Showing posts with label Marina Capano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marina Capano. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Hello Y’all! Can you believe it? The gorgeous and wonderfully talented Marina Capano (Argentina TV Star!) of Only Cute Things has awarded me two, TWO!, Blog Awards! How sweet is that? I’m not sure I really qualify since I haven’t posted much lately, but, hey – I’m flattered and excited about it so thank you so much Marina! Here goes . . .

The rules for receiving this award are:

1) Put the logo on your blog.

2) Add a link to the person who awarded it you.

3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.

4) Add links to those blogs on yours.

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Now I have the honor of selecting some other inspirational and talented artists to pass this award along to.
I will begin with the most inspiring and beautiful blog I have ever had the pleasure to frequent:

M. Kate of La Vie Est Belle

and then on to one of the most creative, talented, and generous women in the world:

Vicki C of This Art That Makes Me Happy

and I mustn’t forget the creative and intuitive writings of:

Ro of Life Muses by Ro

or the decorating and gardening diva:

Donna Lynn of Blushing Rose Antiques

And the supreme designing talent of sweet:

Kara W of My Studio Pink

and, of course, the Digital Designing Queen herself:

Flergs (Megan) of Flergalicious

who could leave out the multi talented artist:

Laurie of Laurie’s Charming Designs

and last but certainly far from least is the ever entertaining as well as talented:

Rachel of A Romantic Porch!

Each and every one of you ladies has made my life better for knowing you and I appreciate your talent and friendship. So many times in the last few months, you have made my way in life easier and more pleasant so I feel you deserve both of these awards. So take a bow you Cyber Princesses!


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tagged Again!

Being tagged seems to be going around again. Ms. Vicki C got me again so I have to come up with 7 weird things about me (which shouldn't be at all hard to do) and then see if I can come up with 7 lovely people to tag and link to.
Hmm . . . let's see.

1. I love tv shows and movies about outer space and inner space. i.e., Galactica, Star Trek DS9, Star Trek Voyager, Stargate, Stargate Atlantis, CSI (all), Grey's Anatomy, ER. I really love watching television.

2. Before I got old and decrepit, I did all the plumbing, carpentry, and electrical repairs around the house. I once built a shed that I designed and drafted the plans for.

3. The kids in my neighborhood in Virginia called me the 'bird lady' because my yard and trees stayed full of birdies and when I went outside and whistled they came flocking down to me. My backyard was strictly for the wildlife.4. I love flip flops and crocs; I have 32 pair of flip flops! Also my feet are too small; I wear a child's 3 or Women's 4.
5. I am uncomfortable in clothing, especially underwear, that has thick seams and I will wear them inside out if I'm staying at home! LOL!

6. My Mom grew up in Black Mountain, North Carolina, and one of her playmates was Billy Graham. (not weird, just interesting?) A few years back, I visited the area and found the church where my grandmother was buried about 80 years ago!

7. When I was a child, my brother and I would go to the creek and catch tadpoles so we could watch them grow into frogs (me too, Vicki!); we loved to catch lightening bugs (fire flies) on hot summer nights and pull off their tails and stick them all over our bodies so we would "glow" in the dark! This seems very cruel to me now, but back then a lightening bug necklace was very cool indeed; we also caught June bugs and tied a thread to one of their hind legs and let them fly around and around our heads while we pretended to be helicopters! Really, y'all, there wasn't any TV so we had to amuse ourselves somehow!

Now, who to tag?

The lovely Donna Lynn, Blushing Rose Antiques, who is not only a mom to men of stature but is really a southern belle at heart (even if she doesn't know it!).

Ms. Kara Ward, My Studio Pink, who is a designing queen, super mom, and all around diva!

The totally fabulous, talented, and beautiful Megan Farrow, Flergalicious, (aka Flergs the digi designing queen).

The adorable, talented, and sweet Ms. Deb S, Union Street Musings, who is a good friend to have around when your ego needs stroking!

Ms. Laurie of Charming Designs who has the market cornered on little lovelies that pull on your heart strings.

The oh so capable renovating diva, Rachel of the Romantic Porch.

And last, but not least, Marina Capano of Only Cute Things, decorative artist, decorator, TV star, sweet friend, and mother.

Well, ladies, please play along with the rest of us. You must list 7 little known facts about yourself, link back to me as the tagger, then choose seven people to tag, list their names and link to their blogs and notify them that they've been tagged. Okay, so perhaps this is the last time I get tagged? I don't know if I want to reveal anymore weird facts about myself! Y'all have a great weekend!


