Hello Friends and Fans!
Well another week older and not much to show for it, how about you? My home is still a wreck from the termite treatment and waiting around for people to help out is evidently a waste of time! :) I will take care of it all eventually and of course no one is going to come by and rob me of the work!
Minnie is still doing fine. My great grandsons are doing well too. My little Gavin won his Power Wheels race last night! At three years old (just barely) he is amazingly focused and purposeful and one of the sweetest little boys you would ever want to meet. I am looking forward to seeing what an awesome young man he will be.
My other little one, Jase, is growing up out west but we do get photos of him almost daily thanks to camera phones and email.
My friends Chris and Richard are back from their vacation to the Isle of Wight and sent me some beautiful photos too.
I uploaded a template this week and have been working on a set of layout templates.
I have a little mini kit for you this week; just click on the link below the preview to download.
Come back soon and remember . . . have your pets spayed or neutered.