enjoy being one either! Surprise, surprise! Grandchildren are wonderful.

I sincerely hope you all have not forgotten me or think that I have forgotten you either. Who would have thought I would be able to make you a small graphics gift at this time of year?  It has taken me over a month to make six months worth of an 8.5 x 11 inch calendar!  I am calling this Part 1 with the hope that the last six months, Part 2, will be finished by the end of January 2011. I like this size calendar page because I print one out each month and hang it on the back wall of my computer desk where it is available ‘at a glance.’ This size is also great for resizing to wallet size.  Hope you enjoy using it.


Merry Christmas to all of you and may God grant you peace and joy for 2011.