Showing posts with label blog gift. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog gift. Show all posts

Saturday, October 31, 2015

All Aboard the Berry Applicious Blog Train

Hello Scrappers,

Come hop aboard the Berry Applicious Frosted Winter Blog Train.
Train Rolls 1st Nov.
Please Leave The Designers A Little Love If You Download There Products
Remember we are all in different time zones, so if a part is not posted, 
please check back later.
Here are the train stops:

Here is my contribution to the blog train. Hope you like it!

You can download this gift HERE and use the Password: Winter

Hope you enjoy this little gift!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hi friends! So sorry for the late posting. Things have been out of my control again today but I finally got a minute to myself and made you a page border that goes with the upcoming ScrapBird Birthday, Download-A-Day, freebie that you can get in the month of December. The free collab is called Hot Chocolate; I hope you like my work and this gift and will come back soon!

Sorry Expired!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday September 7, 2014!

Oh my goodness! Do you realize it is almost 2015? I have barely gotten used to using 2014 on everything :) The older you get, the faster time goes by. Birthdays, Christmas, and the school years tumble into each other at such a pace as to go by as a blur when you are in your sixties! One good thing about that is when you get a cold or the flu, it is just a blip in your time frame!

Sorry about last week's post.  My sinuses were acting up again and I couldn't see out of my right eye so you got the freebie, but not the post! Hmmm . . . that could be a good thing too!

I have some new products spread around my digital stores; the last three are only available at Digi Style Designs this month.  Here are the previews.

Today's freebie is a stacked paper and a frame. Click on the link below the preview to download. Enjoy!

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

8/10/2014 Sunday Blog Gift

Hello friends!  Hope all is well with you and that you have been treating yourselves well. Minnie is doing fine, though, rather perturbed with me since I haven't been able to take her for long walks. I have still been having some health problems, but life goes on, so I did do some designing this week; I made another set of layout templates. These templates are more versatile than the Song In My Heart templates simply because they do not have hearts on them. Hope you like them and will go to your favorite store and purchase them!

This week's blog gift is a set of full size Gingham papers in the smallest of checks. There are 7 in this group and 7 more in tomorrow's newsletter :)  Be sure and sign up for the newsletter and confirm your subscription.

This is the newsletter set:

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Gift Time

Hello Friends & Fans! Time for your weekly blog gift. This week's gift is a set of Halloween brushes and png images; the newsletter will have the other half of the set tomorrow. Speaking of the newsletter, if you haven't signed up and confirmed your address you will not be able to participate in the Loyalty Lottery so sign up today!

No new products this week, I have been sick the entire week :(

Come back and visit soon.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Blog Gift

Hello Friends and Fans! How are y'all doing? It's summer here in the Southern US and we have been inundated with late afternoon thunderstorms; it certainly keeps us aware of Mother Nature's power! They cool things down a bit but also necessitates powering down the PC, which is very irritating to me. Minnie has been doing well. My daughter, Kimberli, is getting closer to the date of her major eye surgery which is to take place on the 30th of this month and has us all stressed. I am doing fine.

I completed a set of layout templates and am currently working on another set. This first one has lots of optional goodies for you to choose from! Please visit any of my personal use shops, linked in the sidebar, to get yours.

This week's blog gift is another mini-kit for you :)  Just click on the link under the preview photo to download.

This is a preview of this week's newsletter gift; hope you are subscribed and have confirmed your email address!

Thanks for coming by! Please visit my stores!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Just A Little Bit

Hello Friends and Fans!

Well another week older and not much to show for it, how about you? My home is still a wreck from the termite treatment and waiting around for people to help out is evidently a waste of time! :)  I will take care of it all eventually and of course no one is going to come by and rob me of the work!

Minnie is still doing fine. My great grandsons are doing well too. My little Gavin won his Power Wheels race last night! At three years old (just barely) he is amazingly focused and purposeful and one of the sweetest little boys you would ever want to meet. I am looking forward to seeing what an awesome young man he will be.

My other little one, Jase, is growing up out west but we do get photos of him almost daily thanks to camera phones and email.

My friends Chris and Richard are back from their vacation to the Isle of Wight and sent me some beautiful photos too.

I uploaded a template this week and have been working on a set of layout templates.

I have a little mini kit for you this week; just click on the link below the preview to download.

Come back soon and remember . . . have your pets spayed or neutered.


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Blog Gift

Hello friends and fans. I haven't been able to design this week because of having to deal with termite treatment of the house. Grrrr . . .  Hate that all that money has to go to something that never should have happened in the first place. I did put together a gift for you though and hope you can put it to good use.  Just click the link under the preview for the download.

Thanks for coming by!


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Sunday July 6, 2014

Hello Friends,

I have designed a few things over the last week because of some health problems I didn't do much more than sit at the PC. I have several freebies/gifts for you this week since I was unable to post last Sunday or do the newsletter on Monday.  First up are my new products which you can purchase in any of my personal use stores [Berry Applicious, Digi Style Designs, Lollipops 'n Gumdrops, ScrapBird, and Scrapping Your Memories] Links are located in the side bar. Then some commercial use that you may purchase at Digital Designer Resources or Raining Digitals.

I made a 4x6 pocket layout with my Paris page kit and Embossed Papers then I made the layout into a 4x6 page template for you.

The other products:
Available @ Digi Style Designs

Commercial Use:

I have the last two months of my 2014 calendar ready for you also. Normally I put one on the blog and one in the newsletter but I am offering them both in both venues.


Thanks for coming by and remember to have your pets spayed or neutered for a longer, happier, life!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Gift Time!

Hello friends,

Another sweltering week for us in the deep south of the US; temperatures in the 90's (32C).  Minnie and I have been staying inside most of the week because of the heat but also because I still cannot be in the sun with these infected sinuses. I haven't designed a thing all month, haven't posted on Facebook, or answered any email; it has been the pits but if it is all I ever have to put up with then I am doing pretty doggone good, comparatively speaking :)

I have a tag cluster for you today. Don't have a clue what I will do for the newsletter tomorrow. Hope you have a good week!