Showing posts with label Frame Cluster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frame Cluster. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Freebie and News

Hey Y'all!

Well, I guess you thought I got a job or something! Nope.  My 'good' news that I wanted to share was that I was asked to join a shop as a designer. I was so excited . . . but, alas, no.  Everything seemed to be going fine and then . . . nothing.  I guess they decided that they didn't need me after all. Oh well, if it was meant to happen it would have.

Looks like Carolina is about to suffer through some more storms in the next few days.  My front garden was just recently designed and planted and I hope I don't lose it to bad weather.  Once it gets established, I will take some photos to share.

Went to Winston-Salem last week with Kim; she had to have one of those nuclear digestive test.  She is 10% better than she was last year which is remarkable!  The surgery she had in February didn't work. She is doing well otherwise though this stomach thing gives her a fit sometimes.  She also became a dog mommy for the 5th time!  She has a little toy Brindle Manchester that looks exactly like a Hyena to me! Never seen a Brindle in any dog breed except boxer. One day I'll get photos of her too. So the count is: 5 dogs, 3 cats, 2 children, and a grandchild on the way.  Yes, I am formally becoming a great grandmother (I think I already am and no one has bothered to tell me).

Joshua is doing great with his baseball; he is such a jock.  The biggest problem he faces now is his anxiety; divorce plays havoc with children's psyche.  He is doing really great in school though.

Okay, so I made a frame cluster with some pieces of my Summertime kit.  I love these colors and hope you like them too!
No longer available!
Look for it in my shop soon!

Please leave me a comment; I love reading what you have to say about my work. 

Thanks! Have a great week.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Oh, looky, looky! There have been two (yes, that's 2!) people who have used my designs on their crafting blogs this week! I am so excited to have someone actually let me know how much they liked my designs.

The first one was by Golden at the Gold Dust blog HERE.  She used my Easter frame in a tutorial that turned out simply marvelous.

The second one was Diane of Pittypat Paperie who has a great crafting blog HERE. Diane used my Easter eggs from year before last to make some hybrid covers for lollipops! So outrageously cute you just have to check them out.

Please drop by these blogs and let these ladies know what a great job they are doing!

Friday, April 8, 2011

April Love

Remember that lovely tune by Pat Boone?  No? I'm not surprised as most people who are interested in blogs and digital scrapbooking are much younger than me and have no idea who Pat Boone is or what April Love is!  Don't know where the thought came from and why I am rambling but hey! its my blog. LOL!

My Tabba called tonight.  I haven't heard from her in a week and I was just starting to get concerned about her when she called.  I know how busy 16 (almost 17) year olds can be so I tell myself not to start to panic until it has been at least 10 days! Very, very difficult sometimes.  She has been getting up and going to bed early and applying herself more to her school work than her social life . . . not completely true but close.  She has a new love interest (April Love?) and she needed to tell me about him.  She's so good about sharing her life with me; my other, older, grandchildren don't contact me at all! Tabitha is a sweet, kind, caring, and thoughtful young lady-most of the time. Her mother is very lucky to have such a child as Tabba and she wasn't that type of child at all! :)

Here's the main reason for my post: A Freebie!  Yep, I made another because it struck me that I have never made a frame cluster freebie before; I've made them for myself but not for my followers.  So I have now remedied that!

I made this one because I remembered that we sometimes have portraits made for Easter and it would be nice to add them to our scrapbooks as well as to our walls.  I hope you can use this one; all parts were designed and made by me except the flowers but I took the photos and extracted them!

Go HERE for 4Shared                        Go HERE for Media Fire

I hope you have an awesome April weekend, whether it is the beginning of Spring or Fall in your part of the world.  We are expecting temperatures in the 80's down here in Carolina!