Marina Capano's Open House

These are the links to the participants: (don't forget to see mine in the previous two posts!)
Jorgelina (Argentina)
KarenHarveyCox ( (Pennsylvania-Estados Unidos)
MARISA,el rincón de mi niñez (Argentina)
Sophee-a Laroo Bijoux and Sheri too (California-Estados Unidos)
Tracie (California -Estados Unidos)
Country Liv . . .(north Carolina-Estados Unidos)
Adeline Country Cottage (Australia)
Vintage Tea (Reino Unido)
Kitem (Francia)
Lola Enchanted (Ohio-Estados Unidos)
CIELO (Estados Unidos)
Brisa de Amor (Argentina)
Debbie (EstadosUnidos)
Ms Dragonfly (Estados Unidos)
kotto (Chile)
titicandia (Chile)
Wood n' Whimsy (Estados Unidos)
BeachysCapeCodCupboard (Estados Unidos)

Vintage Home Lifestyle (Estados Unidos)
Monica (Argentina)
Montserrat (España)
cecilmil (Estados Unidos)
Marina (Venezuela)
M.KATE (Malasia)
Rosamary (Barcelona-España)
LW (Estados Unidos)
Nicky (Belgica)
Creating Myself (Texas-Estados Unidos)
Marina (Estados Unidos)
LiLi M. (Holanda)
SILVIA (Argentina)
María Elena (Chile)
Natasha Burns (Australia)
Fabulous Finds Studio (Estados Unidos)
Luciana Grassi (Argentina)
steviewren (Alabama-Estados Unidos)
Lynne Laura (Estados Unidos)
Daisys Little Cottage (Estados Unidos)
Susan Tuttle (Estados Unidos)
cindy (Estados Unidos)
rivergardenstudio (Estados Unidos)
Karla´s cottage (Estados Unidos)
Susana (Argentina)
Angela (España)
Mya (Estados Unidos)
Mis Laurence (Estados Unidos)
Seeb (Estados Unidos)


Have a happy time!

Some More Photos

As promised in the earlier post today, here are some more photos of my home for the Open House Party that Marina Capano (Argentina TV Star!) is hosting. Be sure and go to her blog to get the links for the other participants from around the globe! These photos really aren't that good because I cannot find the stabilizer on this new camera! LOL! Maybe I should read the operating instructions.

Except for my room and my studio, the house is done in red, white, and blue! The living room has a 'jungle' theme. I was going for an 'Out of Africa' style. Parts of it work and parts don't.This little 'music set' was found at a yard sale a long time ago!I reupholstered this wing chair myself. I was really proud of the job I did; I had only watched TV to learn how to do it!

This sofa table works better to define the walk through than it does behind the sofa.I like decorative balls too!This shot of the living room is taken from the breakfast room.Part of the kitchen. See, I told you I decorated in red!This is the den taken from the breakfast room also. I like to read, you think?These are more shots of the dining room; this one is the breakfront.
I love tassels so they are found in most every room.These plates are very special to me. The redware belonged to my Mother's Mom, whom I never met as she died right after Mom was born. The bowl was another gift from Lynn's Cousin Eleanor.I use to crochet and cross stitch before my hands got so bad. I made these for the entry way.I designed and made the mirror frame and the swags in the powder room.I hope you enjoyed the tour of my little home. I couldn't show you all of it because I'm a lousy housekeeper and I didn't want to embarrass myself! Be sure and look at the post before this one, as it has the photos of my favorite place: my bedroom.


Sorry! I forgot about the House Party!

I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached so securely by this fat neck of mine! Today is the House Party hosted by the beautiful Marina Capano of Argentina. Marina wants us all to share our favorite space with photos but silly me forgot so I had to rush these shots (okay, I know I'm no photographer!) for the blog hop. Marina has a lovely home that she has decorated and shared with love; please don't let my inability to remember spoil your blog hopping! Go to Marina's site and check out all the links from around the world!

One of my favorite places to relax and sooth my soul is my tiny little bedroom. It has my ugly but oh so comfortable Tempurpedic Adjustable Bed that I simply cannot live without. I made curtains, bed hangings, and tabletop covers from some Laura Ashley fabric that I fell in love with years and years ago. After I post this quickie, I will go and take some more photos. I could not get my best camera to function today-don't know what the problem is. Here is a photo of my bedside table with my collection of family photos. This will be changing soon as I am in the process of making a wall hanging to go near here with these photos.

This is my lovely wicker rocker that my good friend Ginni gave to me several years ago. I like to sit there and have a cup of tea and read my Photoshop magazines. The dresser is an antique that was given to me by Cousin Eleanor of my friend Lynn.

You can see one of my baby dolls behind the little boudoir lamp.

This is my dining room. The buffet , breakfront and table were also given to me by Cousin Eleanor! I had them reconditioned and purchased the chairs and had them finished to go with the set. As you can see it is a sunny Carolina day!

I'm going to go and take some more photos.
